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Everything posted by xXInkedPhoenixX

  1. @lefty o yeah I'm thinking it's not going to end well for this one too. Any insight into what it might have been for you? Did you treat yours and if so what with? (maybe I'll try the opposite and see if it works)
  2. Thanks @Jenja, that's what I was thinking....she's been in my tank over a year and other than adding my Harlequins some months ago (and who I've had a longer time) - there's no reason to believe she had a parasitic infection. I did another Epsom soak and tried to feed med soaked bloodworms this morning but she wasn't eating. She had been QTd with Kanaplex in the water column.
  3. Other than being really, really fat- she's acting normal, swimming normal, breathing normal. I've just done an Epsom soak and have her separated in a breeder box in the tank for observation. And the "fat" part is symetrical, with egg like bumps in some places- no pineconing. Nothing else physical, brightly colored.
  4. @Guppysnail pretty close to having 1 of most that's for sure. One of the three is a solid dark brown almost black. Not sure what that one would be. And while @Cinnebuns is correct in pointing out the one red is a Zebra (and no shock the big box label is/was wrong) I don't have a Red Racer at the moment. A goal to live up to!
  5. I don't think I'm quite to "she has parasites" quite yet.
  6. @Cinnebuns no disappointment. All I wanted was Nerites 😃
  7. Never seen this before....if she has eggs then what? In a 20 Gallon Tall with 9 other Black Neons, Harlequin Rasboras and snails...
  8. Hi there, welcome to the forum!
  9. @Guppysnail right? After I left I kinda thought I should've said, "Then I'll take them all because they're magic Nerites!"
  10. Ok, I've got a good one that just happened: Me: I'd like to get some Nerite snails (3 I'd been watching move around for a bit) Big Box Employee: Just so you know these reproduce really fast. Me: Nerite snails can't reproduce in freshwater. Big Box Employee: Oh I thought you meant these (points to a random Nerite sku). What snails are you looking at? These (points to Zebra Nerite sku) or these (points to Red Racer sku)? Me: They're both Nerites and they don't reproduce in freshwater. Big Box Employee: So...which ones would you like? (gets bag ready) Me: *Face to palm in my head....* and exiting quickly with my "reproductive" Nerites (talk about a jailbreak for them....)
  11. Morning coffee is best served in snail mode...
  12. I think @Odd Duck was refering to my Oto journal earlier here: The Accidental Oto Keeper But I do know you @Henry the fish keeper have at least read a few posts there. So don't get me wrong- there are a LOT of Cory lovers here and I do like them a lot (haven't kept any in this 2.0 fishkeeper version *yet* but I loved my single albino corycat when I was a kid)- Otos is where my heart lies when it comes to freshwater aquariums. However- they are not for the faint of heart because your heart will get broken and you will have losses it's just the nature of the wild caught fish in the industry- Otos more than others because they do go through a lot to get to us and require a special tank and they are tricky to get to eat commercial food. When you DO get them to thrive in your tanks they are one of the most rewarding fish you can ever keep.
  13. Just know Cory are not algae eaters and require regular feeding. They are fun fish and great for a bottom dweller.
  14. Honestly @lmhicks101 I'd have him try the simplest thing first- add an airstone- (maybe even a wall bubbler- those can be cool looking) like @Fish Folk mentioned. That seems like it would do the trick.
  15. If I remember correctly maybe part of the problem with discus tanks is temperature and SOME plants- but I know some are tolerant. @Fish Folkhas a beautiful Discus tank... Maybe it's just a matter of what plants.
  16. YAAAYYYYYYY!!!!!! Hope Mama continues to get better. Post pics when you can!! I would just keep an eye on her for now. Maybe the aquarium salt is no longer needed if you see no other signs of illness. If you've already added it - it's not going to hurt anybody.
  17. @Tihshho honestly, with these two it's more like "Excuse me, where's the food please?"
  18. OTOCINCLUS VITTATUS: The Accidental Oto Tank So after the last update, the fifth was the last day I saw both the Oto babies. In a 10 gallon tank despite being bare bottom with very little in it-- unless they are in their typical spots (within an inch or 2 of the top of the tank)-- they aren't easy to find and I suspect as they get older they'll spend less time at the top. I'm wondering if I should try and catch them this week and do my typical floating breeder trick to start them on commercial foods. Today I only spotted one but I took it as a good sign: I had tested the tank on Thursday but have yet to post a parameter test lately: Temp: 77.5 (no heater) PH: 7.6 Ammonia: 0 Nitrite: 0 Nitrate: 40 (*sigh* never changes) KH: 2/35.8 GH: 107.4 Also just a mention of the Parent tank since all 71 Otos are now in there I'm keeping an eye on the stability of the tank and its recent test: Temp: 75.2 (no heater) PH: 7.6 Ammonia: 0 Nitrite: 0 Nitrate: 40 (never changes) KH: 4/71.6 GH: 143.2 Oh and Mum's ADF tank is doing well though she mentioned via call recently that there are some "stringy hairs" growing on the plants and surfaces. I said, "welome to hair algae". So I advised her to turn the timer on the light to 8 instead of 10 hours and we'll see how it does- she's never had hair algae. 🙂 She snapped this pic: I mean, we can't get much cuter than that.
  19. I'm pretty much the same as Cory but since I have nano fish and small tanks I just have a small pyrex dish (not much bigger than a 4" round) with a lid, I mix it in there even it out and put it in the fridge. Use a paring knife to cut pieces as the week goes on for my tanks in a cube-ish shape.
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