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Steph’s Fish and Plants

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Posts posted by Steph’s Fish and Plants

  1. Got a Lot done today. Did some reorganization amd cleanup around the fishroom, took care of some gecko chores, and then started tackling my biggest project: the 20 long. I started by scooping all the old substrate into a trash bag. It’s old fluval stratum and a mix of random Petco gravels. I want to switch the tank over to Eco complete, and some of the botanicals and dead snails that were mixed in had fungused so I figured best thing was to throw it out rather than clean it just to put it away somewhere. I also played around with my air system since I’ve been getting next to no flow in the 5.5 sponge filter. Turns out, the green nipple portion in the CoOp sponge filter had clogged with algae, after I cleaned that out it ran fine. Of course it took me 45 minutes to try that, and that was after I swapped out to new airline tubing, threw on a second air pump, replaced the discs in my never clog air stone, and had started to give up. So Always Check the plastic portion! Anyways, while I was finagling with the air system, I also filled the 20 so I could scrub it with some dish soap. Once that was done and I gave it a good scrub, I drained the tank again. I tried to spot gravel vac some fine dust left behind by the stratum and forgot to make sure the end of my siphon was still in the bucket... so now 4 soaked towels later I’ve got a fan blowing on my carpet. Hopefully the ppl below me didn’t get any water... all in all, very productive albeit messy day.











  2. Update time! I FINALLY got the 20 long out of storage and into the apartment. The substrate is quite a mess and I think I’m just gonna throw it out. It’s a mixture of random types of inert gravel and fluval stratum. While in storage since March it seems some sort of mold or fungus or something has made its way in, and I’d really rather not deal with it since I’m gonna swap it out with eco complete anyhow. I also did a water change on the 10 gallon, and the 5.5 betta tank is doing well. I have a coop order coming soon, gonna try out the easy planter, as well as got myself a Crinum calamistratum and some stickers. Gotta get the fridge out of storage and into the fishroom too. Still a lot of work to go but it’s coming together. Still playing around with stocking ideas. I may keep the peas in the 10 again after everyone’s done in QT. Need to make that call soon tho. If you have any ideas for stocking see my previous post and feel free to weigh in 🙂 also, random note I’ve had pea puffers for a year today 😁 and this African fern is doing great









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  3. Ok, so I think I’ve used this in the past but I’m not sure, my friend randomly gave me a giant thing of tetra water conditioner. However, I really don’t know from personal experience. I looked at their website and it claims to remove phosphates and nitrates, which plants need, so I’d recommend dosing once and testing nitrates daily for a week and see if their usage differs from how your tank has processed nitrates in the past. I’m not aware of a phosphate test. What ferts are you dosing, and what/how many plants?

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  4. Peas could help, the issue is that bettas are more carnivorous so idk if he’d eat it or it would be good for him. I know they work well in goldfish but goldfish eat anything... at least that’s something I’ve heard before. My gf offered her betta a pea when he was struggling and it didn’t help, I don’t think he ate it. I’ve heard good things about daphnia helping tho, so I’d agree with Cory and go that route, it’s the least invasive and probably also most enjoyable for the fish

  5. I live in an apartment and could not for the life of me figure out a way to get my python to screw on normally, couldn’t find any sort of piece to unscrew on my faucet or anything, so in the spirit of not having to pay for a Brocken faucet, I got a piece of black python tubing cut for me at my LFS and use that to attach it to the sink. It’s effective, but definitely something you need to be careful with, I can’t close the python valve for more than a few seconds without the sink end popping off from the pressure. Other than that tho I have no complaints. Use with caution.

  6. I haven’t tried culturing live so I can’t touch on that, but my favorite prepared food brands are the fluval bug bites, hikari wafers and vibra bites, and I’m playing around with Xtreme foods. Have only tried the nano pellets so far so I need to try the krill flake too.

