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Posts posted by anewbie

  1. On 12/11/2022 at 8:56 PM, Colu said:

    Theirs a couple of things that could be causing your deaths have you had any ammonia or nitrite spikes when doing water change do you use a water dechlorinator like prime and have you notice more fish deaths after a water changes and odd deaths over a period of time can be caused by a parasitic infection bacterial infection can take two weeks in some cases to kill fish I think with the 6 to 8 weeks between deaths a bacterial infection is unlikely and  you would have seen some other symptoms if it were bacterial infection killing your fish @anewbie

    Not ammonia from water changes;  i do water changes on 3 aquariums in sequence from the same prepared pail of replacement; this is the only one that has had problems. Furthermore the other aquariums have more delicate fishes than this aquarium.

  2. @Colu no i haven't noticed those symptons. Well the belly of the fish in question is a bit small for sure; and there are lesions on the skin just behind the gills (not part of the gills but the skin behind); there has been no flashing but the eques will occasionally rapidly swim to the surface then return to the bottom (but they have stopped doing this - they only did for a short period; maybe they were just hungry). If is bacteria it takes a few months to kill or it is something toxic in the aquarium that only occassionally affect the fish. I did suffer the loss of 4 male guppies in a week but only the males and only the guppies (this was about a month ago); if a fish is being aggressive it could pretty much only been the swordtail or maybe a sparkling gourami but the sword-tail has been in the tank for 3 years; the sparkling is newer - they were put in 7 months ago but about 1/2 of them suddenly died about 2 months ago (2 of 4).

  3. Is api general good for gill flukes or is there a better medicine? Also will it kill plants? I was looking at one of my fishes with a magnifying glass and i believe it has something a bit odd around the gill area; in this specific aquarium there has been premature deaths that don't occur in my other 5 aquariums but they have been scattered on a time line which makes me suspicious. The time between deaths have been approx every 6 to 8 weeks of individual fishes but until today i never saw anything i could explain for them - the tank has approx 30 fishes:

    12 ember tetra (no effected)

    6 eques cory 2 died about 12 weeks ago

    some guppies over a period of the past 2 months 6 died - maybe 12 left but only older ones died none of the young ones have died

    1 borelli apisto died (the 2nd one has weird marks around the gills which make me suspect flukes)

    2 sparking gourami died - 2 left

    one grumpy old female swordtail is in the tank; she has a bit of age maybe 3 years.

    I've never seen any out right aggression and no markings on the dead fishes. 


    The deaths have been scattered as i said over time not clumped and i suspect it was latent bacteria issue but now i'm thinking a parasite.

  4. Took a picture of my crypt clump; i  was going to post it in that thread but can't find it; sadly the panda refused to move. I whacked him over the head a few times but he just ignored me the blood hard headed critter.



    These are mostly nuri rosen and luminous green with a bit of nuri pink line. You can't really see the difference; when the plants are young it is more pronounced. I really need to thin this mess out but i'm going to wait till i move in may. This is really only one small section of the crypts; i have a huge pile of pink jacobi on the other side and a couple of large wenditti in the back and even a cordata  var siamensis buried on the other side near the jacobi. Too many plants in too small an aquarium. You start out with not enough plants and think *hum... maybe i should add some more"... just don't. They grow and grow and grow and grow and well keep growing. They go up and down and all around and never stop growing. 


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  5. On 12/10/2022 at 1:19 PM, Odd Duck said:

    So far, so good here.  I can keep a close eye on the tank most days since it’s beside the TV across from my favorite chair.  Of course if she does go hellion, it will no doubt be during one of my long Sunday shifts.  You know, because cichlids.  If I had more ambition on this rainy day, I’d already be done with moving the loving couple into the 20, but I really am not sure where I’m going to put all the plants yet.  🤷🏻‍♀️ 😆  I’ve got a bunch of Java ferns on a long wood piece, clumps of Java ferns on smaller wood pieces, pots with Crypts, pots with stems, etc, that will nearly all need to be moved.  I was planning to sell the long piece but it turned out so well, I want to keep it now.  😂 🤣 Story of my life when it comes to plants.  🤷🏻‍♀️ 

    If she was going to drive him out of the tank she would have done it by now. Mine did it the day they broke up. I could take him out for 3 months; but if i returned him to the tank she went right after him.... eventually after about 6 months i gave up and gave him away. Lovely fish - oh well.


