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Steph’s Fish and Plants

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Posts posted by Steph’s Fish and Plants

  1. Wow a lot has happened since I updated this last. I had all the celestial pearl danios in the 20 for a while, but moved them back to the 10 a week and a half ago after noticing fry. I’m now raising upwards of 20 CPD fry in the 20 long with my blue stiphodon goby Emilia. I’m waiting on an order from the CoOp to separate them into a breeder box and move the parents back since I’m gonna be gone for a few weeks for Christmas. I’ve also fully planted the 10 gallon and am using it a bit as an experiment tank comparing the seachem line of fertilizers to the CoOp easy line (which is my 20 long). Here are current pictures. The 20 is looking a little cloudy because I have the HOB off since the flow is too powerful for the fry. Drogo the betta and the 10 gallon look good tho.





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  2. Wow there’s so much information! That’s awesome. Will you be selling the fry somehow? Someone mentioned above about them being expensive. My LFS has calico bristlenose but not super reds, and the only super reds I find online are 80+ on aquabid. If anyone knows of a cheaper source that would be great. I also would rather get a pair if possible but I’m fine with groups of juveniles if need be. I’d love to be able to work with the super red plecos.

  3. I’m super interested in seeing how the “hands off” approach goes. Making nature do the work in the tank vs out of the tank seems more ideal, with a combo of both probably being the most ideal. I’m attempting something similar with my celestial pear danio fry. I’m not culturing infusoria or paramecium so I did my best to overfeed the tank to grow it (I ended up getting hydra but it’s fine 😅) I look forward to further updates on how it goes for you!

  4. Update time. I’m about 8 days in and I started feeding the hikari first bites like @Marcsuggested. I haven’t noticed them go for it but I haven’t actually seen them eat anything. I fed just hatched baby brine shrimp this morning as well and saw a bunch of orange stomachs, so they’re big enough for brine now. There’s upwards of 20 fry that are super hard to count 😅 I just ordered the breeder box and fry food from the CoOp (among other things) and I’m gonna set them up in that with the fry food and first bites in an auto feeder. I’m going away for a couple weeks to see family for Christmas but I wanna make sure the babies stay well fed, and no ones gonna be able to come more than once a week. Turning the HOB off was definitely the right choice, they were having much trouble with the flow, but the coop sponge filter is doing a great job. If I can get better pics later I’ll add some to this

  5. Thanks for the tips @Marc I’ll try that. I’ve got about 8 or so fry that are free swimming. 5 or 6 of them have started school close to the surface among the water sprite I have in the tank. I have my HOB turned off bc the flow is far too strong for them. Late last night I noticed a hydra outbreak after way over feeding the tank (which I was doing on purpose to get infusoria, not hydra 🙃) so I did some frantic digging around on here to find out if they’ll eat the fry. So far I’m thinking no, and I’ve cut back by half how much baby brine I’ve been feeding. Hopefully when I move the adults back they’ll eat the hydra and it won’t be an issue. It’s been really interesting to watch them shoal today tho with them being so small. I hadn’t noticed it any of the earlier days. Not everyone is with the big group, there’s a few solo free swimmers and a few more on the glass, which I believe to be the first day of being hatched.

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  6. One thing I’ve learned is that for the most part, fish are adaptable. They do much better when things are stable. If we rush to change things, the wild fluctuations are often more stressful on the fish than if parameters aren’t “perfect”. I haven’t tested pH on any of my tanks since I set them back up. I test my Kh, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and Gh. I accidentally overdosed Gh thinking my tap water didn’t have any, and rn my betta tanks Gh is at 20. It was at 24. I’ve been slowly bringing it down with weekly water changes, and he’s doing fine. If you’re really worried about the Kh and the pH, take the coral out. Get your hands on some Seachem Acid Buffer, and lower the Kh slowly over the next few days, let the betta adapt and adjust. But if he looks fine, is eating fine, isn’t acting strange or look sick, then he’s probably fine.

  7. I recently started working at my local fish store, and the normal CoOp go to’s to breed for profit my LFS already breeds in house. We have a fish vet and 2 other full time breeders and a whole breeding room to rival many a hobbyists own fish rooms. They breed angels, bristlenose plecos, guppies, mollies, platies, bettas, celestial pearl danios, and apistos (well kinda) and more. This makes breeding something for credit pretty hard. Altho, I’m thinking of doing apistos since it’s something they’re trying to breed but aren’t able to keep in steady enough supply. They did just bring in a few breeding groups of a few different apistos that are currently in the quarantine room. I’m thinking of getting my hands on one of the strains that the LFS doesn’t have and breeding that. Getting credit is gonna be a challenge tho. The key is to have something that’s hard to get in and they don’t normally have. 

