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Posts posted by anewbie

  1. On 12/20/2022 at 7:38 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

    Sometimes I find cicada molts outside.  I always think I'm looking at the actual bug, as the molts are usually just sitting attached to a leaf.

    2,328 Cicada Molting Stock Photos, Pictures & Royalty-Free Images - iStock

    (Not as cute as shrimp)

    When i was a kid living in the midwest we got hit with a wave of billions of those things and i was told it was a once in a life experience. Then we moved to the south as my Dad changed jobs and i was just a kid going where my Dad went; and well 2 years later we got hit with a wave of billions and billions of those things and i was told it was a once in a life experience a 2nd time. I then noted i got to experience a once in a life experience TWICE and therefore i must have already lived two full lives in my short 7 years !!!

    • Haha 4
  2. On 12/19/2022 at 3:47 PM, Odd Duck said:

    How big is your tank, how many tetras?  I would never go less than 5-6 tetras since that number or above spreads any aggression.  More numbers disperse it even better plus usually keeps them busy among themselves instead of harassing other species.  Otos can certainly be shy but with enough cover and plants, they appear to still be happy.  My answer is almost always more plants.  😉 😃 

    I suspect he has a 20H and 8 black phantoms 😉


    • Haha 1
  3. Are there different variance of M.  MATOGROSSENSE; some seem to be sold as red and others as golden? As to having two species - i actually like how rormaia mixes with green; though they are both fast growing plants; also green handles being chopped better than roraima; that is it is more predictable. I'm replacing my 40B with a 72x18 tank in may and figure I would line the back with Myriophyllum; remove the pso and then the front will be mostly crypts and smaller colourful swords. The one thing i do like about myriophyllum over other stem plants is i can whack the top and don't have to worry about the bottom stem rotting. I find with ludwigia for example you have to replant it now and then as eventually the bottoms will give way. Just starting to play with mermaid weed but it turns green quickly if shaded.

    • Like 1
  4. On 12/17/2022 at 3:35 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

    Yeah, there was 3-4 that were very similar. Some had the dots on the belly, others didn't.  Some had dots as opposed to reticulated pattern on the head.  Very similar to Julii vs. False Julii, but just with a slight alteration in the colors. 

    Some have a patters on the tail, some have white fins.  I think it was the one I had linked, but you put those two side by side and it's real tough to tell a difference.

    Biliniteatus:  (slightly more of a worm / reticulated pattern on the head, might change as it gets bigger, yellowish dorsal with specs and pattern, gold coloration on the gill plate, curl around the bottom of the eye is pretty defined from the body pattern)

    (black on the leading ray of the dorsal, pattern on the tail fin, gold coloration on the gill, but not as pronounced, more of a "black body with silver dots" pattern)

    Actual: (hard to tell, yellow as opposed to silver coloration, main black bar on the body does go into the body, dots on the belly, very distinct pattern on the head)

    1000%.  It's pretty bad.  Hopefully planet catfish is a bit reliable!

    IF the pictures are accurate of all instances look at the tail; the Biliniteatus has a clean tail; where as the fish pictured does not. What i don't know is if difference specimen or different sex differ in this area; but that seems to be different in this fish than the two pictured above.

    • Thanks 1
  5. green greco is actually a nice plant for a crypt; well i think it is but others might disagree. I have a few of them in my low-tech tank; might have one buried in my hi-tech tank but if so i can't remember where and it is buried beneath a ton of stuff. Still I think it is one of those 'plain' but vastly under-rated crypts.

    A plant you might like is myriopyllum roraima; this plant is incredibly easy to grow and the colour is a nice contrast.

    • Like 1
  6. On 12/12/2022 at 5:46 PM, Mmiller2001 said:

    You know, it's really getting frustrating I have to order everything online. Apparently, no one offers Fuji stone in Albuquerque.

    I think you should feel happy you have better stores than I; and nearby colorado has even better stores - well if you are into day trips 😉 Of course this time of year those mountains might have a few flakes... long time ago in another life i used to live in boulder and remember taking a may trip to 4 corners and well you know ... probably as expected we encountered a few flakes passing through the mountain pass.

    • Like 1
  7. On 12/12/2022 at 12:56 PM, Odd Duck said:

    Your tank looks great!

    It’s a bit of a long story on this young tank.  I did a long dry start to get Fissidens geppii established on the wood on the left.  Then planted the heck out of it and flooded.  Then went through a massive green water because I was working way more hours than I wanted and didn’t get enough water changes done.  Then the hair algae came along.  When I finally got my koi angels (the 3 BSP and the Santa Isabella cross went in first), I ended up with almost double the number I wanted but I didn’t have a grow out tank big enough for them at the time so I figured I’d just grow them up in the tank.

    I’m now ready to part with some and just making up my minds which ones are going.  I never intended to have this many angels in the tank and purposely tried for something closer to a biotope (within reason for a “small” glass box and still provide cover).  5-6 of the largest, prettiest kois are going into a 29 this week to hopefully get a nice pair, the rest will go back in here.  I’ll be removing at least 6-7 of the smallest soon for local sale.  Then the crowd will be pared down for more elbow room as they keep growing.  I’m hoping to get a little more variety in the tank.  I wanted koi angels, but not this many.  😃 

    Back to the plants, there are far more plants in there than you can tell right now.  I’ve been struggling with motivation for a bit since work has needed me to cover for other docs that either quit or were out sick.  I find it very hard to work 12-16 hour shifts then work on fish tanks the next day.  🤷🏻‍♀️ Work is finally getting settled so I hope to get tanks back into shape.  There’s a beautiful ‘Red Flame’ sword right next to the ‘Marble Queens’ buried in BBA and trimmed down to practically nothing.  I’ve given it root tabs when I put in more swords and I’ve treated the BBA once, needs treated at least a couple more times, I’m sure.  There are more radicans at the feet of the new ones.  I just need to treat the BBA a couple more times and they should kick into gear since they also got root tabs.