    • Sad 2

    On 12/10/2022 at 1:02 PM, Odd Duck said:

    It’s 100 gallons and she doesn’t hate him.  She just switched allegiance and hangs out with her new beau instead.  His feelings are hurt and he tries to go see her and the new beau chases him away but not violently.  There are other angels in the tank to diffuse aggression but I’m making plans to move the pair to a 20 high soon. I just need to figure out where to put the excess plants that are currently in that tank.  I’m also going to move some of the largest, best looking koi angels into a 29 hoping I’ll get a pair since they’re getting to that size now.  The pair will stay in the 29 and the rest will get moved back to the 100 gallon.  I’m thinking its getting to be time to sell a few of the smaller or plainer koi angels.

    A little different than my situation; i had 8 in a 120; and the female decided she no longer liked the old male and attacked him non-stop till i removed him. This is a bit different than when a female lets two males 'share' her - she was vicious monster. Anyway that was a while ago - new set - just reaching maturity so i'll see how they break down.

  7. On 12/9/2022 at 7:53 PM, Odd Duck said:

    I also got some new plants in yesterday and they came out of their seltzer bath today.  The angels are now obsessed with them.  😆  The “new” pair (the female “dumped”her old mate and has hooked up with the larger BSP male) are intermittently “cleaning” the sparkling clean plants and the rest of them are watching and hanging out amid the stems.  I just hope they don’t pull them up, the plants don’t have a lot of roots, yet.



    I'm curious what you did with the female's previous mate. Not sure about your tank; but in mine she would not let him remain....

  8. On 12/8/2022 at 9:08 AM, Minanora said:

    I haven't kept the species. Those are beautiful fish though. I read that a school of cherry barbs or larger tiger barbs is okay but you may see some aggression on both sides. Space is key, the paradise fish will claim a pretty large territory and is not happy with sharing food.

    I have harlequins, they are fast, but I'm not sure that they'd thrive while being bullied into a small area. I think they would spend a lot of time hiding.

    Can you quantify 'large territory' thanks.

  9. I have a few but no good pictures. My tank desperately needs thinning and rescaping but i think i'll wait till May when i move (the new tank will have 3x the area for the same plants)... so i'll post pictures then. I will note that long term i've never had good luck with pink flamingo; it grows well for about 6 months and then will suddenly melt for reasons i do not understand. Maybe one day it will respawn but i have my doubt.

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  10. On 12/5/2022 at 2:06 PM, Mmiller2001 said:

    I keep my tank at 76 and in the summer they hit about 78.

    That's the same temp i keep the tank i want to carpet. I just saw a comment the stuff grows better in cool water but didn't see an actual temp requirement.

  11. On 12/5/2022 at 2:03 PM, Odd Duck said:

    Yes, I should have mentioned that I’ve read the filters can be found on Amazon.

    filters? I too want the moss - but one concern what i read suggested it does not like a lot of warmth... still i think it looks great.

  12. On 12/3/2022 at 5:37 PM, DaPrawf said:

    Started setting up two new tanks. One 12 gallon and one 7 gallon. The seven gallon will house a male betta (I really want a mustard gas), a mystery snail(?), and some shrimp (I know, they may end up being expensive betta food, but my female betta in my community tank leaves the shrimp alone, so fingers crossed). I'm open to suggestions for the 12 gallon.



    My a. pucallpaensis do quite well in a 10; they are probably the only apistogramma like fish you can pair in something less than a 20; the primary difference between these and borelli is that (a) they are a bit smaller (b) less colourful (c) less violence between male/female when breeding as borelli are you typical polygamous style fish where the female chases the male away when caring for the youngs. The pucallpaensis aren't exactly pair forming but the male will contribute a tiny bit to the caring of the young and the female is less prone to attacking him. Also these are a white water fish; they breed readily in my tap water which is gh 7/tds 120:


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  13. Pleco tend to be more robust; twig cat more elegant; pleco eat more (some more greens other more meat depending on species); if you want a cheap twig like fish there are red lizard cat fish (aquahuana sell them relatively cheap); but they are not really a 'natural' fish or so the rumours go.... if that matter... 


    Don't take the robustness thing lightly as Farlowella like otto really require  a mature aquarium with lots of biofilm... and very clean water. Soft and acidic is always a big bonus with these. Most (not all) species of pleco are more tolerant of harder and dirty water and more willing to eat more robust food like zuc or shrimp pellets.


    Twiggy are amusing but do them justice and give them a proper home.

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  14. On 12/2/2022 at 2:50 AM, rockfisher said:

    I have hear of the pleco eating slime but never seen it. I do think about more than many because the leopard frog plecos and  king tiger plecos because they are carnivores. So far in 3 years no problems.

    Yea but just remember in my case it was the 'algae' loving bn that did it.... so you can never tell... I had an L333 for a while - well 3 years but finally gave him away because well mostly because the tank was a bit on the populated side and he didn't fit in my long term plans but still maybe i shouldn't have he was kind of a 'character' in the tank - he had his one and only coconut shell - no one was allowed in and he never left well - he did now and then - he esp had this habbit of expecting me to put a pellet near the opening so he could run out grab it and take it back in.

