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Medaka eggs coming!

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On 6/14/2021 at 4:14 PM, Beardedbillygoat1975 said:

I ordered some black lame and silver lame ricefish eggs and the recommended procedure from the breeder was aged aquarium water, methylene blue and no recommendations for air. Wondered if the hive minds has any thoughts? 

Oh wow! I've no idea. For our killifish, the first hurdle is fighting off fungus. Methylene Blue can certainly help with that. We use Rooibos Tea bags -- steep one bag in 1 gal. tank water for 24 hrs. Also we've used catapa leaves and alder cones for tannins. A small batch of java fern can provide micro life. I think the question is whether you want to hatch them sterile -- water + methylene blue . . . or seasoned -- tannins + java moss. Either way, I'd suggest some air. That fights off fungus. What we do is just buy a "bacto-surge" sponge filter designed for small aquariums - 5.5, or 10 gal max - and run an air line to it. You can use an airstone too. The advantage of using a sponge (which we season in a tank for a month in advance) is that you do not need to stress over ammonia spikes.

Now . . . if the eggs are firm enough, you can _try_ (at your own risk) putting in a single neocaridina into the seasoned container setup. Any infertile eggs will be eaten but the fertilized ones will survive. That is how I do it for our Killis. People scoff.

But I have hundreds of Killis 😜

Edited by Fish Folk
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@Fish Folkthanks so much I can see the idea of a shrimp naturally helping out. I have some guppy grass could I use that in lieu of the Java fern? I do have some Java moss as well. Do you let them hatch then add the food source? 
is ich-x the same as methylene blue? I have hydrogen peroxide as well. Wow I’m nervous suddenly! Ha good feeling to ha e as a fish keeper! 

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Well -- just so I'm being clear, I've _never_ done any Medakas. My feedback is just for what I've done with Emerald Killifish. I just pick eggs out of a mop, and plop them into clear jugs set up as described above: tank water + room temperature + tannins + java moss + neocaridina + micro sponge filter


Edited by Fish Folk
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On 6/14/2021 at 2:29 PM, Beardedbillygoat1975 said:

@Fish Folkthanks so much I can see the idea of a shrimp naturally helping out. I have some guppy grass could I use that in lieu of the Java fern? I do have some Java moss as well. Do you let them hatch then add the food source? 
is ich-x the same as methylene blue? I have hydrogen peroxide as well. Wow I’m nervous suddenly! Ha good feeling to ha e as a fish keeper! 

I think ich-x has malachite green (another dye), not methylene blue. But both dye's are used to combat ich. It's interesting that these two dyes work against fungus and ich.

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Well I’ve hatched some ricefish! So excited! Guess I spoke too soon! 

So what should be next? How do I transition them from the methylene blue water? Specimen container next size or keep them in the Tupperware for awhile? I dipped a net in my green water tank and then rang it out in the Tupperware and put in a piece of moss. I’ll water change later today - continue aged tank water question is +- methylene blue. 0380976D-CB6D-458B-9AA9-7530CEDEDAB5.jpeg.7afa7e4edba118290d9936b0b7fc302f.jpeg31FF8B84-3AE7-4519-927C-FD56F5FEBEA9.jpeg.7bb8e551aa71dad054ee5b4375caab29.jpegA3CF53A4-A85C-4834-9BBA-ECB2911A67BD.jpeg.d1839968fcc0c231c7f17711baaf697d.jpeg

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@BriannesFishFam after my disappointment with my tub overheating and killing one of my 5 platinums I took no risks. If I had a steady stream of eggs from the adult platinums I’d be hatching them with aged water, Rubios tea and some moss but I was scared. I work in medicine and sterile technique is second nature so that’s the direction I went. I probably built it all Up in my head and let my anxiety drive the process. I may be more chill about it with subsequent spawns.

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On 6/23/2021 at 6:58 PM, Beardedbillygoat1975 said:

@BriannesFishFam after my disappointment with my tub overheating and killing one of my 5 platinums I took no risks. If I had a steady stream of eggs from the adult platinums I’d be hatching them with aged water, Rubios tea and some moss but I was scared. I work in medicine and sterile technique is second nature so that’s the direction I went. I probably built it all Up in my head and let my anxiety drive the process. I may be more chill about it with subsequent spawns.

Nice! I have been looking for some rarer type rice fish

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Things are going well I think - never done this before so somewhat unsure of the next steps. I have a 3 g tank I’m setting up and only filling half way with plan to put a seasoned sponge in there eventually just have air on now. 
I’ve been feeding a baby micro food and green water - gave them 1 ml then watched them gobble up the infusoria and gave them 1 ml more. Their little bellies were full so cute. I’ll grab picks tomorrow. 
I changed out 40%~ of the water. I have turned down the air a bit so they aren’t being blow around. I’ve counted 8 fish out of the 11 eggs. 
I set up a sterilite shoebox with a light and airstone for baby brine. Followed the directions on the package so we’ll see what happens. 

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 7/25/2021 at 2:43 AM, Beardedbillygoat1975 said:

Here’s some updated pics of the fry. 309512DC-999F-441B-BF52-083A804AD503.jpeg.c8ac1f6e25c9af12a0bc30e66590fc73.jpeg6684BBC6-FB66-4529-B5F3-DCEAAA1F0D81.jpeg.60bdb5de9510441116b2d56c3677a8ba.jpeg

They now look like proper little ricefish. I’m going to start working on their long term home soon they’ll be in for the next year until I put them out next spring. 

What did you feed them to grow them so fast?

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Fry food, spirulina algae powder, Baby Brine shrimp, daphnia and infusoria, green water first few days. Moving them this week to crushed Sera O-Nip tabs and extreme krill flake. Hot temps have helped. 1-2 50% water changes with water from my best water system per day. Moved them from a Tupperware to a sterilite shoebox last week. 

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  • 5 months later...
  • 1 month later...

I had a group of 9 that made it to juveniles. Those did well until the recent plague in this tank- appears to have been Epistylis. Anyway there’s 3 fish that survived. I will put these 3 with 5 mixed lame Medaka (champagne, white Buchi, and Sanshoku) and one Miyuki white I have leftover from last years summer tubing. I’m throwing all of them in a 17 g muck bucket tub until Spring. Then I’ll put them in different groups to breed out in my 3 ponds - 27 g, 50 g, and the 17 g. 


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