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  1. Soilent Green Repashy and Brown Diatom Algae are their weaknesses I find. Some will eat veggies some wont. I have 3 and only 1 will eat from a cucumber or zucchini.
  2. Any luck sexing them? Have you had spawns in that tank with other Rams/Community fish there?
  3. Oh yea, I don't know what I was thinking. I'll do an Ich-X treatment. I believe Erythromycin is recommended because after the fungal is cleared up you don't want the wound to get a bacterial infection, and i'm quite concerned about that with this guy. I'm not even sure if they will make it because it looks quite large but I'll try. I wonder if I should just treat the whole tank with Ich-X then? It's a 55 gallon so I was not really looking to medicate the whole tank but I don't want something to get passed along to other fish.
  4. Hi all, Today I noticed one of my panda corydora had this white patch on it. It's definitely raised and looks like fungus to me. My plan of action is to move it to my hospital tank and treat with general cure and erythromycin. My question is what is the cause? I had another cory die from some sort of injury to it's side about 2 weeks ago and I'm worried this is a trend. The only tankmates are 10 juvenile odessa barbs and 2 juvenile BN plecos. I've never seen any aggression from anyone. Is this a wound from a fish attack that has fungused up? Or is it some sort of transmissible disease? I've kept on top of my water quality, nitrates are never below 40. Thanks for any help! I'm happy to answer any questions if it will help diagnose what's going on. pH 7.4 Nitrates 25 Hardness 75 Nitrite 0 Ammonia 0 KH/Buffer 20 Water Temperature 76
  5. Yea they are pretty funny when they "fight" its just a bunch of postering really. Have you been able to sex yours? I find it very difficult.
  6. I love to just use Repashy dust. Works really well!
  7. They eat pretty much anything in my experience. I do sinking cichlid pellets, krill flakes, community repashy, and blood worms mostly. They love blood worms the most, but mine definitely do not swim to the top. They won't even eat food out of the water column, they wait for it to hit the ground then slowly chew away. Sometimes they spit it out and do that nonsense for a bit before swallowing.
  8. Hi everyone! These two are my Bolivian Rams. They live in a, heavily planted, 75 gallon tank with 2 bristlenose plecos, 20 rummynose tetras, 10 pristella tetras, and 6 platys. I originally bought 4 of them from a Petsmart because they looked so beat up I wanted to try and revitalize them. I'm glad I did because they are awesome fish! Unfortunately, during the process of deworming them I lost 2 to camallanus red worms (since treated with levamisole). Now I have the problem of the one on the bottom bullying the one on the top. They sometimes patrol the tank together but the one on the bottom gets very territorial with his food. I would like to have more Bolivian Rams in this tank anyways but i'm not sure how to go about adding more. This one of the bottom is obviously the tank boss so I'm worried he will fight a lot more if he doesn't have his 3 foot of space like he does now. So how many more Bolivian Rams would you add to the tank? Should I remove the alpha male before adding the new rams then bring him back after they are acclimated, or should I just add the new rams after their quarantine and monitor? It's a standard 75 gallon tank with tons and tons of plant cover/wood/huts so I think there is plenty of territory for them to divide up. Also, are there any ram experts that can sex the one on the left? Thanks for any help! Feel free to ask questions and i'll be happy to answer them.
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