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  1. Last winter I bought some Wisteria in another attempt to grow a tall nitrate eating background planting. It died. In January I planted the last rotting stub in an inch of pool sand in my 10 gallon project tank. I would think that the conditions are far from optimal but the Wisteria thrived. (I'm hoping the Java fern will do the same). Now the problem: The Wisteria is now 10" tall and bushy. It is just below the surface so I'm thinking it is time to trim it. I would like to take cuttings. How far back can I cut it? I upgraded the DIY light a week ago and the Wisteria now appears to be putting out immersed leaves. Is this a result of brighter light or because the plant is so close to the waters surface?
  2. Thank you, Aquarium Co-Op! The Water Wisteria is stealing the show in my tank. Both the planted and the floaters. My fish and my frogs love playing in the floaters.
  3. My Co-Op order came in yesterday and the Water Wisteria seems really ragged. Lots of loose leaves and broken stem pieces in the bag. I put what was left of it in my pea puffer tank in its pot in the easy planter. For those who've kept this plant, do you think it'll survive? Any suggestions on getting it to thrive? It's in a 10 gallon with a Stingray II light and Easy Green.
  4. I have heard that I can float Water Wisteria. I searched YouTube but was unable to find anything about floating it. Has anyone here done this? If so, any tips? Due to my work schedule I'll have to wait until Saturday morning to do anything with them.
  5. Okay y'all. So I'm finding myself a bit puzzled The puzzling plant? Water Wisteria. And the puzzle - These pics were taken on June 30th, of my 60 gallon community tank (livebearers, otos, corys, assassin snails and two 2" BN plecos). Note all the decently sized, very green Water Wisteria. This next pic is of my 5 gallon Heterandria Formosa hex tank, 2 different dates. Note the nicely colored Wisteria in IT, as well. Now I don't have a pic of when I FIRST put the Wisteria in my betta tank, but, it was about 3-4" tall, 2-3" wide. Had a few places it looked to be melting back a bit, but, it was "extra" from the 60, the betta tank needed more plants, so in it went! And THIS is what the Water Wisteria looks like as of now, in all 3 tanks. So. The 60 gallon was where it started out. And it started out as 5 plants, no bigger than the tip of my index finger. And then became massive - both in size and number! I was able to plant my 5 gallon, a friends 45 gallon, my grandfathers 30 gallon, and sold more than 30 plants that were btwn 3-6". And now? Now I LITERALLY have absolutely NONE in the 60 gallon, only small ones in the 5, and just one big one in the betta! Tank parameters info - Temp (all 3) btwn 75-79°F pH (all 3) btwn 7.2-7.6 Ammonia and Nitrite (all 3) 0 Nitrate (all 3) btwn 20-60 GH (all 3) = 25-27 Kh (all 3) = 2-3 Water source parameters {from the tap - well water} pH less than 6 (I have crushed coral in my filters and mixed in the substrate in all 3 tanks) Ammonia and Nitrite 0 Nitrate 10-20 GH = 21-23 Kh = 1-2 I use Easy Green, Easy Carbon, and root tabs for my swords and my 4 or so aponogeton plants. So. Thoughts? And there are a few other plants that are behaving in a similar way but almost reversed But I want to solve the wistetia mystery first! 😊
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