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  7. From what I’ve seen online and stuff, your safest bet is to try to separate the females as young as possible to try and get them before they’ve... done the deed. If you know for a fact that they’ve had babies before or are pregnant, and you absolutely don’t want mixing of sperm, you’ll need to separate for probably several months and have them be by themselves. I’d go until probably 2 months of no babies if I really wanted to be 100% sure that they were out of sperm, but I don’t think I’d be that worried about it. I’d probably wait until after one, maybe two rounds of babies so they’re not actively pregnant and then add the male.

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  8. I agree with Ken, I’d likely do 2 sponge filters on opposite sides of the tank. As far as chemical filtration, sponge filters as they come don’t have any carbon, but unless you’re trying to pull out something like tannins or medications, imo you probably don’t need the carbon. Most of the time carbon is just an added expense and companies use it to get you to buy more cartridges so they make more money. I think there’s a few videos on the coop YouTube about carbon in aquariums, I think a livestream, it’s been a minute. 

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  9. I personally like rams horns because I have puffers and they’re a great food source, but to each their own. They can come as hitchhikers on plants or decor that’s from another tank, if you swap equipment in tanks etc. they will get to a fairly decent size, but they do a great job of keeping algae at bay and consuming uneaten food. They can also be a good indicator of how much calcium is in your water, if their shells start looking pitted or damaged, that’s a good sign your tank is low on calcium.

  10. This is a very tempting idea since I’m going out of town on Sunday for the day... but I’d definitely get in trouble. I’ve done something vaguely like this whenever I move tho. Last year I moved around my college campus roughly 5 times, and back in March I moved across the country back home, roughly a 20ish hour drive non stop. I used a USB air pump run to a sponge filter that had been in that tank, along with pleco caves, plants, and all the sponge media from the HOBS and the other sponge filters to keep my bacterial colony alive since I didn’t have a tank setup where I was headed (it was a rushed decision to move home). Filled a 5 gallon bucket roughly halfway, drilled a hole through the top with airline tubing, and made it with 2 plecos, a betta, and 4/6 of the rummy nose tetras. 2 didn’t make it but I’ve had so so experience with that species in the past on shorter moves so I took it as a success. Oh and I had 3 pea puffers in a bag in a small critter keeper  bc the bag was a little leaky. Every gas stop I would open the lid to check and make sure the airline was still connected, which I highly recommend for long drives bc at one point it had become disconnected and I was able to reconnect it. 

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  11. Bit of an update, Drogo is settling in well. I unintentionally put pond snails in the 10 gallon QT by moving a heater, and I forgot to plug in Drogo’s new heater when I figured out the old one I put in wasnt working. Can verify the old one is for sure broken because it was plugged in sitting dry on my desk for a week 🤦🏼‍♀️ I seemed to have hit a sort of mental block in the hobby. Here I have an empty, cycled 10 gallon tank, so much possibility, and I can’t decide on anything to get. Some advice here would be great. I have to get my 20long out of storage and start overhauling that, and I need to get a stronger air pump. But my main issue is stocking. There’s so many things I wanna do, but I have to consider the fish I have at home that will be coming back in a few months. I have 2 bristlenose plecos, 3 pea puffers, and some rummy nose tetras. I’d like to use the 10 gallon as a quarantine tank for the first month those fish are here, but until then I’d like to use it to quarantine new additions that’ll be in the 20 with those other fish from home. I’ve entertained the idea of 3 more pea puffers, or some celestial pearl danios. But with the pea puffers it’ll be a wild card, I’m not sure what to do. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. 

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  12. On 10/8/2020 at 3:15 PM, Sleepy said:

    This is my dining room for starters lol!!! Then I have a 55 gallon in the living room and in my bedroom I have two 40's stacked like the ones in the pic then 2 20's in each corner. Thats just the ones that are in use right now I have 3 7.5's and 4 14 gallon cubes waiting to get setup the MTS is real LOL!

    fish room.jpg

    My girlfriend would never let me do this 😂😂😂 but I will dream

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