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Everything posted by xXInkedPhoenixX

  1. @Chick-In-Of-TheSea I'm getting to like them too in most applications- it can dull the color of some fish so I understand why people can shy away from it- I'm using it more in a therapeutic capacity for its proven (IME) ability to keep fish healthy and/or help heal fish
  2. @Chick-In-Of-TheSea no worries. I don't find that the way I'm doing things effects my pH at all. My tanks run in the mid to low 7s and always have. The color of my tanks' water is definitely tinted but it's not something you say "whoa, what's up with that water". Most people don't even notice it. I imagine it could effect some peoples' tanks but aquarium keepers like @Streetwise have deep tannins and have very healthy, thriving tanks. So IMO I don't think there is such a thing as "too many" tannins- I think it depends on you (some people don't like dark water) or maybe your water. I can say I have noticed that my fish and inhabitants seem to have adjusted to- and may be healthier than they were before I did what I am doing now.
  3. @Chick-In-Of-TheSea neither. I have Indian Almond leaves on a subscription order with Amazon. My water changing system for my 5 tanks is as follows: I keep 1 gallon empty water jugs from drinking water- anywhere from 9 to 11 of them (that changes due to them wearing out or if I'm using one for Epsom water etc). I bring to a boil 2-3 full sized IAL leaves in an 8 quart stock pot, once boiling I turn off the burner, put on the lid and steep anywhere from 8-12 hours. I then fill each of the 1 gallon jugs with SOME of that tea water (anywhere from 2 to 4 fingers high) then fill the rest of the way with tap water and fritz dechlorinator. I let the jugs sit out 12-24 hours uncapped then cap and use as needed. This lasts me anywhere from a week or 2 depending on my water changes- right now I start to run low within a week due to frequent QT water changes for my four patients along with my resident tank water changes. This is likely way cheaper than buying anything that "contains" the extract. Plus I have leaves on hand all the time if I just need to plop one in a QT or tank for "extra".
  4. I used to be big into Halloween, not so much anymore and sadly I don't really get any trick or treaters (maybe 1 or 2 if I even leave the light on anymore) BUT I will ALWAYS carve a jack-o-lantern because not only do I love them, I LOOOVVVEEE to make my own pumpkin seeds and look forward to it every year- carving anywhere between 3 and 5 pumpkins. It's not time to carve yet- they'd be rotten by Monday. My pumpkins will get carved this weekend- I have 5 this year and this year I found a new variety- A YELLOW PUMPKIN!! (Disregard the white one, it rotted 😞 - I have another orange one to replace it): I only like to do tradtional type pumpkin faces, here are some from years past:
  5. OTOCINCLUS VITTATUS: The Parent Tank Well 4 more babies caught tonight...so 18 or so? Oh boy! Took pics of 2...the other two a little more translucent so I just put them in the breeder with the net.
  6. Most of you know them from my Oto journal but I keep catching newbies, here's the fresh catch of the day: Cool Hydra too in the shrimp video @Fish Folk!
  7. Wow! What an ordeal for the poor little one. I'd think about too, if the heat was high for long there was an oxygen issue for sure don't know how that would effect an air breather but I imagine it would do something- also with hotter water comes more bacterial growth- which is why Bettas are prone to bacterial infections because they like 80-82 degrees optimally. If it's bacterial the salt will help but if it doesn't get better might have to consider a bacterial med at some poing. At least now the now steady environment is a good thing.
  8. @nabokovfan87 haha maybe compared to you but not likely compared to others- I'm just getting a crash course. @KatGoneFishing just going on your last post if he's newer may have a swim bladder issue as you may have guessed just on behavior. The scales look ok to me, just discolored here and there but it's the whole scale so that might just be his coloring and that may change as he gets healthier. I would definitely do the salt in his tank when it gets in to help. You could consider fasting him for a day or 2 to see if it's only his swim bladder that's the issue- after that consider Epsom salt soaks for 10 or 15 mins a day for a few days. Unless there's some symptoms I'm missing from other posts that's the direction I'd go, besides making sure his water is very very clean and warm (add IAL if possible)
  9. Agreed with @Odd Duck, though she is the professional here- @Chick-In-Of-TheSeaI have found that the "fix" meds are terrible for fish- it never made sense to me either when so many of those oils (one of which is melaleuca in melafix) are toxic for other pets why is it ok for fish? And I have found IME Bettas have not been negatively effected by the meds I have used to treat them in the past. I've seen this video and have thought swim bladder issue could be one of his problems but also want to make sure he takes his Metroplex rounds before I try anything else. I may also consider more Epsom baths in the future. I think this little guy has more going on with him than just 1 thing, unfortunately.
