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  1. Hello, I started my second tank (20 long) after running a 10 gal for 6 months and having a scud infestation. I started this tank off right by alum dipping all my new plants and ordering them all from the co-op. I have a mixture of postegemon stelattus octopus, Java fern, Amazon sword, and crypt Lucens I started the cycle with plants from day one in eco complete and with every other day dosing of easy green (5 pumps) and did not add live bacteria. I am experiencing an explosion of stag horn and hair algae and am in my 5th week with no live fish/shrimp yet and my tests are showing ammonia, nitrites and nitrates all at zero. I am following the video Cory put up about cycling with fertilizer remember him mentioning to only change one variable at a time and I have wanted to keep fertilizer constant while I dial the lighting in but the tank seems to be consuming the easy green within 2 days because I am not showing any nitrates despite testing every 3 days. with all that said, my primary question is, do I keep my fertilizer dosing the same or is that causing my algae to explode while my plants are trying to keep up? Their growth is awesome but I have to clean them regularly because of all the hair algae
  2. I am trying to set up a 5 gallon canister filter for a 36 gallon coldwater (55F) marine tank, and was wondering if anyone has had experience with how long it takes for BB to get established in such an environment. Part of my challenge is the filter media arrangement, so any input is appreciated. I already have a small coldwater tank that seems to be using BB as well as macro algae. I have carbon and a sponge in the filter, but it is so small that I do not want to use that as reference. Also, I do not intend to use carbon in the 5 gallon filter.
  3. Good evening, So I am trying to educate myself about biological filtration media. Is it necessary or is it a gimmick? OK, gimmick might be too strong of a word, and I do use it in my FX6. I'll also admit that I am a gimmick guy. If something claims to help me or make things easier, I'll take a look. Anyhoo, if beneficial bacteria will grow on any surface, and only grows to take care of the load in your aquarium (so you can't have more BB then needed), what use does it actually serve? I have come across that some media would allow the growth of anaerobic bacteria which can consume nitrates (if my reading is right). So would that be the real reason for it? Otherwise like I said, is it more gimmicky then actually useful? Please be kind, rewind. Thanks! Jacob
  4. So, I have never really thought about it, but as we know our aquariums over time create enough biological bacteria to accommodate the fish load after cycling. Regardless of what type of filtration you're using. My question is how long does it take to re-level back out after adding more fish? As an example. I have a 125 gallon aquarium fully planted with sand substrate and Mopani wood. I run a Marineland 360 canister filter with only the first sponge filter and the rest bio rings. I also use a CoOP Large sponge pre-filter on the intake and a large CoOp in tank filter. The tank fully cycled and after, I added 106 Neon Green Tetras (Paracheirodon Simulans), 1 Siamese Algae Eater (Crossocheilus oblongus), and 5 Green Flame Tetras (Aphyocharax rathbuni). I feed twice a day of multiple mixed foods Bug Bites, Hikari Daphnia, Hikari Bloodwoorms, ect. The tank has been running great with no losses tested every Sunday and with a 5-10% water change. Ok, now back to the question. If I was to add let's say another 10 Corydoras and a Leopard Frog Pleco. What is the time line for the biological media to catch up and become level again? Is that even a question that can be answered? Is there a ballpark number? I was just curious as I have "knock on wood" been pretty successful with planted community tanks and never really thought about when adding more fish. I usually just add what I feel looks good and call it a day. If I had a well established 40 gallon I may add 100 Neon tetras over a period of a few months a few other clean up crew members and even though that's over the 1" per gallon rule it always worked and was very healthy to the point I would have full size (rare in my opinion Neon Tetras 2"-2.5"). Sorry for such a long winded question, but wanted to get others feedback that have been in the hobby for sometime.
  5. Could I put bio balls like in a canister filter as pre filtration in my hob filter
  6. Hello everyone! I have a 29 gallon tank that has some plants (new to tank) and 6 zebra danios. When I set the tank up, I used a HOB filter since that's what I was used to. I have some sponge filters on the way and had planned to change to the sponge filters. I just saw the Ziss bubble bio moving bed filter and am wondering what the benefits of one over the other is? I plan on adding some Cory's, maybe a pleco. Still working on the rest of my "wish list" regarding fish! Any help would be appreciated! Thank you ☺️
  7. Hello, I am setting up a tank in which I plan to breed guppies...this will be my fourth tank, but the first that I have attempted to cycle using Cory's method as laid out in this video: Cycling a Planted Aquarium Biological Filter So, my question here is how do I know when it is safe to add fish? My understanding is that the gross algae growing everywhere will be able to take care of any ammonia/nitrite/nitrate spikes from adding fish gradually, and as the fish eat the algae, and you adjust the feeding of the tank down to only the level of the plants you want to keep, as the algae levels settle down the beneficial bacteria will catch up, thereby achieving a "cycled" tank without seeing the typical indicators. Is this a correct understanding? If the tank is all gross and algae covered, does that mean it is now time to toss in some guppies? Thanks!
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