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  1. Hey all I am looking to do a second shell dweller tank. Currently have a 10g multi tank. Even thugh we have 80+ tanks most of mine are 10-20 gallons or discus tanks because I generally work with the small fish with small spawns. I want to do another 10g shell dweller tank but don't know what kind of shellies. Not many in a 10. I heard the occelatus pair can be in a 10. I am really curious to see what size for Neolamprologus Ornatipinnis Kigoma. My questions to all the shell dweller breeders are.... What species do you breed What size tank do they need How many in that tank And any other info you have (Like where I may be able to find some) I may be able to do a 20 but I would love some ideas for my 10g
  2. I know there was interest in members learning more about shellies because of some of my other posts. I am by no means an expert yet, but thought I would share my triumphs and fails along the way regarding my now 4 tanks dedicated to these fun fish. Tank 1) this is my Lamprologus ornatipinnis kigoma tank 33 long that started with 5 fish. Setup was on March 17th and as I have shared in another post things are going great. My daughter counted 20 fry just before I took the pictures tonight. Tank 2) Neolamprologus Multifasciatus species tank 33 long. This was also started on March 17th with 9 adults. I believe 6 female and 3 males, two being dominant with established territories. There is at least 30 fry in this tank now. 18 that may have been eggs or swimming eyeballs when I brought everything home (the adults came in their own shells) and another dozen that I noticed 8-10 days ago. Surprisingly the fry are not part of the largest males territory. The substrate on this tank started as flat as could be but they have landscaped it to a beautiful cratered landscape. Everything will eventually be moved to a 50 Low Boy to accommodate the growing population.
  3. Hey guys my first time using this forum but I was looking to help for clean up crew for my multis I’ve heard Cory say mts but I’ve heard they’ve become a pest thanks in advance!
  4. Can anyone identify this fish for me? It is a shell dweller and the seller is claiming it is Neolampralogus Signatus but I am not sure. The body shape is much closer to the shape of a multi or a similis. Or maybe I don't know what I'm talking about haha. The seller is a couple hours from me so want to be sure before I go. I have been looking to start up a shell dweller tank for a while and unfortunately finding them around here and even online is proving tricky these days. Thanks a ton for the help!
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