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  1. I'm looking for other loaches I can keep in water temps between 65°-72° F (18°-22° C). I would choose a dojo, but they may be a bit big for my needs. I am also fond of shoaling activity, so hillstream isn't it, either. I'm looking for a cold-water snail buster crew, basically. I was looking at yo-yos, but the temperature requirements I found in my research are too varied! What loaches have you successfully kept that thrive in lower temperatures?
  2. I was wondering if there is any fish that can go all year in Calgary Alberta? The winter temps easily get as cold as -20c (-4f) but usually somewhere in between-20c and -30c (-22f) sometimes it could even get colder every once in a while. If I insulated the pond and added a top during the winter is there any fish that would do fine in such extreme temperatures?
  3. Hello everybody, After breeding and raising 3 gens of endlers in my 15g tank, I decided to move everything in my 33g tank and do sth different. I was thinking of having a group of 6-10 corys. The catch is that this aquarium is unheated and the room temp of the place where it is located ranges from 65 to 70 during winter (after March the minimum temp rises to 70). Is there any type of cory that would realistically cope with these temps at least until the end of winter?
  4. I’m looking for some more pond fish and I’m trying to find some that can survive winter temperatures and ice on the surface, I already know about goldfish, rosy red minnows, rainbow shiners, red bellied dace, Medaka, etc.... are there any rare cold water fish that anyone knows about? I’d be fine with shrimp or snails, or dwarf crayfish too.
  5. I am trying to set up a 5 gallon canister filter for a 36 gallon coldwater (55F) marine tank, and was wondering if anyone has had experience with how long it takes for BB to get established in such an environment. Part of my challenge is the filter media arrangement, so any input is appreciated. I already have a small coldwater tank that seems to be using BB as well as macro algae. I have carbon and a sponge in the filter, but it is so small that I do not want to use that as reference. Also, I do not intend to use carbon in the 5 gallon filter.
  6. Good morning, I have endler fry and for now and wanting more. There aren’t too many now, but I have heard about livebearers quickly outgrowing their tanks. They are in a 20L with a single BN Pleco. I am not running a heater on the tank and I don’t want to have to run a heater if I can get away with it. Are there any fish that can help control the fry population but also don’t require a heater? I can’t think of any. I have thought of Apistos, Angels Bettas. All require heaters. Any help is appreciated.
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