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  1. At this point I am unsure if there are any true solutions other than getting a seperate tank for my pygmy cories, but I will ask just in case there is something I am doing wrong. I have five black neon tetras. Getting four or five more TODAY (!!!) and perhaps a couple more pygmy cories if the store has em. I currently have seven pygmy cories. Also one oto. its a 30 gallon tank. I would like a few more otos as well but that will come with time once I have a stable algae culture. Here is my issue. I feed live foods pretty much exclusively to my fish. Part of this is to induce breeding (which has almost worked a couple times, but my black neons are very fond of munching on the eggs) and otherwise it's just because I enjoy watching the fish display their natural behaviors. I try to feed my pygmy cories live foods as well -- mainly grindal worms. I got a new culture going and it is definitely much more healthy. Sometimes I will feed repashy gel food, sometimes daphnia. But no matter what I feed the pygmy cories, it seems like the black neons hog it all. They will chase the cories away, steal food out of their mouths, eat it all before it even gets noticed by the cories, you name it. I've tried feeding the black neons at the same time in one corner and sneaking the cories food in a hiding spot -- doesn't matter. They end up getting to the cories food first. And at this point my tetras are wayyyy overfed and fat while my cories barely get anything. I do have microfauna -- I've seen scuds at times but my neons hunt them like crazy, lots of tubifex worms -- so in addition to diatoms I believe m pygmys are only eating tubifex and diatoms. And they are certainly not eating enough. Breaks my heart. Also makes me concerned because my black neons really need to eat less. So, that's my situation. Is it the stocking problem? Do I just need to separate them and have my cories in a different tank? My only other idea would be increasing the numbers, which I will do today. But still, I feel worried. Any advice is very much appreciated. UPDATE:
  2. Just one display tank left. Beauty pageant all day long. Even when feeding.
  3. Has anyone used a feeding station (much like a shrimp feeder with the tube) for livebearers or community tank? I would like to keep the food in a central location for quick clean up. Any other thoughts on things that would work while not just throwing food in the tank.
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