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Where can I find strict proven quarantine


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I got 7 ranchu goldfish just started quarantine. Seems like be a sticky on these forums. Anyways going salt for 7 days 1 tablespoon per gallon. Then I’ll follow prazipro and metronidazole this is same as paracleanse for parasites.

The fish store told me to use pimafix and melafix together can I do this with salt treatment or internal parasite treatment? 
Or should I just return this? Is there anything else I can added to this quarantine? 

Edited by Maximus297759
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2 hours ago, Maximus297759 said:

I got 7 ranchu goldfish just started quarantine. Seems like be a sticky on these forums. Anyways going salt for 7 days 1 tablespoon per gallon. Then I’ll follow prazipro and metronidazole this is same as paracleanse for parasites.

The fish store told me to use pimafix and melafix together can I do this with salt treatment or internal parasite treatment? 
Or should I just return this? Is there anything else I can added to this quarantine? 

I want to say this carefully, as I have not done a thorough study or analysis on the matter: but my inclination, after using Melafix at least, is that it may have some subtle benefits for minor issues, but is not really comparable to other strong medications. It may be that Pimafix is much the same. They aim to be organic, natural, and safe . . . but in the end perhaps they are more about interesting smells than effective treatment. I welcome being corrected or disagreed with.

The key with preventative treatment like you describe, is to treat inside and outside with broad spectrum medicines. Parasites inside can take a long while to really work through. Infections on the outside are more quickly treated with a recommended dosage. We use plenty of API products, so personally, I usually go there first.

But study up on common Ranchu issues. We've never kept them, but it is possible that they are more susceptible to certain maladies. Hope they all make it, and are a joy to keep for years to come!!

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I’ve watched tons videos pimafix and melafix and basically what you said there worth try but there very weak. And the knock oxygen out water so add lots bubbles. 

my main problem in I can do this trio aquarium coop recommends but I didn’t quarantine my fish I added them to my main 75g tank for 2 days. Sooo using paracleanse on the 75 what cost more then the fish.....


idk what do soooo going do what Cory recommend last post tablespoon salt per gallon in a smaller tank. Then do paracleanse and that’s it hope for best. 
on my 75 prazipro it’s a lot cheaper and raise temp to idk 90 or whatever temp on kill biological filtration.

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I’m going start doing this trio meds every time since Petco has 30 day guarantee so don’t feed for 7 days wow! Do I do any other treatments? I’ll have lots air and keep heat high I guess 82ish it doesn’t say. Should I also salt them after trio treatment I want be super aggressive. I don’t want them get something few months later I could have avoided.  
I wanted easy green so win win! 

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I am a big melafix fan, but i agree its one of those more holistic type things and not a big gun.

It works dor bacteria so if you suspect the ranchu of having that then i would add it. Goldfish will telegraph whats wrong with then so observation is important and most goldfish you ship in the biggest worry would be internal parasites since most are raised outdoors.

You can feed steamed egg heavy in garlic powder (the goldfish council has a recipe to follow for feeding fry, but its the same) or use medications for internal parasites.

If you notice bottom sitting or scraping that is a sign something is also off. Flukes are another common goldfish problem although normally you will only see signs of it in young fish.

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On 5/25/2021 at 3:53 PM, Maximus297759 said:

I’m going start doing this trio meds every time since Petco has 30 day guarantee so don’t feed for 7 days wow! Do I do any other treatments? I’ll have lots air and keep heat high I guess 82ish it doesn’t say. Should I also salt them after trio treatment I want be super aggressive. I don’t want them get something few months later I could have avoided.  
I wanted easy green so win win! 

I would do a light feeding on day 4.

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