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Posts posted by BAT

  1. Nerms

    i have been collecting snails for my LFS staffer to feed to his puffer. 
    I have been collecting them in this plastic container (holes in lid for air) and putting plants in there that I trimmed. 
    it smells putrid and I can’t see any snails on side of wall. Do you think they have died? I don’t want to bring him a mass of dead snails. 


  2. Hi Nerms!

    I am working on a new tank (20g L) that is going to try to recreate Dagobah (where Yoda lives and where Luke Skywalker trained). 

    I would like to have fish representing the following groups/people…ideas?

    - stormtroopers

    - rebel alliance

    - luke

    - yoda

    • Love 1
  3. @Silvia that’s what happened with mine - first it was the classic black spots at the edges of the fins, then i start seeing black slots in the middle of the fins. Then the black spots became no fin.


    things really turned around when i used kanaplex and added salt.  I started at 1 tbsp per 3 gallons and eventually got to 1 tbsp to 1 gallon. Then he really started to turn around.

    i took him out of his planted tank and put him in a QT tank and put the heater up to 80F

    Here is the thread

  4. Thanks all!  I had been using spring water for a while and got used to seeing pH in mid 7s. Then i stopped worrying about the pH. I recently switched to tap water and decided to check the pH and noticed it was in the low to mid 6s and got a bit nervous. Fish and snails seem unbothered.

  5. On 2/16/2022 at 6:11 PM, Cinnebuns said:

    I am taking plants one at a time with about a month between each. Basically whenever I feel I can take on more and am stable with what I have. The first 4 I picked were easy picks and easy plants. I have had some learning curves but have been successful for the most part. I have water lettuce, marimo moss balls, Java moss (kinda, I did it wrong and lost some. Now I have it attached.), and a small Java fern.

    What plant would you recommend I try next? What might compliment my scape and stock well?  Stock is 3 guppies (and growing), 7 panda cories (and growing?), 2 nerite snails (sometimes in a diff tank) and 2 mystery snails. Substrate is gravel but I have been considering making a "sandbox" area. I don't really want to get into CO2. Might be open to root tabs but I know very little about it. 


    Beautiful tank!

    I second the bulb Rex. I have a dwarf lily and love the lily pads it sends up and the leaves near the ground


    i have also enjoyed Amazon sword (left) and water sprite (back center left)


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