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Posts posted by anewbie

  1. On 1/27/2023 at 4:12 AM, nabokovfan87 said:

    She was a rescue. She had nightmares almost every night, fear of loud noises and bangs. We got her when she was a few years old, but she was with me constantly whenever I was home. That picture is her standing at my doorway at the old house I grew up in waiting for me. She was the most carefree happy dog you could imagine. She got older, stayed with my mom, and got grey and had hip issues.

    The analogy is how younger family will always be "the kids", how Mike Franks always called Gibbs a Probie, and she'll always be a happy carefree pup (kind-hearted and loving) to me.

    The dogs we have now are tiny little things by comparison, I've always had bigger dogs, and so they will just always be pups too. Just how it is I guess....

    I understand what you're saying though, as they get older their personalities change a little.

    Yea my sister has rescued cat (from bio lab) and it took them around 8 years to settle down and stop being spooked by the slightest thing. Really nice/loving cat now but she was very very gun shy for a long time. I think it was 18 or 24 months old when she rescued it - they were shutting down and were going to destroy all the unused cats (i think - i forget the details).

    • Sad 2
  2. On 1/27/2023 at 2:18 AM, Lennie said:


    and Apistogramma pandura and A.agasiizi fire red as 1m:2f. I think my LFS fails there as @anewbie also mentioned they  cacatuoides like it in harem! Maybe they are just being cautious about agression, can be hard to keep in small tanks in lfs for sale if they get super agressive maybe.


    This statement is horribly misleading. They don't 'like it in harem" they are harem breeders. There is a huge difference. What this means is that a male will establish a territory and breed with any available female who enters the territory and drive out any female not interested in breeding. That is horribly different than saying the fish wants a harem or is better off in a harem. It is perfectly find to sell the male cockatoo with 0, 1, 2, ... females - you just have to make sure the tank is large enough or you remove females who are not ready to breed and conversely the tank is large enough or you remove the male when the female has frys.


    You can keep 1 female, 2 female, ... 50 female - the male behavior is the same - this is not a commentary on male health or preference. He protects the territory and looks for females that are willing to breed. This is rather different than pair forming cichild where they will work together to protect the area; drive away both male and females not in the pair and work together to raise the fry.


    Btw panduro are pair forming - but the females are very picking on partner. When a pair form you can either remove the other female or they will kill it - your choice.  Also panduro establish are larger area so it is unlikely that the 2nd female will find a 'safe' place.


    I *think* mac are pair forming but not 100% sure without looking it up.


  3. On 1/26/2023 at 11:39 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

    Reminds me of the old pup. 🙂

    I'm having a bit of a problem parsing this: 'old' 'pup'. I had a puppies once - well not me but my dog - well not my dog but my sister dog and they were really cute puppies but they weren't old. Sadly when they became old they were no longer puppies but dogs; and i really miss the puppies. There is nothing more exciting to a puppy then discovering its first snow flake. Puppies really get excited by snow - esp falling snow where they run around and try to catch the flakes on their tongue. Puppies !!!!! Oddly our puppies also like to catch bumble bees on their tongue - but whatever works for them works i guess.

    • Haha 1
  4. On 1/26/2023 at 7:19 PM, Theplatymaster said:

    fine, i apologize, my source must have had an improper setup than. And why dont you explain to us what a proper set up is, instead of just proving me wrong, which i tottally beleive.(I can be wrong)

    Because the male will attack the female and drive her out of his territory if she is not ready to breed there needs to be adequate hiding places for her. Likewise the female views the male as a threat when she has frys and so there needs to be adequate hiding places or areas that male can retreat to when the female has frys. These hiding places have be large and total; adding a coconut cave is usually not sufficient and hte tank has to be large enough to support these hiding areas (20 long is usually safe in terms of total area). For a smaller more passive fish like A. borelli some folks have success with a 15 but there is a wide variance in fish behavior and others have had their female kill the male when she has frys. Some breeders remove the male when the female has frys. Anyway all of this was said in another thread so it seem repetitive to constantly repeat it.

