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Everything posted by Calorad

  1. I have been using a python to do water changes for some time now however water pressure lately has been getting weak where I live and it gets slow at draining out any water or adding back. Anyone have other suggestions on what they use that is better then this method?
  2. Tank mates are Neon tetras with 2 snails
  3. Tank has been cycled for a year had fish almost 8 months
  4. Does anyone know what could be wrong with my betta. She has been sitting on the bottom of the tank for 2 days now. Water parameters are ammonia is 0 nitrite is 0 nitrate is 0 and pH is at 7.3 using api test kit. She does not swim much either now.
  5. Thanks. So far this group has been very helpful and I'm glad to be here.
  6. I have a 36 gallon bow front with danios and cherry shrimp and starting a 55 gallon tank that i want to do cichlids in
  7. Okay I will start doing that and see what happens, thanks for the help
  8. How much of a water change did you do, 25 percent?
  9. I tried that and its still coming back have limited lighting to 6 hours a day for the past week and most of it has been with blue lights on. Should I completely shut it off then?
  10. I have a 36 gallon tank that is having issues with algae. I scrubbed the walls and did a water change after but it comes back. I have looked into an alge control however I cannot use it due to the shrimp in the tank. Is there anything I can do or use that would be safe for me to try in controlling the issue.
  11. I want to set up a tank with african cichlids. I currently have a spare 55 gallon tank that could use. How many cichlids could I get if I used it and what kinds of rocks and decorations could I use?
  12. Hello I'm Steve and new here and to fish keeping.
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