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I just need to vent a bit. I’ve never felt more alone and not knowing what to do in this hobby than right now.  I bought some guppies who developed fin rot and then it spread to my rummies.  I did not have a quarantine tank (which I now regret).  I bought one and tried to kickstart it but I lost all of the rummies and 1 guppy.  The other 2 don’t look like they are going to make it.  Should they die, should I completely empty and clean the 20 gallon QT and then seed it so it is ready for my new purchases?  I’m baffled on why they got fin rot in the first place.  All water parameters were good,  it overfed.  I’ve really lost my confidence here.  Thanks for listening.

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Hang in there! If you restart, you might consider a healthy bio-activated substrate for plants (e.g. Activ-flora, or Eco-complete) and turn the tank into a thick garden of plants. Once you’ve got that, adding fish is like sending them to paradise. 

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I feel your pain. I'm still fairly new to fish keeping myself. Just posted this doosey. I had my own mistakes before taking the time to put together a quarantine tank and there's still these tough breaks that are so discouraging!  


But man when you get that planted tank going and have the patience, time, and effort to see it through it becomes really magical. A few months of work and I have the tank below finally set up. It helps offset the tough days.


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I don’t know how scientific this was, but when I had some kind of outbreak wipe out a tank last year (ich or fungal with rapid fin rot), my tear down involved removing 90% of the water, removing everything but gravel, adding untreated tap water (chlorinated still), and turning up the heater to mid 80s for a week. Then I removed 90% of water and started anew with live plants. Three weeks later, it was cycled, added some fish. Tank has been running strong 10 months. I didn’t do any meds or anything.

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