  5. On 1/26/2023 at 6:58 PM, Theplatymaster said:

    huh, well you're the expert, not me. Just saying what i heard

    a) I'm not an expert but i know about this species. 

    b) Not only what you heard is incorrect but you need to understand how harem breeders work as there is strong aggression between m/f and an improperly configured aquarium will result in m/f death. Just how the species work. Angels pair up as do german blue rams but not Apistogramma agassiz.

  6. On 1/26/2023 at 4:28 PM, Theplatymaster said:

    I think they do fine alone, Ive seen so many places that people reccomend just one as a nano centerpiece fish. As for harems, ive heard a male and female will pair off, than bully the rest.

    Depends on the species. Until you provide the species i cannot declare you correct or incorrect. Cockatoo are harem breeders period.


  7. On 1/25/2023 at 7:30 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

    I made Repashy today and the tetras are so dumb, they ignored it. So I had to peel pieces off to make it like flakes that would float around, then they ate it. 🙄

    I gave Geppetto a bite sized piece as an experiment, and CHOMP! It was history as soon as it hit the water. Not sure it’s a good betta food, but perhaps on occasion a little bite.

    Maybe if you ate it in front of them they would get the message 😉

    • Haha 1
  8. On 1/23/2023 at 9:43 PM, OnlyGenusCaps said:

    Oh...  See, that's the only reason I would consider doing a real "paludarium".  If I don't need the "above surface-tension" space, then why bother?  Or, at least that's my approach.  You know, if you could land some Amazon milk frogs, they do well in setups like that, are no threat to fish, and if you can raise tads, they sell.  Really well!  Just a thought.

    Regardless, it sounds like an awesome project, and I am excited to see it come together.  I look forward to updates!

    Well.... i do have above surface plants. I.e, I'm doing it for the plants - it is my garden.

    • Like 1
  9. On 1/23/2023 at 4:04 PM, OnlyGenusCaps said:

    Hi @anewbie!  I haven't made a proper paludarium since before the term existed - we just called them all vivariums back then (we didn't know!).

    When I did it, I got a sheet of acrylic from Tap Plastics the size I wanted the background.  Created a wooden frame around it, coated in epoxy release.  Set out some lace rock I liked, and added an appropriate epoxy (also from Tap).  Then before the epoxy cured, I added a bunch of my favorite aquarium gravel to it, to give it texture.  Once it was cured, I took off the frame, and drilled holes into the top so I could create a drip wall, and along the bottom so the water would refill from the bottom.  The background was placed into the tank about 3cm off the back glass, and sealed in place with silicone.  I'd show you a picture, but if one survives it would be somewhere in my parents house; you see it was taken on something called...  Film.  Strange stuff.  Required a drug store and patience. 

    I wouldn't recommend the above process, though the final product was very durable!  I will say I don't like foam backgrounds.  Though what @James V. did above is really nice!  Josh's Frogs makes various cork flat backgrounds.  Some are flat (agglo, whatever that is) and the "natural virgin cork sheet" in various sizes.  Those make doing cork backdrops easier, depending on the look you are going for.  It becomes cut to fit and silicone in place.  As another option, Glass Box Tropicals has sheets of hygrolon, which looks totally fake, because it is; but can grow moss and plants to a density that completely obscures it. 

    What are you planning on stocking with?

    Yea josh frog or zoo med cork is what i was thinking - i sent them an inquiry sunday so waiting for an answer.


    The fish portion will most likely be stocked with 3 a. bitaeniata male; 4 or 5 female. 15 to 20 Nannostomus rubrocaudatus or Nannostomus mortenthaleri. 15 or so pygmy cory and a pair of nannacara aureocephalus probably later. The water portion is 30 inch x 48 inch x 18 inch so a bit of space.


