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(Captain) Blueberry's Finished 5 Gallon Tank!


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Hi, I just wanted to share Captain Blueberry's finished tank. I got him shortly after getting my first ever pet fish (also a betta), and I've had him for a little over a month. At first he was really shy but now he is always exploring his tank! I think he has even grown a little since we got him! He has a Fluval Spec V 5 gallon and a fluval m heater. He originally had fake plants in his tank, but now he has anacharis, a floating moss ball (from Aquarium co-op), anubias, and frogbit. Blueberry's favorite hobbies are eating, attacking frozen bloodworms (even though they arent alive!! 😂), laying on whatever he can in the tank, and exploring his little cave. Me (and my parents) can't watch him without laughing, he is always doing super funny things!




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4 minutes ago, Patrick_G said:

Holy cow! He’s a beautiful fish! The plants look great, I bet the Anacharis and floating plants will grow like crazy with the nice Fluval light. A+!


4 minutes ago, H.K.Luterman said:

Captain Blueberry sounds like he's having a great time. The tank looks nice!

Thanks! Yeah the frogbit has been growing pretty fast! I'm still not the best at taking care of plants, but at least they are still alive! 😅 A few days ago I got a yellow mystery snail who I named Mr. Eggy (lol) to clean the algae, but unfortunately Blueberry was nipping him, so I moved him to my 20 gallon.


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I’m not the best plant keeper either, but fishtube vids help the learning curve a lot! Two small things I would do if I were you are to make sure the root of your Anubias is above the gravel and then consider adding some root tabs to the stem plant. 
I think these all in one tanks of 5+ gallons are perfect for a Betta. Yours is extra nice, but even a budget one would work. 

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1 minute ago, Patrick_G said:

I’m not the best plant keeper either, but fishtube vids help the learning curve a lot! Two small things I would do if I were you are to make sure the root of your Anubias is above the gravel and then consider adding some root tabs to the stem plant. 
I think these all in one tanks of 5+ gallons are perfect for a Betta. Yours is extra nice, but even a budget one would work. 

I heard anubias needs to have the rhizome above the substrate, but some of the roots of mine are also above the gravel. I've tried adding root tabs for the anacharis, but it kind of made a mess and disintegrated in the water. But maybe I'll try the easy green root tabs!

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2 minutes ago, Patrick_G said:

I’d maybe glue or tie the Anubias to a small stone, but maybe I’m being to careful. I guess I also like the way it looks as the roots start to spread out . 

I do have some small rocks and some superglue gel, maybe I'll glue it to that. Also I don't have much substrate so it gets uprooted a lot when I'm doing water changes.

Also some random pictures of Blueberry 😁



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2 hours ago, Chlo said:

A few days ago I got a yellow mystery snail who I named Mr. Eggy (lol) to clean the algae, but unfortunately Blueberry was nipping him, so I moved him to my 20 gallon.

Something I just recently discovered is that ramshorn snails *tear* through algae. Their antennae aren't as worm-like as a mystery snail's (I think), so it might be worth considering.

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2 hours ago, Chlo said:


Thanks! Yeah the frogbit has been growing pretty fast! I'm still not the best at taking care of plants, but at least they are still alive! 😅 A few days ago I got a yellow mystery snail who I named Mr. Eggy (lol) to clean the algae, but unfortunately Blueberry was nipping him, so I moved him to my 20 gallon.


My sister's betta was nipping on the mystery snail I got her the first few days. He then realized her antennas are not worms and they are now living in harmony for over 3 months. I'd give it a few day and see if the betta leaves the snail alone. Snails can grow back their antennas and even their eyes, so it should be okay.

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6 minutes ago, CalmedByFish said:

Something I just recently discovered is that ramshorn snails *tear* through algae. Their antennae aren't as worm-like as a mystery snail's (I think), so it might be worth considering.

Oh, those one's seem nice! The only thing is that online it says they can breed by themselves? Also Blueberry seemed fine when I added the mystery snail to the tank, but later he started stalking him 😅 and tried to eat his antennae. I wanted to keep Mr. Eggy in the tank to see if Blueberry would lose interest, but I didn't want him to get eaten or something.

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13 minutes ago, BaRanchik said:

My sister's betta was nipping on the mystery snail I got her the first few days. He then realized her antennas are not worms and they are now living in harmony for over 3 months. I'd give it a few day and see if the betta leaves the snail alone. Snails can grow back their antennas and even their eyes, so it should be okay.

Oooh ok, I'll definitely try that!


Don't be a bad boy, Blueberry 😤 lol


Edited by Chlo
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2 hours ago, Chlo said:

The only thing is that online it says they can breed by themselves? 

Any two ramshorns can breed with each other... though I don't understand if the result is one laying eggs, or both laying eggs. 

I hope putting Mr. Eggy back works out! 

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6 minutes ago, CalmedByFish said:

I hope putting Mr. Eggy back works out! 

They seem to be doing fine. I haven't seen Blueberry nip him yet, but he sometimes swims close to him and stares at him like, "Who are you??" 🤣

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9 minutes ago, Chlo said:

They seem to be doing fine. I haven't seen Blueberry nip him yet, but he sometimes swims close to him and stares at him like, "Who are you??" 🤣

I'd give them 3-4 days. From my experience that was enough. 🙂

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a quick question, why are the tips of Blueberry's fins clear? I've noticed it more recently and I'm not sure what has caused it.


Also, Mr Eggy and Blueberry are doing great now! Mr Eggy is always out of his shell and zooming around the tank


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1 hour ago, H.K.Luterman said:

Your photos don't appear to be working, but clear fin tips are typically new growth. 

Ooh ok! Does that mean he previously had fin rot or something? Or could his fins just be getting bigger??

Also, I'll try pasting and attaching the photo instead




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1 minute ago, H.K.Luterman said:

Yup that looks like new growth. Just means he's healthy and getting bigger. 🙂

Oooh ok thanks! Yeah I've also noticed he's been getting a little  *cough* chubby recently......

(but don't worry he's also getting longer too!!) 😆

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