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Posts posted by OceanTruth

  1. I usually don’t target feed my shrimp. I want them to wander around and scavenge whatever they can. The only specific food I feed them once a week is GlasGarten Mineral Junkie Bites, just so I know they are getting some minerals they specifically need. They are usually on it within seconds of hitting the substrate.

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  2. I’m not sure the forum has changed my “outlook” of the hobby. I mainly joined because I don’t have any fishkeeping buddies or a lfs I can hang out in.

    It does provide another avenue of seeing some unique styles and different fish and tanks people keep though, which I enjoy thoroughly. @Jungle Fan literally has a jungle in his tank. @Anita has these nano wonderlands and has been playing around with pagoda snails. I love snails and I haven’t really heard of people keeping these. @H.K.Luterman keeps unique fish that ALL have character. @Streetwise is all natural. I feel like if I dunked my head in a nearby lake or river I’d see the inspiration for his tanks. @Daniel shows that all you need is a large enough body of water and a pump to have a slice of heaven inside your home.

    I think I’m at the point of trying to be inspired more than learning what new gadget might be out there. This forum allows for that because members here, for the most part, believe different doesn’t mean wrong.

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  3. @ScottEsh Wow, that is some commitment you have for your tanks. I wouldn’t keep fish if I had to drive 2hrs and buy RO water every week. I would definitely test your water more. You’re pretty lightly stocked in my opinion, so I doubt you even NEED to change water weekly. Once your plants get going you’ll need to do it even less.

    It’s hard for me to identify your plants, but maybe they are slow growers. Are they dying off or just not noticeably growing?

  4. I honestly would do whatever option you feel is necessary or suits you. I think I’ve heard enough opinions and experiences on each option, that they all have success and some failures. I really don’t think it makes much of a difference on how you do it. Bringing in fish is always stressful on the livestock.

    I’ve always had success just temperature acclimating and then netting them out. When I first started in the hobby I drip acclimated and had pretty much the same success.

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