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  8. Does anyone know if hydra will eat celestial pearl danio fry? I’m raising some up in a 20 long rn and I noticed today a new outbreak of hydra, I haven’t dealt with it before and I’m worried. There’s nothing in the tank rn that’s big enough to eat the hydra. My water is also a bit cloudy. I’ve been over feeding baby brine and vinegar eels for the fry and to try and get some infusoria growing in the tank. I turned my HOB back on, I turned it off because it was too much flow for the fry. I’m gonna put the adult CPDs back in next week, will they eat the hydra? I’m new to hydra and breeding egg layers. 

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  9. I would assume that either an illness wiped them out or something was off water wise, perhaps with ammonia or a pH crash or something. Going forward, the first thing everyone always recommends to do when things go wrong is to test the water and be sure that that isn’t an issue, then go from there. As far as guppies go, I’ve never heard that they die from giving birth once, nor have I seen it. Guppies are a livebearer and, correct me if I’m wrong, can store sperm for several months after mating, and can produce several batches of fry from just one spawn. This is why people line breeding guppies for a certain look often separate males and females as early as possible, that way they know only their best males are breeding with their best females for whatever traits they’re going for.

  10. I’ve been listening to the interview with @Preston John on repeat the last several days on my drive to and from work (at my LFS). We recently got in some L134 and L128 plecos and it got me thinking how cool it would be to have a podcast episode about breeding plecos. I’m not sure if there’s one out there already as I haven’t yet listened to all the episodes currently, but if there’s not that would be a great topic. As far as specific ppl to interview on that, I’m not sure. Keep doing what you’re doing, I love the podcast

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  11. Awesome! Thanks everyone for the tips. I thought I’d update again: I started a vinegar eel culture based on the CoOp blog article today. I’ve got 6 fry total: 3 that hatched out today snd are on the glass, and 3 free swimming. I’ve noticed the free swimming ones tend to stay within the same area in the tank, which has made it easier for me to find them each time I check. They’re in a 20 long with a stiphodon goby because it was easier catching out the adult CPDs and moving them over to a vacant but cycled 10. 

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  12. Following along because I too want to one day breed this. I’ve been listening to @Preston Johninteview with @Randyon the aquarist podcast on repeat the past few weeks. I’m several years out from breeding but I’m trying to som up as much as possible. Congrats on the fry hatching, that’s so exciting! Hope you’ve got your live foods ready, based on the interview you’re in for quite the ride. Good luck!

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  13. I’m planning on uploading some videos soon, but I wanted to update this. I ended up moving all my CPDs to my 20 long to prepare the 10 gallon for a possible red eye puffer (which didn’t end up happening) about a week or two ago. Well, last night I found 3 fry in the 20. Today I got access to some vinegar eels and baby brine, and moved all my adults back to the 10 gallon. Today I’ve only seen 1 fry but I’m hopeful. They’re ridiculously tiny. My phone camera isn’t the greatest at picking them up but I did my best to get some few photos. My plan is to try and raise up whatever I can. I’m also gonna be starting some vinegar eel cultures based off of the CoOp blog article. Wish me luck 






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  14. 56 minutes ago, quirkylemon103 said:

    why are your parents not happy about you having aquariums if your living in apartment?

    It makes it harder for me to come home for

    holidays and go on vacations. I got to college in a different state so it’s hard for me to visit as it is

  15. I’m 20 but I got back into the hobby when I was 18 once I got to college. Before that, my parents let me have a very small hex tank and then a 10 gallon when I was a kid. After I crashed the 10 gallon, my parents never let me set it back up and I was pretty busy with high school. At the end of my senior year I convinced my sister to help me set it up without telling them and I drove her to Petco to pick stuff out 😅 my dad found out after we’d gotten fish and set it up. He wasn’t happy but my sis got to keep it after I left. Now I have it still set up at home with fish from college bc of covid and I have fish in my college apartment now, my parents aren’t happy but they can’t stop me 😈 hang in there guys, you’ll find a way.

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  16. Update time! A lot has happened and I forgot to update here. So I for sure have 4 male and 2 female CPDs, so this week I separated out a trio in the 10 gallon and moved my extra males to the 20long, which I cycled out. Today I added a bunch more plants, including crypt parva, crypt undulata, and a mystery red/purple crypt that we got in at my LFS Preuss Pets today. I also got some rotala and planted that in my Groot, which was inspired by one of @JimmyGimbal old tanks. I moved the Crinum from the 10 gallon as well a few days ago. I’m hoping to get some breeding action in the 10 gallon so I took the light off (using it on a crested gecko tank to grow plants) and I have a ton of water sprite floating in the top. The 5 gallon with Drogo is doing well. I’m thinking of doing a cobalt blue goby in the 20 and then maybe getting peacock gudgeons, kribensis, or a pair of apistos I’m not really sure yet (suggestions are welcome 😁)




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