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  1. After having read this post: I got some inspiration to build my version. Thanks Bill! Without you this wouldn't have happened. Please check out his post. Functional requirements: Compatible with Aquarium Co-Op root Tabs Spring-loaded for easy reloading. Long enough to reach down into deep tanks Angled tip to reach deeper corner areas of the tank Angled tip to insert tabs into shallow substrate (flat insertion) Stiff enough to place root tabs in tough/dense substrate Made from aquarium safe materials Non-functional requirements Look Cool Made from as many on hand materials as possible Can be made with only the tools on hand Minimize the number of purchased parts Can be dis-assembled for cleaning, modification and repair
  2. I have been using the black, blocky, slab-of-chalk-looking root tabs for a few years now (trying not to mention a brand name) and I recently switched to the Aquarium Co-Op ones simply because they were less expensive. That was literally my only motive. I thought, hmm these are less expensive, I hope they work. However, after about a month+ of planting the tabs in the substrate, my crypts and swords have exploded in size and growth rate. My Wendtii Red are easily 12" high. Lot of little ones popping up through the substrate that I can now propagate to other tanks. Maybe something else is going on and I'm falsely attributing this growth to the Co-Op's tabs, but this is literally the only change (I haven't changed other ferts and don't use EasyGreen liquid). This is a very low-tech planted setup. Anyway, wanted to share my experience as I really like what I'm seeing after switching from the the more expensive slabs of black chalk offered by a larger company.
  3. Hi all, super happy to be here! Looking forward to this forum being the anti-"fish police" safe space! Bill
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