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  1. I converted my tote system to off grid. It now has an 80ah battery, 2 x 15w solar panels and 2 x 1100lph (yeah, I'm a metric) pumps. I've hooked one pump up to a timer so I'll have it come on during the day while it's charging and the other will run 24/7, but has a motor speed controller wired into it so I can turn it down during periods of extended bad weather if needed. The control panel and battery will be moved and neatened up after I finish testing. I will probably bring a spare 300w solar panel I have up at my (off grid) weekender back to town and put that on there in a couple of weeks time. Happy to post links to all the bits and pieces if anyone's interested. Cheers 🍻
  2. OK, thanks @Odd Duck I'll give that a try from now on.
  3. Finished the mock up of my stand, just the fiddly sanding and finish to go. I've decided it's too nice for the tank I built it for so I'm thinking my next big project will be a 7ft ply / fibreglass tank to match.... Dose anyone else have the problem of some pics Uploading upside down for some strange reason?
  4. Thanks mate. It's steadily coming along. Middle Pannel comes off complete to give me access to the sump. Lots to do still, but I'm pretty happy. As long as I don't look to close, I will never be accused of being a cabnet maker.
  5. I got the top and a coat of paint on the stand before it bucketed down rain.
  6. Outside I have this set up It holds about 1200lt, diy filter and a heap of potted plants to eat up the nitrates. It's all a bit ugly still but I have some bamboo screening to pretty it up a bit, it's still a work in progress. I've got a 7ft tank that I'm working on too but I think I'll give it its own build thread.
  7. G'day all. Bentaz here, from northern NSW Australia. I have been keeping fish for about 25yrs now, I used to beed a fair few African Cichlid, I've bred goldfish, dabbled in aquaponics a bit too. I like native australian fish also and currently have 3 types of gudgeons and a Barcoo Grunter. I love diy projects, I love tinkering and building filters, I love experimenting with things. I'm slowly getting back into fish now after moving interstate last year. Currently we have a few small tanks inside with tetra's, dwarf gurami, some betta's and bumble bee gobies and outside the natives, giant danios and some live bearers. Oh and the goldfish danio fry in the hospital tank We even have some Danio fry that my partner spotted outside and we scooped up.
  8. We have a small turtle that will go in there till he gets a bit bigger, I'll move my giant danios in there along with my striped gudgeons and empire gudgeons. Those fish are all outside in this. Another evolving set up that I'll post up somewhere soon.
  9. Today I finished the frame of the stand for my next tank a 7x1x1 3/4ft I picked the tank up cheap, its got a few scratches etc, but for $150 im not complaining. I also went to the beach for a walk with the better half and collected about 60lt of pumice stones. All in all it was a good day. 🍻
  10. On the left is my tap water after about 48 of aging in here... On the right is my fish water from the cube behind it. A mate of mine is a plumber for the shire council, he told me that they add ammonia to our water so that the chlorine will bind to it better. He said it's because the water is piped a fair way to us that they needed to do it, certainly doesn't help me out. Lol.....
  11. I mostly just replace evaporation on aged tanks, but will do a big water change once or twice a year to remove hidden nastys. New tanks I will test frequently and change water as needed. The tap water where I live read 0.5 ammo on a water test straight from the tap so I actually have to age the water before I can use it or only top up with small amounts. I'm hoping to start catching rain water off the shed soon.
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