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  1. It's happened a few times and I have no idea what it means. I think I've seen different colors too, but I can't be sure.
  2. Hello, I'm wondering where everyone buys thier driftwood? I don't have a spot to go get any and my LFS only has what I would call basic small pieces if any at all. Needing it for my plecos. If you have a good website that you've used please share.
  3. The last 4 or 5 orders I’ve placed I have had to place as a guest checkout. Have tried for a couple months to reset my online password for the store and never get an email to reset. Can someone help me out please?? 🙏🏻 Thx!
  4. @Cory Not sure who to tag, so I picked you. I'm logged in to the store and have tagged things for my wish list, but when I click on the wish list, none of the items show up. Thought you'd like to know that.
  5. Have I made some setting mistake or something? I go back and forth between my phone and laptop, and as long as I'm signed in, they both show my order history and wish list/saved for later items, but the shopping carts don't match. For example, last night on the computer I moved some items between my saved list and shopping cart and added other items to my cart, but when I sign in on the phone it shows whatever I had in the cart last time I edited it on the phone - not my most recent edits/additions. Is this something I can fix on my end? Is anyone else seeing the same thing? Thanks!
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