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  1. Still doing everything I can. Some days he’s better and sometimes worse 😞 today he seems worse. Added an almond leaf which is why the water is dark.
  2. Thank you so much! I’ll try that! Thanks!! Good to know! I had no idea
  3. What is the difference between maracyn oxy and maracyn 2? Thank you so much!
  4. Hello! His tail is still deteriorating and he’s hanging in there. Any other help is appreciated. I’m giving him maracyn and aquarium salt and API fin cure. Nothing is working. Doing daily water changes too.
  5. I don’t know why but when I bought some ghost shrimp my snails also started dying. I’m wondering if it’s a parasite or bacteria maybe they are carrying??
  6. I will try that! I tried API’s fin and body care antibiotic and that didn’t seem to be helping so I am trying Fritz’s Maracyn Oxy and I don’t think that’s helping either 😕 he still is at the bottom of his tank hiding and not eating. I also put a little bit of aquarium salt and I feel like he’s not getting better 😕
  7. Hello, I’ve tried all of those things and still no luck 😕
  8. My betta has beet sitting towards the bottom of his tank, he won’t eat, and I woke up one morning and noticed his tail was gone 😞 he started swimming erratically and breathing heavy, and he’s been hiding for a week now. This started about 3 days after the heat wave and I noticed his tank had been sitting at 82 for about a week. I’m not sure what caused this and I’m not sure if it’s tail biting or a disease. I’ve been putting antibiotics in the water and a little bit of salt. I moved him to a hospital tank and can’t think of what else to do 😕 any help would be appreciated. He seems to be getting skinnier and continues to hide and won’t eat anything.
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