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Posts posted by TheSwissAquarist

  1. On 10/31/2023 at 4:40 PM, GoofyGarra said:

    apistos are super cool, a bit pricey for the budget though. Maybe a pair of bolivian rams? those are super cool.

    I have shrimp now, but am relatively inexperienced with them and dont trust myself putting them in another tank.

    Here’s an idea : Move some of your Cories into the school tank and get some cheaply platies for it as well. 

  2. Anything could be possible - from internal parasites to chlorine in the water. 
    Are there any other fish in the tank? 

    Heat could be a problem - kuhlis prefer 26 Celsius and under in my experience. 

  3. On 10/31/2023 at 7:06 AM, Crow said:

    So about a month or so ago I noticed ONE blue with spots ramshorn snail in my small army of brown ramshorn snails. I pulled it out and tossed it in my other low tech tank. It wasn’t long before it got busy laying eggs and almost all of them have been blue! So now I have a tank full of blue ramshorns! Every once in awhile I see a brown one,  and I just pull it out and toss it back in the cube.

    All that to say earlier today while I was trimming the blue snail tank I noticed a ramshorn with a very red body and a white shell. And in my other two tanks I managed to find three more of the same colored snails. So I set up a jar, pulled all four, and got them set up with some plants and wafers. Hopefully I’ll have a similar situation with these guys as with the blues and I can get another little colony going! I’ve been wanting red/pink ramshorns for a couple years now so I’m pretty excited.

    This will also be a great opportunity to see just how much I can abuse pearlweed haha. The jar is only getting spill-over light from my emmersed plant experiment and ambient light from the kitchen window.



    These guys also glow under the blue light, so I thought that was pretty cool.

    That’s fun! Are you planning to keep the strain going? 

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  4. On 10/30/2023 at 12:32 AM, GoofyGarra said:

    ok, so the school tank isnt ready yet, but im working on figuring out stocking so i can QT them at home before sending them to school. Unfortunately, budget is pretty low, here were some of my ideas: (not in any specific order)

    1. feeder fish (feeder livebearers, minnows etc...) Pros: Cheap, Cons: May have health issues due to improper care
    2. mosquito fish from home. Pros: Free, no health risks, Cons: Aggressive to each other, not very colorful. (i say the mosquitofish because im not willing to give up platies and cories would cloud up the water)
    3. small community fish (livebearers,tetras, rasboras...) from LFS. Pros: Colorful, active, lower health risk Cons:  more expensive then other fish on the list
    4. Rescue fish. Pros: Free, Rescuing fish Cons: Theoretical, possible health issues, limited selection.
    5. small community fish (livebearers,tetras, rasboras...) from Petco. Pros: Cheap, Cons: possible Health Risk

    if anyone has any other ideas id be happy to hear them, tank is a 15gallon; 24x12x12

    Shrimp? Apistos? 

  5. On 10/30/2023 at 3:04 AM, jwcarlson said:

    Everybody's apistos making babies except mine. *kicks rocks* 🤣

    Abacaxis female was trying hard to get her male into a cave with her this morning.  Hopefully they're getting serious! 

    Have you tried a spawning trigger? The presence of another male in the tank could incite them to spawn. 

  6. @GoofyGarra you did have a point with the entire color changing with age stuff. It seems that zebra danios first develop their iridescence before they get their gold colors underneath. 
    I’ve reset the spawning tank by draining it completely and letting it sit for a day to kill off anything that may get at the eggs. 
    There’s some peat in the mini HOB to condition the water. Which species should I try? Glowlight or Black phantom tetras???


    Fish enjoying the Halloween pumpkin 🎃 


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