  10. Welcome back to the hobby @Crow you've come to the right place to learn.
  11. Welcome to the forum @FrezhFinz, this is a great place to learn and ask questions. Lots of already established posts on common issues- documenting experiences. We all have growing pains in the hobby!
  12. Have totallly been there, more times than I would like!! Totally agreed, they sucker me in every time though I've sworn them off before.
  13. @The Arthritic AquaristI got a betta from a reputable breeder online several states away from me. She totally failed to thrive and died within months. I'd recommend if you do it again see if you can find a breeder local to you- that's what I plan on doing in the future.
  14. @BeckyMc call all your local fish stores, often they can take them in or have suggestions as to where to rehome them. A lot of people rehome animals on nextdoor app I've heard as well since Facebook does not allow it. If the aquarium stores have club contacts that can also be helpful.
  15. Them Bettas! What an ordeal- very stressful! @The Arthritic Aquarist same! (about them not living long) Yet I keep trying! *palm to face*
  16. Welcome to the forum! It's nice sometimes even to live vicariously through others' tanks and share knowledge and ideas.
  17. OK! Update time! Honestly there's not much new to report here. Everyone is doing well. Mr. Crowntail, well he's still trying. He's feisty and eats well still- mostly sticks around the edges of his aquarium but comes off it more often than he ever has from the beginning. I agree @Odd Duck it will be nice for him to have a short break after 4 weeks of Expel P. I'm hoping to see some more progress by the end of this round of meds. We shall see. He ate his Metroplex bloodworms today (only 1 meal due to a long shift for me) which I believe per @Odd Duck's recommendation should be ending that at the end of the week for 14 days of Metroplex (2 days over your recommendations because I was on a 7 day treatment plan). Here he was today: White Twintail Halfmoon- so friggin pretty. He's got a cute personality too, love how his fins flop from one side to the other like hair. Almost like Johnny Bravo- he may as well have a pompadour "Watch the fins!": Little GloBetta girl- she really loves the floating plants I put in her tank. I am excited to see how putting her in my Flex9 turns out. I've got an idea for her name but I'm not officially naming her until she goes in the tank with no issues. Plus I may consult with my Betta namer who crowned Koianu Reefs with his perfect name before I decide: Finally Purple Dumbo girl. I made a list of things I need to take to my Mum's house on Thursday so miss Purple is best prepared for her trip and stay. I'm also very excited to see how she goes in her new tank! I really hope she likes her 2 Guppy boyfriends and 2 Neon Tetra orphans. I'm pretty sure she's not going to care about Mum's last remaining frog as they hide all day long. It's a really well developed tank so it should be very good!
  18. @Herefishie there is a lot to learn, but there are fun things too- this being one of them. This is a great place to look for answers to your questions and learn from the experience of other fish keepers. No question is dumb. 🙂
  19. Hi there @Herefishie, welcome to the forum. I suspect those are just air bubbles from trapped air trying to escape from the bone. I have those happen under my fish feeding dishes. I bet if you nudged it they would just float to the top and go away. 🙂
  20. OTOCINCLUS VITTATUS: The Parent Tank Caught one more this morning, mostly transluscent. that makes what? 14? I think there are at least a couple more. @TheSwissAquaristthey'll stay in the floating breeder until they're big enough to graduate to the divided tank. Once they're big enough there I'll be looking for local fish keepers that may want them, preferably those who have Otos and hopefully they'll spawn in their tanks too.
  21. Welcome to the forum @Blue_Water_Jim! Beautiful shots!
  22. They have pretty frequent sales, sometimes on one line of thermos other times on specific colors. If there's one you want you can usually wait until it goes on sale, plus we're heading into holiday season...
  23. I use an instant digital kitchen thermometer I know to be extremely accurate. All the aquarium thermos I "invested" in early in my aquarium venture were far too off the mark to be useful. @PerceptivePesce Thermoworks is an excellent company, while I don't use my 2 Thermoworks (I have a dot too) for the aquariums I've measured the one I do use up against them for accuracy.
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