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Everything posted by FiShrewd

  1. i sure will look up but i also wanted to know what hob u were using
  2. i am talking about breeding mostly dwarf cichlids and nano fish but thanks for the tip tho
  3. my sincere apologies i didnt mean to hurt anyone's feelings but i have been in the hobby for three years i use the self priming canisters so that has never happened to me the filter i had when i started is still with me an aquaclear 20 i just dont use it cause later i got sponge filters and the non self priming issue
  4. I Want to breed a pair of kribensis in a 55 gallon what is the ideal filter turnover or gallons per hour needed for the filter i will welcome all opinions but want people with hang on backs and canisters and internal filters to answer this question
  5. hey i wanted to hear as many people tell me about the matten filter that flipaquatics make specially the 29 gallon 40 breeder and the 55 gallon also one request can you tell me about the setup you use the fish plants and invertebrates you have and also what air pump and stuff are you using
  6. oh thanks sir i have literally no prior experience keeping otto's i technically do but i would like to hear from a hobbyist
  7. shrimp work too and in my opinion you could even breed shrimp
  8. i suggest you only keep otto's and make sure they are healthy before they are dumped in an algae ground not necessary but you could do some substrate like layer 1 power sand layer 2 ada soil and layer 3 sand also [this is my personal opinion] you should use ada super 4 according to tank size and also cycle the tank the super 4 is not that important but it will or hopefully should help speed up the nitrogen cycle
  9. can i double on shrimp snails as in breeding and what is so special about ottos
  10. you need to fill the hang on back with water if it has the motor outside the tank can you name the filter pl
  11. I am currently having three 29 gallons with 6 mollies, 6 platies & 6 Swordtails each respectively I do keep them with plants [hornwort, java moss, amazon sword & amazon frogbit] and as you may or may not have guessed i do have really hard water can I keep something else in the tank while also being able to spawn them i also use a matten filter all suggestions and opinions are welcome
  12. thanks I am into aqua scaping now I usually am a guy who will use sponge wait not even sponge matten filters for all my tank but I do need the look of a professional aqua scape thanks also should I rather go with a fluval flex with its internal filter lots of people seem to like it but I want to hear more opinions
  13. i am in serious project mode and was interested in the zoo med canister filter [the 10 gallon one] should i rather go for sicce jolly heater and micron filter combo serious help needed
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