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  1. I did a search and this hasn’t been talked about a lot here. As summer approaches and outdoor tubs are all the rage I’m hoping we can get a little in-depth. From what I’ve found in the limited information on the internet the main concern here is zinc leaching into the water. Ive also read it has a lot to do with water hardness and PH as well. A lower ph with softer water will cause the zinc to breakdown as it protects the tub from rust. 2 main options seem to be a pond liner or using an epoxy to seal the tank. I wanted to set this up and monitor for a couple of weeks before adding guppies. I honestly don’t want to use epoxy because of the expense and work involved but a pond liner might pose its own problems as well with trapping moisture between the liner and tub. Some say it will also cook the fish come hot summer months. I don’t think this is as much of a concern as so many think but we’ll see? Anybody know for sure galvanized gets hotter than the black plastic ones? Here’s my set up so far. I probably only need this to last 2-3 years at most before I do something more permanent.
  2. Creating this thread for my outdoor tub/pond which I started back in August, In my original welcome thread. Summary of where we are now: I started the pond off using 100 gallon Rubbermaid stock tank, four 8in cinder blocks (to raise up my pots), large aquariumcoop sponge filter, air pump, and a bunch of pearl weed cuttings. Started off seasoning the tub with old tank water, after about a week added a bunch of cherry shrimp culls and bladder snails. Added a few plants; Water Hawthorn, Water Poppy, Hardy Water Lilys, Anacharis, more excess pearl weed cuttings and java moss. Stocked the pond with a few Miyuki Medaka Ricefish and a handful of Japanese trapdoor snails. I also started testing out some pitcher plants (hybrid sarracenia) to see if they would survive my pond. Anyways today, I topped off the pond and checked in on how my ricefish we're doing. Found approximately 30 fry that are in all different growth stages, I can't wait for the pond to fill in a bit more. Someone mentioned that we might be able to get Daphnia Magna to survive with Medaka ricefish since there are larger ones that they can't eat. Last week I started up a culture and dumped some in at night. I'm pretty sure the Ricefish just ate them all up. We will see as I keep dumping Daphnia in. Added a more pitcher plants and a Venus flytrap as well since the other pitcher plants seem fine. Link to my old post:
  3. Today on my commute home I out of the corner of my eye I spotted the corner of a 30 or 40 gallon storage tote barely sticking out of the brush on the side of the road - my brain immediately thought "FREE SUMMER TUB" After 2 u-turns on a 4 lane highway I pulled over in traffic to happily discover it was a heavy duty style and holding water....loaded it up....in true Alabama style I didn't even get one funny look from a passerby. I even had this sense of crazy urgency worried someone would beat me to it if I didnt get back to this barely visible tote in a matter of seconds.... All of this was not advisable behavior BTW 🙂
  4. Would like to know what those crates Cory has in the fish room is called really wanna get some for summer tubbing
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