    Those are the plans a bit depend on availability. The emersed portion I want to grow crypts/anubias various species of echinodorus; a couple of orchids and last but least pothos will grow up the wall (i hope); or maybe it is down the wall. Right now i'm not planning on any critters for the emersed portion though i might see if there is a frog that will be harmless to the fish but that will be an after thought and would not occur for at least a while.



  10. Has anyone setup a paludarium if so what did you use as a background for the emersed portion. What I am thinking in terms of dimension is a 4ftx4ft cube with the front 30 inches an aquarium with water height around 17 inches and the back 18 inches is fully emersed where i can grow crypts/anubia and similar emersed. The height of the cage will be around 42 inches so plants can grow as high as 24 inches before hitting the top. 

    The question is how to put up a background plants can grow up (probably pothos) that will be fish safe. The fish portion will be kh 0 gh 1ish tds around 30 and hopefully ph around 5.5. Make sense ?

  11. cockatoo are harem breeders if that matters 😉

    I forget but macs might be more pair forming; not sure with them. borelli are harem and agassizi are also harem breeders. The big thing about harem breeders is  m/f aggression when the female is not ready to breed. The male will chase her out of his territory; conversely the male doesn't help with raising the frys so the female will chase the male away when she has frys. Lots of m/f aggression.... can be quite deadly in a small or poorly structured aquarium.


    • Like 1
  12. Well... I had a bit of an opps last night around 1am. I woke up - went to the office - didn't turn on the lights since the fishes were asleep and stepped on a mystery snail that had left his home and broke a portion of his shell. So.... i put it in my loach tank and this morning i had happy loaches and well not much of a mystery snail left. 

    Now i know some of you are going to be upset with me but people are constantly saying you should feed your fishes live food occasionally and his shell was badly cracked - and you can't have it both way that is feeding your fishes live food and well not feeding them live food....

    Anyway hopefully the other 30 or so will stay in their tank.

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  13. On 1/21/2023 at 2:58 PM, J. Holmes said:

    Thanks so much! Another thing I’ve been reading is that Rams like a sandy substrate bc they like to sift through it. I have Eco-Complete for my plants. Is this too rough for them? 

    Most dwarf cichild are going to prefer a sandy substrate... 

  14. On 1/20/2023 at 4:10 PM, FLFishChik said:

    “For a first time plant person - plants work in months not days or weeks - make adjustments slow and understand with many common plants (crypts/swords/anubias) you might not know how things are doing for 4 months”

    - unless it’s Pogostemon Stellatus Octopus, in which case, it’s just a matters of hours😂 j/k


    I'm so sorry but PSO is not a plant it is a weed.

    • Haha 4
  15. On 1/20/2023 at 6:11 PM, J. Holmes said:

    I’ve been reading up on the ram and apistogramma borelli. Both stay low to the ground and like caves. How would they get along with my hillstream who loves the rock caves and ground feeds as well? Also, how many would I keep? Male and female? Just male for centerpiece? 

    The tank has too many fishes for a 'breeding' aquarium so I would just get  male. While you can breed in a community aquarium that aquarium just has too many fishes - it would make the female a nervous wreck. I don't think the hillstream loach will be an issue with a single male.

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  16. You can keep a single angel in a 29 but i generally don't recommend it. Also they can as full grown adults eat endlers and neon. The problem is a 29 just doens't have a lot of swimming space for an adult angels. Conversely angels don't normally swim a lot but if they get spooked they can seriously injured themselves in a small aquarium. A 2 year old male can be quite large but typically females are going to be quite a bit smaller so I'd go with a female in a 29. 


    GBR tend to be fragile and if you are going to get a dwarf cichild esp first time i'd go with something more robust. On the 'pretty' side apistogramma borelli are pretty hearty and you could keep a nice male in there. It isn't a large fish so as a centerpiece you might be disappointed but i think it woud look nice in that aquarium.


    Personally i think a male borelli  is a nicer looking fish than a bolivian ram and it is a more elegant but smaller fish. Also they can handle a wide range of water types and temperature.

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