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Removing detritus in hob filter

BF McUmber

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I have a tidal 35 hob filter.  When you pull the media basket out , the water flows through the sponges backwards, effectively back washing the filter media to some extent.   What comes out is a lot of algae,  plant detritus, and probably some fish poop. This water does not really have any positive value to the filter and can/ should be removed,  correct? 


I mainly want to confirm my understanding. That the bacteria in the sponge is the most important thing so not touching the sponge as often could be good.  Then by back washing it could just make it not clog as quickly with detritus which also could be good.  

Thank you

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The filter media basket is a hard plastic shell with slots in the bottom for water to flow up through.  So when you can take it out the water flushes back down into the hang on back housing, taking stuff with it.  It is similar to picking up a sponge filter out of water a bunch of debris comes off. You do not necessarily  need to take the sponges out of the media basket to get to the back flow water.  The water I am wondering about is this water that drains down into the hang on back housing. 

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Since it's something that was already in the filter and the water,  it's not hurting anything. And all of that leftover stuff is food for the bacteria and critters that break stuff down in the tank I imagine.  That small amount that gets left behind isn't something to worry about.  Remember we don't want to clean things too well, not that getting rid of that left over would hurt anything. 

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