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Posts posted by anewbie

  1. It seems almost no one sells the 'offical' hanging kit which has a clip and wire; i suppose i could buy some wire and wrap it around the end (not sure how important the clip is) or is there a better approach for this light?


    Also is there a good solution for a 72 x 24 aquarium (72 long 24 wide); i suppose sticking with the fluval one could do 4 36 inch lights but kind of looking for something more elegant... if someone has suggestions. ghl has light that covers 3ftx2ft (LX7006) $900 each but they are not cheap.... and this tank won't have co2 so such a strong light is not required. hd ai prime has 2ftx2ft so 3 across would be needed @ $240 each... any other suggestions ?

  2. There is no best but there are 1000's of choices. A bit depends on if you have hard water or soft water and what temp you intend to keep the aquarium. Some options include:

    swordtails, guppies, black neon, cardinal, pygmy cory, kubotai rasbora, borelli apistogramma, ember tetra, green neon tetra, dwarf loaches, kuhli loaches, apistogramma nijjensi, nanacara amolae, and if you get tired of water gerbils or hamsters.

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  3. One other plant i would recommend is something called india fern. It is a smaller fern that is slightly darker green than regular fern. My interest was that in my co2 tanks fern gets to be around 14 to 18 inches high which is frequently too dominating and this fern stays a lot shorter but has the same shape leaves (which i like). The problem is 'india' is a loaded term and i've never seen a store sell it just hobbists.

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  4. I picked up some mermaid weed. My understanding from pictures (don't have it yet) is that it is quite lovely red and every tank should have some; but once i actually receive it and see if it actually grows i'll be in a better position to comment. The stuff is also pretty cheap.

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  5. On 11/17/2022 at 12:43 PM, Janoš Bećar Pecaroš said:

    New F1 engines are 1.6 liter V6 hybrid pushing 900 hp. Still way better than “the caffein fueled lady”. I’m not sure if I would call her a lady.

    I don't know if she is a lady but she does a lot to help the local community which is more than i can say about some stars. 

  6. This tank has two 'sponge filters' with lots of surface agitation - the regular sponge filter on the left and the matten filter on the right; hornworth is not disrupted. It can grow frogbit but it will collect in semi dead areas; also water lettuce will grow in it - red root floaters won't have a lot of luck. Right now i just have hornworth up there. You can't see the matten filter sprout on the right but it is at the water level sending a shoot of water across the back top; when i had frogbit in it (which grew fairly well) it would collect towards the front which has less current.


    You probably don't want the matten filter but those little square filters work pretty well. Sadly the reflection from the top plants is turning my white substrate green in pictures. Hum... 




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  7. On 11/16/2022 at 7:22 PM, gjcarew said:

    Yeah, I ended up turning off the CO2 for the day and dropping an airstone in there as soon as I saw this. I hate letting the fish get CO2 stressed like this, and I can't figure out what's going on. Joe Harvey, one of my Dutch aquascaping idols, runs 30 cc/m with a canister filter and skimmer on his 75. I have the same setup but am only running 18 cc/m at the time this photo was taken. 

    The only difference I can think of is that he's running a reactor whereas I'm running an inline diffuser. Maybe the CO2 microbubbles are more stressful for the fish? 

    I'm also gonna shamelessly post a recent picture of Joe's tank because he's a real deal Dutch aquascaper. He's the original inspiration for me going down this crazy path... spacer.png

    Edit: One of my favorite things about this tank is that his stocking consists of a few ember tetras and single ridiculously spoiled betta

    I'm not sure how you determine xx cc/m; but i use ph drop as my measurement and i always found in my tank that i can't get anywhere close to what other folks get before the fishes get upset - i use an inline diffuser but when i move in may i'll be switching to dual reactors. I know temp plays a role (colder water will hold more oxygen) and surface agitation but I'm thinking species also plays a role. I don't keep rainbows like a lot of the nice co2 tanks i've seen but i doubt that is it just looking gasping for reason. Still when i reached around 1 ph drop all my fishes were gasping at the top.

    On 11/16/2022 at 7:22 PM, gjcarew said:

    Edit: One of my favorite things about this tank is that his stocking consists of a few ember tetras and single ridiculously spoiled betta

    I don't know how spoiled your betta is but my oldest angel is so spoiled he won't eat when i feed the other fishes; instead he waits till i pick up his favorite food and then he comes up to me and wait for his pellet.

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  8. On 11/16/2022 at 4:40 PM, Mmiller2001 said:


    Substrate swap and new plant direction.

    Why are you replacing the substrate and with what? I think i missed something. What kind of pool filter sand did you use? (I mean brand et all). The reason i ask is that doesn't look white like many pool filter sands.

  9. On 11/13/2022 at 2:25 PM, tolstoy21 said:

    They are in the following:

    Ph: 4.5 - 5.0
    Kh: 0
    Gh: 0
    TDS: around 60 if I recall
    Temp: 78-80F

    Yeah, I understand that blackwater is not just about tannin-stained water. I use a combination of peat pellets in a box filter and oak leaf litter to keep the Ph reliably in in the 4 - 5 range. They have been in this setup for about a year.

    I also breed Apistogramma Abacaxis in a very similar setup and have been much more successful with them than with the Ivancara.

    After a few days time, I still have two Ivancara wigglers going strong. I think the max that I saw in the breeder box was four. None of the other eggs hatched.

    Next go-round I might try an egg tumbler on a very gentle setting. 

