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  1. Figured I'd start talking about my journey here since I recently gathered most of the supplies I needed! Hopefully I don't forget to update this thread lol. I ended up getting a 40 gallon stock tank instead of the 110 since I misinterpreted the dimensions and it turns out there was no way the 110 gal was fitting in my dad's car 😔. Maybe someday lol. I have the gravel ready and most of the plants... just need to get the thing set up and running properly before I can add fish.
  2. I am an intensely indecisive person so I decided to get some opinions from people on the forum. I want to start a small fish pond and I'm debating whether I should make a muck bucket tub or do something bigger. My plan for the latter is as such: on my parents' property is this pile of paving stones and I'm thinking I might be able to stack them up into the rough shape of a pond and slap a pond liner inside. We have a terrace out there so I'm not so concerned about it sinking into the ground, though I am worried about it falling apart since I don't have plans to mortar it. (I don't plan to mortar it because I should in theory be able to break it down in case I move out and my parents don't want to care for it anymore). Parents also don't want me digging or doing anything too too big since it's their property, their rules. I'm leaning towards the paving stone pond but I'm concerned about whether I'd need to move the fish during the winter since it'd be aboveground. The muck bucket would be more portable but I've heard they kinda break down after a year or so in the sun? I could also just net the fish manually and bring them all in, so there's that. Though also I'm planning to stock medaka rice fish so this whole point is moot if I can just overwinter them in the pond- as far as I'm aware I'm around the same latitude as where they're native so climate should be similar-ish. .... I should stop before I talk myself further into a circle, though that should hopefully prove how indecisive I am lmao
  3. I know Cory has mentioned where he got his ponds from but I can’t remember what video I saw it. Does anyone know or can provide any insight?
  4. I just started a mini pond. I have two 17 gallon HDX tough bins from Home Depot in my kitchen. I got two to hopefully prevent bowing. I’m in Seattle so it’s been in the high 50s - mid-30s and rainy. I currently have cull neo shrimp, hitchhiker snails (ramshorn, bladder), and six medaka from the Co-op. I didn’t wanna shock them by putting them outside. I keep my house pretty cool but I leave the lid on overnight (just on top, not snapped on) to keep the heat in and prevent evaporation. I’m picking up some acrylic soon to use that instead of the lid. That way I can keep warmth in but let light through. I’ll keep a little crack of open space though to ensure some air flow. My plan is to bring the pond out on my porch when the air temp reaches at least 70 degrees high and 55 degrees low. I know the water volume isn’t that much but I’m hoping that the acrylic will help keep the heat from the sunshine in. Then from that point on, I’m hoping I can permanently leave the pond outside. It’s a Southern facing porch so lots of sunshine. I know medaka can survive pretty cold temps but I’m wondering if using a cold frame (like for gardening) on my porch would be helpful in the fall/winter. I have a raised porch (10 steps up if that matters) so it wouldn’t benefit from thermal heat from the ground. But I’m wondering if it would make a difference by helping to hold warmth from the sunshine and additional protection from the frost and occasional snow. The water in my tub is only 10 inches deep; the length is 27” and width is 18” so I’m not sure if that’s enough to prevent the ice from getting down to the fish. I saw that Ryo Watanabe recently posted a video showing one of his medaka ponds with an ice layer and it doesn’t look very deep but the fish were still moving. But I’m not sure how much below freezing the air temp was.
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