  15. On 12/2/2022 at 1:23 AM, Cinnebuns said:

    I already have an Amazon sword. Wanted something with a different texture look to it. 

    There are a lot of different species of Echinodorus plants with different texture and colour. One of my favorite is Echinodorus Parviflorus ‘Tropica’; this is a dark green plant that is around 2 inches high and 3 inches wide - there is two different flavor 'tropica' and regular it can be a bit of a slow grower and it will never get very large but it has imho a please leaf shape (much nicer than 'amazon' sword) and a darker green.


    There is also flame swords and similar ozart sword; these are hit and miss in terms of 'like'; there is rubin sword - here is a picture of a large one in my 120:



    It is the reddish tall plant left center behind the pair of gold angelfishes; this tank has some co2 being injected without co2 it won't get that large.


    There is also kleiner prinz and kleiner bar plants - i have a prinz plant and it is nice but kind of hard to grow. There is purple aflame which can be very difficult to grow but deep solid purple - lovely plant if you can grow it. Anyway there are more than 20 different species readily available if you go the 'sword' route. I wont' get into crypts other than to note there is at least 30 species readily available and some of them are pretty darn nice but unfortunately and kind of oddly the nicer the plant the harder it is to find. Seems more stores just sell the 'less' nice ones....


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  16. On 12/1/2022 at 9:57 PM, Minanora said:

    @anewbie That's a beautiful pleco. What one is that? That dark water tank looks fantastic in that last photo!

    You can't the the same effect but there are some smaller amazon swords that look nice. I have an amazon sword that is huge in my sons tank, the other varieties I have, I'll have to look up the names. They're all staying much smaller, but they aren't super well established yet. Only been in their tank for 5-6 months. I'm not sure how big they are actually going to get, or what the adult leaves look like so I guess I'm not much help there. But they don't go dormant, which is nice.

    I feel like the plants below yours are doing well. The anubias likes less direct light and it may be curbing algae blooming on the lower plants.

    That is an L204.

  17. Another loach is gold zebra; I've not had much luck with these - they always find the smallest hole in my lid and jump out after 12 to 18 months....

    On 12/1/2022 at 7:27 PM, rockfisher said:

     I have group of 6 clown loaches in my 250 that graduated from 55g. You are correct that 55 is not a big tank. I breed both L134 and L-333 plecos with my angelfish in a few tanks. I know better than anyone that you can have the same fish in one tank and they work fine and you set up a second tank and it doesn’t work. The clown loaches I do have eat so many snails I feed them from other tanks and they have a shell graveyard. It’s a shell substrate on one side of the tank. Thanks for the help.

    My problem with pleco and angels is they will sometime get nasty and suck the slime off the angels causing a lot of damage to them. For example I had a nasty temper bn pleco that was not a problem for 4 years but then one night he decided angels tasted yummy and he caused a lot of damage to my group of 7... eventually i figured out it was him (it was a male) and remove it and the problem went away.

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  18. On 12/1/2022 at 6:35 PM, Jennifer V said:

    Oh that's a bummer! I suppose I'll look for something that has a similar effect but doesn't routinely "die." Any suggestions? 

    I know of no other plant with the same look; but in the aponogeton group I esp like boivinianus; it is a bit of a slow grower but after a few years can get fairly large. In theory it will hibernate and when it does you are suppose to remove it from the aquarium for a rest period but mine hasn't gone into hibernation in 3 years.

    Here is a picture of my aquarium with the plant around 3 years old:



    It is the dark green plant left middle.


    Another plant people like is apongeton cripus which is not suppose to hibernate but mine went into hibernation after 5 years - well actually i think it died but the bulb is still hard so who knows what it is doing:


    and a new cripus in my on the far right:


    The plant will eventually out grow the 10 but will probably take another 18 months - it will fit comfortably in a 29.


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  19. On 12/1/2022 at 6:10 PM, Jennifer V said:

    Do they die back entirely or do they just stop growing? I love the look of them and don't really know anything about them. 

    It completely dies back. It is one of the nicer looking aponogeton but it has a short grow period which I find annoying.

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  20. Don't worry after 2 to 4 months it will hibernate for  6 to 18 months and eventually resprout. Technically you should remove the bulb and store it some place cool and semi-dry for a while - actually i should look up the exact requirement for this plant as different species of aponogeton have different requirements but anyway i just leave the bulb in the tank and while they are suppose to die if you do that they always resprout after i forget about them. I think one took over 2 years.

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