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New life for acrylic tank

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So we started cleaning over the weekend. My son didnt want to stop til we got to this point! He is currently digging out snails from the 20 gallon and a couple shrimp! We have had dreams of getting this out of the attic for 10 years. We had it set long before kids. About 25  years ago! Kids have found great enjoyment in this aquarium adventure since we set up our 20 gal. We mixed red seachem fluorite and what i had left of eco-planted then capped with pea gravel from lowes and accented with some washed pool sand. Still a little cloudy from fluorite. Would like more plants. Need light and heat still. The goal is to add dwarf cichlids(pisto,rams, krabenza), congo tetras, golden wonder killifish, furcata rainbow, pencil and a few other favorites...corys snails ect. Starting with congo tetra. I would like platty or molly not sure if that would work. If any have experience with this combo i would love to read it! 20210618_182711.jpg.12b6ea2845cb61c0f7a7ded8e5b4e7f3.jpg20210620_123622.jpg.0fa7f8e7d0e247214889e446c26f367d.jpg20210621_125654.jpg.c4f3dec263b2a9c5160f4dfdcf88edc7.jpg20210621_125410.jpg.4b9df05cb942a844a4ad800b8d61557f.jpg20210621_125640.jpg.7495c419fad4eb689a507db976975dd0.jpg20210621_125615.jpg.117d7eeafef54fe0bac355f70b341939.jpg

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  • 1 month later...

Added plants this week! Only shrimp and snails so far. Getting some brown algae on the front of the glass. We may start with some blue spotted something rather 🥴 corys. They are so pretty. The lfs keeps them. They are so pretty! Then perhaps bolivian rams. With the algae though I may start with an algae eater.(suggestions on that?) I also feel it needs more foreground plants. 

And if anyone could identify the single sprig of a plant that is enlarged that would be great! It must have gotten tangled with the hornwort! 

Thanks! 20210721_072459.jpg.34053dea0cab92ec65f671ddbb5c8825.jpg20210721_072425.jpg.04684cf782e6e3d61bea1e038314ce19.jpg20210720_133512.jpg.79724c099acb027ee8b54459f2575c52.jpg20210720_133407.jpg.989ae151ee1a3cf9ed45f5b894e45a7d.jpg20210720_133425.jpg.2bfa0749cff37a56c69aad726718d363.jpg20210720_133437.jpg.a40c36f270c9c91d9ef5287f4a47b8e9.jpg20210720_133456.jpg.9ecf53fb207cac5c77c4b4b0c340e349.jpg


Edited by Sweetpickles
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Added some new friends on Friday! A pair. This was taken on saturday. They are finally getting comfortable in their new home. Maybe I will be able to get a picture of both together. I was going to start with corys but the lfs said they dont always have bolivian rams in stock and these were a size that was easier to sex rather than if he spec ordered some. Rams are what I wanted to build this tank around so I guess its a good fish to start with. Maybe a pair of boesemani rainbows next? School of dither fish? Angel?🤔 I guess I have a few weeks to think on it while these beauties get comfortable.IMG_20210726_075802_059.jpg.e00fff611f65f45613dc2fcca67edf9a.jpg

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  • 1 month later...

Set up qt tank for fish i desire to add to the acrylic tank. Started adding fish to my cart. Got a little out of line. 14 fish! 😳 I had to remind myself this is on a 10 gal qt tank. So sad to remove my choices from my cart. 6 fork tail rainbow, 6 peppered cory. 1 panda garra and 1 angel. I kept the fork tail rainbow in my cart. Will a school of 6 be too many for a 10 gal qt tank? 

Thank you for your insight!20210910_211212.jpg.7ad907b80e5eb37c352000db3b63bc71.jpg20210910_211158.jpg.e4d387c41949699e0aa4ebc66474d88f.jpg

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I had a school and rehomed them, well all but one because they some how got overlooked while I was catching all the fish out the tank. I've noticed they are more active and less shy in groups, otherwise they tend to hide. Smaller schools (2-3) generally end up have a significant pecking order and you will notice aggression between them, schools 6+ seem to reduce that. 

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  • 2 months later...

I decided to add 3 more bolivian rams to the existing 2. These fish are so interesting!  We are also adding 2 panda garra. They will be released into the acrylic tank next Wed as it will be 4 weeks. Been so tempting to dump them on a daily! These 3 seem to have much better color than the 2 in the acrylic. Maybe adding the 3 will add some excitement and color. Still not convinced of gender or if they are bonded. Their behavior is almost human like in a relationship🤣🤣20211116_160559.jpg.5d005e795a00df99e0af4a1482892aea.jpg

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  • 2 weeks later...

Rams and panda garra are out of quarentine! The behavior of the two original rams have completely changed! When you read an article that says a fish can be aline or a pair but do better in a group, I will from now on follow the grp advise! It has been so enjoyable watching this behavior! 

Now because of that lesson learned.....

I purchased plates, Otto cats and Cory Doras. In the qt tank now for this acrylic tank. I saw this beautiful yellow fish I believed was a platy. On further reading AFTER I brought it hm I now realize it's a molly! So he needs to be in a grp also to be happy I feel. I didnt want mollies bc I had read they can be bullies sometimes. I want a school of forktail rainbows. I will have to read about this option of tank mate more. I am pleased with how things are turning out so far for this long forgotten tank in the attic! Picture of the rams was really hard to get clear bc they are having a blast making friends!20211124_145024.jpg.500b0b2a84d9bcadbd364b717ccacf52.jpg20211127_143842.jpg.9d0305ec843bbc5cb7f191968f279c39.jpg20211126_180325.jpg.bd89e95c8650012eac605f3d0fdd49e4.jpg20211126_180427.jpg.c6e42d2a791974b5fad1e10bcef1dc3b.jpg20211125_201857.jpg.f7c84f32e9417b78995d27961e6979da.jpg20211126_180111.jpg.caacd3ae5aaacfa89963eb629d106e5c.jpg20211126_180318.jpg.d3d5a711129e1e0f9046fe8b25796ba8.jpg

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  • 1 month later...

I decided a few days ago to put a few flat rocks in the areas I knew the rams have been lingering. I was checking the tank out a bit ago and found EGGS!!!! These are from the original pair. There is definitely new life in this tank and I am so happy about it!! We have lots of baby mystery snails growing out, one batch of platy babies about 3 or 4 weeks old. A second group about a week old and maybe even a 3rd! I have added a super red bristle nose pleco, honey gourami and a molly. I honestly didn't think the platy fry would survive in this community!  Going to have to find homes for these fellas or get another tank! 😁

Decided to post this in the journal just to keep all together for this tank.20220115_150156.jpg.ac3dd034b4689ab58a0b1436515cb160.jpg

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