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Alternanthera reineckii 'Mini' in a low light, low tech setup - plus more plant questions in low light, tech setup!

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My local online plant distrubuter has some Alternanthera reineckii Minni and they always seem to have some instock. I've always loved the red it  gave off and is defentley a plant I want to try. Soo, I have some questions:

  1. Currently all my tanks are low tech and somewhat low light. The only one being maybe on the verge of medium - high light is my 10 gallon. But I want to place the Alternanthera reineckii Minni in my betta tank. I have modified the fluval spec tank to have it dimmed, i found that it just grew algae. Do you think Alternanthera reineckii Minni can do fine in a somewhat low light tank? from what I've read its low light-medium light, thoughts on this?
  2. does this plant need co2? I understand it will give off more reds if it does, but for it to grow and be happy do I need co2?

Okay now for my other plant questions:

  1. Hygrophillia Rosenvaris  and Rotala rotundifolia orange juice according to tropica are easy, low light plants that dont require co2, whats your experiance with that? I want these plants to make my current tanks feel more densed. I am thinking the Rotala goes in my betta tank, and the hygrophillia in my 10 gallon. Thoughts?


Edited by James Black
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I think you'll be fine growing AR Mini without co2.

I'm not really sure what constitutes high/med/low light but AR Mini grew well without co2 in my 10 gallon using a finnex stingray 2. It was able to get pretty red but If I neglected my tank and let it get shaded, the top leaves would turn more yellowish/green.

I can't seem to find a decent picture of the AR Mini by itself but I found some hidden in the background of other pictures I had. Hopefully you get an idea of what colors you can expect from it. I'm pretty sure its the same plant in both pictures but the first picture had more plants blocking the light.




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I can't get AR to grow in my tanks even with CO2. I told myself I wouldn't try it again, and here I am trying it again. It's one of those plants that really like a good aquasoil or the like. I use Eco Complete, and It just doesn't want to do well.

My best advice, and my current strategy, try it and if it doesn't grow, toss it. I keep guests that like the soup I serve!


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On 6/11/2021 at 7:04 PM, Mmiller2001 said:

I'm trying, fingers crossed!

You probably are aware but I forgot to say I’m using eco complete in that tank

Hopefully you have better luck the 2nd time around

Edited by Koi
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I have some in a dirted sand-capped tank with lots of light. It is nice and bright and colorful for me IF I fertilize heavily and don't skimp on iron and potassium (my water is essentially RO water--zero minerals at the tap). However, it is still easily shaded by faster growing plants, so if you have a jungle you will need to free it with your scissors often. Due to its diminuitve stature it won't stretch to reach the light, and that puts it at a competitive disadvantage.

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