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Everything posted by AnimalNerd98

  1. Sorry to hear that. I would just keep a close eye on it. If it damaged its mouth, it might not eat as well and become underweight. As long as it is showing normal behavior like flocking to food or eating algae on the glass/your plants, I think it should be doing recovering/doing fine.
  2. I learned this term from my marine biology class, haha! Enjoy your betta!
  3. Hey Nerms! Are there any Pokemon fans amongst you? If there are, here are some questions: 1) Current or Past fan? 2) How do/did you consume Pokemon media? (watching the TV series, collecting Pokemon cards, playing the main series games, Pokemon Go, Pokemon Showdown) 3) Because we're on an Aquarium forum, what's your favorite water type Pokemon?
  4. I haven’t found any problems with my snails either. I have introduced rabbit snails, mystery snails, and nerite snails into my home aquaria without quarantining and I never had anything flare up. I have never kept CPOs but I did introduce Alleni crayfish into the aquarium for the lab I managed a year ago. I haven’t heard about any diseases being transmitted from crayfish to fish. If anyone would know, it would be the most intense nerms on here or people like the Shrimp King. I wouldn’t even know where to begin treating diseases for crayfish. All I have heard to be careful of is to make sure your crayfish get enough calcium and iodine in their diets or they can have difficulties molting. Good luck!
  5. Those nerites have successfully one-upped cuckoo birds. They don’t just lay their eggs with their host’s eggs, they lay them on the hosts 😂
  6. I would add that you may want to black out the tank when you’re not observing him or feeding him. He may feel less stressed and more relaxed if he is kept in a dark environment, with nothing outside of the tank unnecessarily startling him or stressing him out. You can just drape a dark towel or blanket around the tank, nothing fancy. Sorry to hear that he isn’t feeling well. Hoping for the best for him and you!
  7. October birthday for me! Woohoo! Fall birthdays represent ✌🏻
  8. Thank you for sharing this! Now I know what to tell my family what I want for my birthday 😂
  9. The common wisdom for fasting fish is that it gives them an opportunity to clear out their digestive tracts, reset their metabolism, and improve digestive function. Basically, it’s like when people drink a detox smoothie, except the fish just don’t eat. Some people report that it helps to prevent cases of bloating and swim bladder issues. I often fast my fish whenever I’m too lazy to feed for the day or if I’m going on vacation (nothing more than 1 week). Also, your female is adorable. The chunkiness can also just come from her starting to develop lots of eggs. However, I would watch out for signs of dropsy, especially pineconing (the scales start to stick out, making the fish look like a pinecone). But your girl seems to match the term used by many ichthyologists: Big Old Fat Fertile Female (BOFFF), (meaning she is in prime condition to breed).
  10. I had a dream that I visited a fish store. They had a whole rack of 2.5 gallon tanks with shrimp and nano fish. I just wandered around the store, looking at the tanks before scoping out the plant and live food selection. My nightmare began when I woke up and realized that no such store existed outside of my dream 🥲
  11. If I can get them to successfully breed, I will offer up many of the female offspring to the nerm squad (shipping them out). I’ll keep you all updated 😊
  12. Idea 1: If you can’t find chili rasboras, you can also consider other closely related rasboras like exclamation point rasboras or phoenix rasboras. idea 2: Honey gouramis can also work. You can also look into doing pairs of wild bettas, especially mouth brooders like Betta albimarginata or Betta channoides. However, wild caught specimens are especially averse to hard water, but if you can find some that are locally bred, that could work. (They tend to be a bit more expensive though). Other Ideas: green neon tetras, white cloud minnows, killifish (right now, I am keeping clown killifish).
  13. I have never used that one. Sorry, I should have been more specific. You are looking for the active ingredient Erythromycin. I buy mine from Aquarium Co-Op. https://www.aquariumcoop.com/products/mardel-maracyn If you cannot find the Maracyn brand one, you can also get the API Erythromycin. https://www.petsmart.com/fish/food-and-care/disease-treatment/api-e.m.-erythromycin-fish-bacterial-infection-treatment-5113625.html
  14. I use Fritz Maracyn (antibiotic medication) to get rid of blue-green algae. I have even dosed it at half the recommended dose and still got good results (1 packet in a 20 gallon aquarium). It doesn’t go away immediately, but you’ll see pieces flake off and then gradually disappear over the course of a couple days. Then you just do a big water change to remove the antibiotics and boom, no more Cyanobacteria.
  15. After scouring my LFS for months and buying discolored juveniles in the hopes of getting a female, I think I finally got one. Can I get some nerms to confirm or deny? I also saw some spawning behavior between her and my beautiful red boy.
  16. Ah, I see what you mean. I ordered the food on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/dp/B004YLJ822?ref=nb_sb_ss_w_as-reorder-t1_ypp_rep_k0_1_13&amp&crid=1X1SISGKS465I&amp&sprefix=reef+phytopla Hopefully they can last until adulthood! I will keep you posted! "I also want to try again WITH a greenwater tank to use to feed them." - Yes, for this reason, I have an LED light on 24/7 to grow algae 😛 It's coating the sides of the tank really well, but not much in the water column itself.
  17. They have to stay in there anywhere from 30-60 days until they metamorphose. From there, I’ll need to acclimate them back to freshwater and let them grow out 😊
  18. It’s worth a shot! I have heard about people who hatched them using just a net and a bubbler underneath. I would discard any fuzzy or white ones. If you want to be extra safe, a drop of methylene blue in the container to deter fungus growth. Good luck! Let us know how it goes.
  19. Yeah! There’s one about 10 minutes from me. Why?
  20. 1 week update: Some of the zoe are beginning to assume a more curved body shape, instead of just looking like upside down and straight sticks in the water. Hopefully they’ll metamorphose soon! I’m going to need a macro lens…
  21. I found this on LiveAquaria as a Chinese algae eater (Gyrinocheilos aymonieri). I think this looks the closest
  22. She has taken them the past couple feedings except this morning. I suspect that she isn’t hungry enough and is holding out until her next feeding for frozen bloodworms 😂
  23. It does look similar to some of the photos on Google images. Thanks! Uh oh, that needs to go 🤣
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