    Working this many hours hasn’t been good for my 60 year old bod.  Sucks the steam right out of me for having any ambition to work on tanks.  I’ve been doing pretty good just to get feeding and water changes done.  🤷🏻‍♀️ 

    I had bba issue for a while but then suddenly it just seemed to vanish; maybe one day it will come back. The festums certianly crowd things up in my tank and they are not exactly lambs; but i keep telling myself wait till May to address things. In may when i move i'll be setting up a 550 and 450 and these guys will get split up depending on aggression and other factors. My little platinum (2nd smallest angle in the picture; likely a female) is a little devil; but the marbles (at least 3 are males) are well behaved but the festium... don't ever close your eyes on them. 


    I assume your substrate is pfs is that correct ?

  8. The plants aren't really dense enough for hiding - this is what i have; not saying this is great layout or anything but a fish can totally hide on either the left or right:


    I had a total wipe out this summer when some cherry barbs from a bad seller killed most of my fish; the meds disolved most of the plants - i guess it was june or july but the plants have mostly recovered 'cept the java fern which is still a bit weak.


    My first impression was that most of your swords are in emersed form (obviously not the amazon sword in the middle left back). I've not had problems with the angles eating too much of the plants (I do have a queen behind the jungle val); but the festum have been nibbling on the Frans Stoffels but once the leaves get larger they stop - it is the plant behind the coconut shell just left; there is a second one burried in the pso that is growing even if you can't see it 😉 


    What substrate do you have ? I hate mine and it will be replaced when i move in may (of course these guys will be moved into a 550 as well); btw this aquarium is 24 inches tall to put scale on the plant heights. 

  9. On 12/12/2022 at 9:26 AM, Colu said:

    You don't have to add any medication week 4 if you think they need second course of maracyn2 you could do that on week 4 that really depends on how your fish are doing 

    Ok. i probably won't know till week 10 or so; the deaths are very scattered.

  10. On 12/12/2022 at 10:12 AM, Odd Duck said:

    Really kids?  This is how we’re playing today?  We talked about this while I was adding the new swords.  I told you this was unacceptable behavior.  Things were fine last night when I went to bed and now we have this, this morning when the lights come on.  Ugh.  Angels are still cichlids.  🤦🏻‍♀️ 



    From the static picture it is hard to tell what happened; but one thing i will note is i don't see any hiding places in your aquarium. In my 120 there are dense sections of plants an angel who feels like it is being abused will go and hang out when everyone picks on him.

  11. Ok. So it sounds like you recommend maracyn over expel p. If i understand you recommend: general cure followed by maracyn followed by general cure - is this correct ? Pity maracyn 2 isn't as good as maracyn as i have that on my shelf 😉


    Is maracyn oxy the same as maracyn? Reading the label i don't think i have any of these symptons.

  12. On 12/12/2022 at 7:59 AM, Colu said:

    There's two treatment options use general cure and Expel p to provide broad spectrum antiparasitic treatment or use a combination of general cure and maracyn if you think theirs a bacterial component then use treatment option two general cure and maracyn  the food recipe I provided can be used with maracyn or maracyn2 I wasn't recommending to use both 

    Is can maracyn be used without mixing with food?

    Also would i be able to identify any of the parasite that would be treated by expel p; i mean would there be obvious indications that these parasites exist in hte tank? I've not seen any obvious symptons other than those described in the first post.

  13. On 12/12/2022 at 7:20 AM, Colu said:


    Expel p treats different types of parasites to general cure that why I recommended treating with general cure then following up with Expel p treatment wise if you only treat with general cure week 2 you could do a course of maracyn week 3 and week 5 repeat general cure 

    I'm confused; use maracyn? use marcyn 2? or use Fritz Expel p with general cure ? You've mentioned 4 different medicens.

  14. On 12/12/2022 at 7:08 AM, Colu said:

    Fritz Expel p active ingredient is levamisole usually these types of random deaths are caused by poor water quality ammonia nitrite etc or a parasitic infection that why I recommended the combination of general cure and Expel p that will treat most types of commonly encountered parasites treatment options two treat with general cure every 2 weeks for a total of 3 full course of treatment and do a course of maracyn in food that will most bases 


    Would expel be better than the above? I've not had much luck getting my fishes to eat medicated food.

  15. What do you mean 'expel p'; also it will be hard to tell if it works since the deaths are so scattered. My original thought it was latent bacteria that a fish would occasionally encountered - one thing in common is only the ember never go to the substrate; the other fishes all spend at least some time poking around the bottom for food. Of course the L397s havent' died yet (there are 5 young ones).

  16. No; i use an inert black substrate (estes stoney river); tank been setup with 3 years and if the substrate did leach i would hope it had finished by now; also these deaths are more recent; they started this summer after i purchsaed some fishes from an untrusted seller - in may. I also want to stress what-ever is affecting the tank is having zero impact on the school of 13 ember tetra....


    Also my normal water change routine is 50% twice a week for the two 29s that sit side by side.

  17. I should qualify this answer; it is not ammonia from water change; the tank has been setup for over 3 years; it could be something in the tank producing ammonia though i have no clue what. Also there has been a few spots with white streaks (algae?) if that provides a hint. 

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