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29 is cycled


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My 29 finally cycled and now has inhabitants. My Bronze Corydora and two Siamese algae eaters. I'm having a bit of trouble with brown dust algae, some sort of string algae and overall my plants are struggling. I put a UV sterilizer online and I run it about eight hours a day. I have my light on about eight hours a day but I dropped it down to the low setting. I also brought my diy co2 system online and I run it about eight hours a day at about two bubbles per second. My Bacopa Caroliniana is the first so far to show any new growth. 

Should I discontinue Easy Green for a couple of weeks?



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Just now, Patrick_G said:

I’ll second the recommendation for Otocinclus and I’ll add Amano Shrimp to the list. Two or three of each will really help. 

I love my Amanos, but they're definitely not the workers I was expecting -- not yet anyway. I think mine are still too young. 🤣 Currently they're the tank sneaky jerks, always hatching evil plots under a specific clump of java moss and stealing the corydora tablets for their very own.

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Just now, laritheloud said:

I love my Amanos, but they're definitely not the workers I was expecting -- not yet anyway. I think mine are still too young. 🤣 Currently they're the tank sneaky jerks, always hatching evil plots under a specific clump of java moss and stealing the corydora tablets for their very own.

I know! They’re sinking pellet bandits! I’ve been lucky enough to get some full grown ones from a LFS. They’re huge! 

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Just now, Patrick_G said:

I know! They’re sinking pellet bandits! I’ve been lucky enough to get some full grown ones from a LFS. They’re huge! 

All this time I was thinking the cories were eating them all... until I saw a big tan-colored mass beneath that moss. Dang shrimp!

I ordered mine, but even the amanos at the LFS were very small. They've got a ways to go with their growing, but they've been through at least 2 or 3 molts since I got them a couple months ago.

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Wanted to order some Nerite snails 🐌 but Aqua Huna is sold out. I have 10 Cardinal Tetras and 14 Neon Tetras on the way. I want to be careful not to overstock. I have 3 of my 7 SAEs in my 29 leaving 4 in my 20. Everybody's going to be in my 29 soon and I'll tear down the 20 and get it going again. Once it's cycled I want to get a Betta and start a community around it. I have a spare 20 high that I'm going to keep just for a hospital tank. 

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