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  1. Hey! I have a 10 gallon tank sitting around and after a lot of contemplation I really just want to use the tank to study bugs (fun fact: I am a nerd !!!!!) but I was wondering if there were any pet bugs you would recommend? It will be a vivarium, as I want to keep scuds and possibly semi-aquatic insects (like stoneflies and mayflies), as well as I really wouldn't mind keeping another backswimmer (I had a pet backswimmer for few weeks named Charlie. I loved that critter) or the very similar water boatman. But I don't know much about keeping vivariums or terrariums. My dream pet (once they are legal) are Giant African Land Snails, so this is kinda terrarium practice for if that dream ever comes true - and I also just like bugs! From what I've seen with other builds on YouTube, springtails are a must to prevent bacteria growth, and woodlice / isopods help a lot too. I would include pot worms in my substrate as well. But what are some cool bugs I could keep in this little area? Notes 10 gallon tank (standard 20" x 10" x 12") with mesh top will be a vivarium / riparium, with at least half of it being water will have a fountain for water movement, will not have air stone or filter, can add heater if necessary but not planning on it will be using rainwater to fill the tank - typically the parameters of my rainwater is pH 6.0 - 7.0 gH 0 kH 0 ... I will add minerals to it using crushed coral shells leaf litter etc uhhh yeah if you have any other questions pls ask !!! but thats all I can think of atm :]
  2. Found it on my bolbitis I recently picked up. Not sure if it came in on that or another plant since it’s been in my tank potted for a couple weeks since I got it. Anyone know what this is?
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