    For anyone interested, the Ivancara eggs are sticky, but they were easy to brush off the cave roof with a soft-bristled paint brush, the kind one sees in a watercolor kit.

    I'd like to see pictures of those abacaxis 😉 Were they wild caught or tank bred ?

  10. And today... I did the water change on my 40: I went from this:



    to this:



    to this:



    A couple of notable: On the right that large leaf is not a lily but some massive leaf the red flame swordplant sent up in its imitation of a lily.

    On the right if you look carefully in the 2nd picture you can see a leaf from the crypt cordata var siamensis

    On the third picture if you look carefully near the lily leaf and right of the red sprialis there is a FISH !!!!! Sadly it is nothing more than a young guppy and not one of the gazillion young pleco (most of which are avoiding the predators by sitting behind the sponge filter; which i should have photographed but failed to because well i'm lousy in that fashion.



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  11. On 11/13/2022 at 1:40 AM, Adam Swarbrick said:

    I agree with you both. I have been overwhelmed with fry at one point so I have been able to find lfs that will take them smaller than normal. But on the other hand nobody will take my apistos despite them looking absolutely great. 
    It just varies place to place.


     Keep them clean and well feed and they will grow in no time 👍.

    Apisto are kind of funny in that way - they sell for a decent chunk of change; but the number of people with the experience to keep them healthy and are interested in buying them is relatively thin compared to the total population of people keeping fishes. You certainly don't want to give them away to someone who will toss them in their gold fish bowl 😉


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  12. On 11/12/2022 at 7:14 PM, tolstoy21 said:

    Yeah I did find threads about this on Apistogramma.com today after reading your original reply.  So far, I've only had this pair by themselves in their own dedicated tank. The male and female get along great and never ever show aggression towards one another and often hang out side-by-side in their cave for long periods of time. They spawn quite routinely. But as you know, getting the eggs to develop into free-swimming fry is my current challenge.  Definitely my current favorite fish. 

    What is your water condition; I think they need near black water condition (that is tds below 50 ph in low 6 or 5); blackwater is more about very soft acidic water than tannins though that stuff that produce tannins is very useful to stabilize the ph.

  13. On 11/12/2022 at 11:15 PM, Odd Duck said:

    Koi angels are a combination of blushing, gold, and marble genetics, per the guy I got mine from.  He is also quite firm that you can’t tell gender with true certainty until you see a breeding tube and he’s been breeding angels for decades.  If they get a very prominent nuchal hump, depending on the variety, you can take it as a hint that it’s likely a male, but even then it isn’t definitive.  There are varieties and strains that have very prominent nuchal humps in both males and females, but kois being gold, blushing, and marble it is a bit more likely to be male if it develops a prominent nuchal hump.  I would say that one is way too young to tell with even the slightest degree of certainty.

    I'm not sure i agree with this in all cases; while as i noted this fish might still be a female; i have noticed with the angels I have bred there is a broad trend that distinguish males from females and therefore with the ones i have bred my 'guess' rate is quite high. Without knowing the parents genetics i find my guess rate around 70% but there are always cases where females is rather large or has a large hump.


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  14. My guess is that it is more likely a male than female from the shape of the head but that isn't 100%; also I *think* the red around the kills is an indication it has blushing gene but beyond that i've not paid too much attention to the different colour combinations. Btw males typically tend to be more docile than females and will get a *lot* larger than females. They  are capable of eating small tetras like cardinals when fully grown.

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  15. On 11/12/2022 at 3:46 PM, tolstoy21 said:

    Well I'm not sure how long the neo's would have lasted on their own in that environment. They were meant as food more not tank mates, so their welfare was not part of the equation. They did last some days though. 

    I'll admit I don't have much experience with them in a 'community' tank. They just seem peaceful to me, and the literature I see around the internet seems to suggest the same. But, as we know, the internet isn't always right.

    Have you been successful in breeding Ivancara Adoketa?

    No that has to wait till i have ro water. I don't think i'm allowed to post links to other forums here but if you google "ivancara adoketa aggression" you can see some other folks first hand experience.


    I'll have ro water after i move and then i'll look into that project when i have time.

  16. On 11/12/2022 at 2:06 PM, tolstoy21 said:

    Hmmm . . .  as far as what I've observed and read, they are super duper peaceful. In fact, I put a TON of neocaradina culls in the tank, thinking they would eat them.  But there were so many shrimp darting around, the Acara actually got scared and cowered in their caves until I reduced the number or shrimp!

    As far as the methylene blue dosage and duration goes . . . . .  I guess I'll find out through the good-old-fashioned scientific method of trial-and-error!

    At least now I've gotten further than I have in the past with these fish, which is getting to the wiggler stage.

    Every little step forward is progress even if I don't succeed this go round.

    These fish have spawned before (many times) so they will spawn again. I have process of triggering them pretty ironed out at this point.

    Thanks anyone and everyone who has contributed to this thread.

    it comes down to territory; they are extremely aggressive to anything that enter their territory - stuff that stay out of their layer are probably more than safe but small fishes that enter their territory will be treated unkindly (cory and dwarf cichild); at least that is my experience. I honestly don't know what to think of your story regarding the shrimps though i always though their water was too pure for shrimps since they seem to require near blackwater conditions to breed. 

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  17. On 11/12/2022 at 1:09 PM, Mmiller2001 said:

    I don't have anyone around me to get plants from. Albuquerque has no shops with plants worth buying.

    Tell you what - send me those plants - i'll plant them and if they spread i'll send the extra back to you for free !


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