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  1. Hi there! My name is Rachel, and I have recently taken on the title of "Fish Mom"! I currently have 6 adorable Guppies in a variety of colors, 2 cool Blue Mystery Snails, and a very entertaining African Dwarf Frog! Look out for updates every couple of days, and feel free to give me advice or make suggestions to make my tank more comfortable for all the inhabitants in it! ❤️
  2. I had a calamity with my sons first tank- went like gang busters until I had a mass die off. The post-mortem seems to point to a dead mystery snail leading to an ammonia spike which then killed other critters, released more ammonia, stressed out the fish and then released some sort of bacterial hell on the tank. Here’s the original post. Well I cleaned out the tank, bleach dipped the plants and tossed the substrate and hard scape into my “graveyard” ie wooden planter box I keep all of that stuff in. Found that I scratched up the front glass and I’d painted the back so luckily petco had 50% off all tanks so nearly a dollar a gallon. The LFS will take it and give it to a kiddo who can’t afford it. Wife and I had been talking about upgrading our other sons 10 g so I grabbed 2 twenty breeders for $40 plus another $36 for glass tops - I’ve been making them from acrylic but they never fit right I just decided to splurge. I put some window tint on the back of it for background instead of painting- had seen this on MD Fishtanks and some other FishTube channels. The substrate- put down some laterite and bacter powder, I used some Lava rock, small river rocks and crushed coral gravel I want to make sure that I don’t get any compaction and ammonia trapping I noticed when I took the last one apart there was some of this with the flourite sand. I put some stratum on top along with some aragonite sand. Hardscape is local obsidian- mahogany and snowflake I love the colors and texture. My sons and I hunted these locally at Glass Butte. Planting is some crypts - pink flamingo, wendtii green and red, regular spiralis; some PSO; water wisteria; Taiwan Lilly; dwarf sag: Java moss. For the light I’m using a 24” shop light rated to 6500 k. I’m going to grab some gutter and paint it black for a cover. It was an enjoyable build. Now we’ll just cycle and get ready to stock. Preparing for this was half the fun. Made me forget about the horror show of over a month ago. Contemplating platys, black neons and a pair of honey sunset gouramis.
  3. Today I did something I have never done before. After talking to my LFS I decided it was time to experiment with harvesting some of my baby swords on the runners. I had previously Ordered rockwool and baskets. I then took my lids off for easy access to the runners. I selected the runner with the largest growths on it. I then snipped the runners and took the plant lings and placed them in the rockwool and then into the baskets. I have now taken the finished product to the LFS and left 10 of them with them. We are gonna see how well they sell before I collect more. I was able to get 20 viable plants off this runner and took the 10 best to the shop. The rest are now in a separate tank waiting to see if they take off. I would be interested in hearing any feedback on this if anyone has a better way to go about this. I spent 20 dollars on 55 rockwool and basket setups. Do you all think this is a nice touch or not worth the money?
  4. I was contemplating what to do with my Corydoras explosion (I think at least 100 in my 20 gallon) so I browsed the local want ads. I came across a 30 gallon tank for $10 with gravel and lid. I couldn't resist. I messaged him and made the arrangements to come and pick it up. About 15 fry. Before I left, I looked up the dimensions of 30 gallon tanks and determined that I would be able to stuff one in my small car, which is a Scion FRS. I stopped at a store on my way to break a 20 so I could pay him. He had it in a trailered skiff with some other items he was getting rid of. He had carried it up from his houseboat. I'm not sure how as it had gravel in it still and two of us struggled to carry it. So we tried to fit it in my car and it Almost fit. He volunteered to deliver it for another $10 as I was only a couple miles away. So I took him up on the offer and we got to my house and placed it on the lawn. Whew. I measured the tank and it's 36"x12"x24" which makes it just under 45 gallons. No wonder it wouldn't fit. Tank Delivered! I took out the "clown.....dandruff" gravel which was about 60 lbs. I noticed a chip on one edge. I think he must have banged it trying to carry 120 lb 3 ft long tank by himself. It doesn't appear to be structural damage. Needs a little epoxy or something. Chipped edge Colorful Gravel Now I just have to figure out where to put it and what to put in it. I'm thinking Apistogramma. I might use the gravel to make a Sponge Bob themed aquarium. Maybe my LFS will trade catfish for Apistos. -Jeff
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