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Everything posted by Sunny

  1. It looks like ludwigia repens? If so, it's just happy to be close to the light and turning red for you.
  2. I just looked up plants that can grow hydroponically; hydrangea doesn't seem to come up, but apparently peace lillies can be, which would maybe be a hot mess. If the hydrangea does well you'll have to update us!
  3. What’s odd too is that this exact thing happened to a skirt tetra a few months ago. Exact same tail injury, anal fin completely ripped off… maybe they made the other skirt tetras angry somehow?? I’ve got him soaking in 1 tbsp per gallon salt and antibiotics in QT, but if I had clove oil I’d euthanize him. He’s clearly getting worse… poor guy…
  4. @ColuYes, a coop one that’s covered in hair algae
  5. Ammonia is zero on API kit. I haven’t used disinfectant near, but we do spray fabreeze (I try to keep it away from the tank but I know it travels some)… does that stuff kill fish??? I have a tank in the hallway that has had absolutely no issues, and it’s near where I have the cat litter so all sorts of air sprays going on there. I have two peace lillies next to the tank… trying to think of anything else different than my hallway tank. Picture below, maybe you can see something I’m missing. I do have an HOB on this tank, versus a sponge filter for the smaller hallway one. @FiShrewdare you suggesting moving them to a QT and dosing salt? I’m in the US so I have access to meds, I can dose the whole tank as well (I don’t want whatever is happening here to hurt the cherry barbs).
  6. *There are pictures of this at the end of this post, so don’t scroll if you don’t want to see it* Hi all… lots been going wrong over here lately. Just when I was thinking I was doing great, my two guppies don’t make it through quarantine, my seemingly healthy dwarf guarami just got dropsy, now my skirt tetras are… disintegrating? I have some skirt tetras from when I first set up the tank in December. They had ick when I got them but after the med trio have seemed healthy. They spawn every other week or so. About two or three months ago, I noticed that one of them looked like he’d been half eaten. Tail and fins ripped up, bloody gash on side… really gruesome. I thought the dwarf gourami had got him, or maybe he didn’t like the recent water change? I dosed the tank with maracyn just in case. Tonight, I noticed another skirt tetra like this! He seemed absolutely fine the past few days and even this afternoon when I checked the tank. Except this time, the guorami had been in a hospital tank the past few days with dropsy. Any ideas?! I’ve felt awful losing the other fish but it’ll really suck if this is the fate of the rest of them. Water parameters below. Other tank mates are cherry barbs (not in the tank when the first tetra died), 4 more skirt tetras, and two guppy fry in a floating Tupperware. Help, please 😞
  7. Sunny

    Sore on guppy?

    Thank you! These two didn’t make it but I’ve got two babies that seem to be doing well. Depending on what sex they are I’ll try again with the store guppies. I have equilibrium ready to go!
  8. I do know that PetSmart brings in fish from wholesale to their distribution centers, which then get sent to the local stores, vs Petco, where each store gets fish in directly from the wholesalers. (Source: PetSmart employee)
  9. That’s so exciting! I keep hoping I’ll be surprised by some panda cory babies too.
  10. Crushed coral has kept my ph from crashing but it’s never made it go up. But the two guppies I got just did horrible and I’d like to figure out what about my water is disagreeing with them before I potentially kill some more.
  11. I’m seeing 6.8 on the strips and 7.8 on the liquid kit, and I could be totally off trying to read the colors. It’s my understanding that 6.8 is barely acceptable for most fish and too low for live bearers, while 7.8 is a great number for most fish including live bearers. Right?
  12. I kind of believe the strips, too, based on how the guppy situation went, but I feel like there’s a huge difference between 6.8 and 7.8. ETA: my water out of the tap is soft, which may also explain the guppy crash, which is why I’m not sure if it was ph or not?
  13. Oh, interesting. Do you know if the more recent test strips have the issue resolved?
  14. Hi everyone, after having my first guppies die on me, I’m trying to figure out my water. I’m showing a pretty big difference between the Coop strips and API test kit. The test kit did expire in January, but even before then it was showing my PH to be much higher than the aquarium coop test strips do (the difference didn’t matter until I tried to keep guppies!) Thanks!
  15. Sunny

    Sore on guppy?

    Now my other guppy is acting lethargic and not eating. I poked him and he just rolled over. 😭 I really didn’t understand my water as well as I thought I did. Poor things.
  16. Sunny

    Sore on guppy?

    Thanks. PetSmart had two one-day old guppy fry in the tank that they gave me for free, and I’ve got them in a different tank that’s my normal water so hopefully they grow up adjusted. I’ve been consoling myself by watching their antics. 😍
  17. Sunny

    Sore on guppy?

    Update: he didn’t make it. 😞 I’m finishing the round of antibiotics hoping that the other guppy doesn’t get sick with whatever this was.
  18. Like a few others here, I’m in Georgia! Specifically, near Atlanta, and since we’re doing Olympic facts: Atlanta was home of the Centennial Olympics, which was the last summer Olympics in the US, and was also the one with the bomb.
  19. I’m not sure, but when I accidentally add to much in my 10 gallon it makes the water cloudy for a while.
  20. Sunny

    Sore on guppy?

    I finally got the hardness up to 300 ppm (I also have no idea the difference between lingo). I’ll track down some equilibrium because my buffer is sitting at 40 lol. I guess the coral takes a while… Update: the fin is looking better but the sore on his tail definitely got worse.
  21. Sunny

    Sore on guppy?

    Sorry- API ick cure, not med cure
  22. Sunny

    Sore on guppy?

    How much stuff is too much in the water? I’ve currently got: -4 cups crushed coral -3 tbsp salt; going to add two more -api med cure, dosed Saturday -paraclense, dosed Saturday -maracyn, dosed Saturday and today Would adding equilibrium be overdoing it at this point? Or think it’ll go fine?
  23. I'm in GA, too! Atlanta metro area. There's apparently a good LFS up in Roswell, but... it's on the other side of the city from me, hah.
  24. Sunny

    Sore on guppy?

    Now he’s getting a red spot on the edge of his fin?
  25. Sunny

    Sore on guppy?

    I added two more cups of it last night. Anything I can do to make him more comfortable in the meantime? He’s just sitting there breathing heavy and I feel bad for him…
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