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  1. Hey here u=is an update on my Babys!! They are growing and have started having their adult coloration. They are about 2-3cm in size. I need to move them to a bigger tank and start selling them!!!! Yesterday i killed some because i forgot to turn the filter on after a waterchange and some suffered and died. Only 6 from over 90+ babys, but it broke my heart anyway. Here is a little clip from last week.
  2. Don't worry about it it took took 11 spawns to find how to hatch these guys!! If they hatch then you just have to feed them. Also put some spoonfulls of salt it helps with gobys. Desert gobies eat everything just dont worry about it. Also let a spawn hatch in the parent tank or take the parent with the eggs just to see when the gobies hatch inyour water temp. Measure exackly the days and them you should have your taktit laid out for the next ones!! Here is a video of theit habbitat when they were rediscoverd in sumbuddys well in the middle of the desert!!!! Let me nhow if you need help my zoom is almost always ready for a fish chat!!!
  3. Another lesson learded!! Don't worry the fish are not dead. The fry use light to nhow when they are ready to hatch. I had another spawn, he spawned as you will see in the video under a big rock. When pulled the rock to move it to the hatch aquarium (same parameters like their parents tank) they started hatching like crazy in the bawl i was moving them with. I gave them more time then normaly i gave the eggs 5,5 days before pooling also the were laid in a much more natural way, under a rock. When i exposed them to light to pool the rock ,they went from dark cave to bright aquarum light , they started hatching after 2 minutes almost 95% of them hatched in one minute. Also a left the light on in the hatch aquarium for the first 36 hours. Through these changes i had a 99% survival rate!!!!! They where dying because they didn't have the time to learn to swim with the lights on!!! After that they started eating baby brine like the 6 fry i had from last weeks spawn!!If you have any quaestions feel free to ask!!!!!!!!!!!😁 Hatching captured!!!
  4. I was speaking yesterday with Jutta Bauer the breeder i got my fish from and aparently Tannins can kill the fry. That´s why they died in the soil aquarium and in the other tank they can not handle tannins!!!! NO LEAFS NO WOOD NO SOIL!!!! Lesson learned!!! The master of gobys saved me again from lots of trouble!!!😅
  5. We lost them again!!! I tried to bring the ph down to see if i would have some more succes with them hatching but i think that killed them!!! So i have a ph of 8.3 so i tryed to do a 50% waterchange with aro and all the eggs fungust the day after. I think i went down to 6.7 ph that seems to be the down mark. Next time i will try to have a ph of 7.3-7.8 and see how that does!!!😥
  6. New lesson!!! Fry can get stuck in gravel or soil and die!!😥 They are now trapping more females to breed so in a few days we will have some more fry to test and try to perfect my strategy. At least i had them survive till the 3rd day!!!!
  7. Missed the 4th and 5th time, had some learning to do for the math Exam but now they are spawning for the 6th time and i think this is the one!!! They will hatch at the 24th i will be at home the hole 2 weeks because of the winterbreak so i will have the perfect conditions to hatch and raise them.
  8. I have a forth spawn so in 3 days they will hatch. They will hatch for me at the 5th day in 22°Celcius temperature. I had no problem hatching the 3rd batch but the danio fry ate them. Lets see if a can end the strugle!!!!
  9. The problem is the timing. You need to let the father take care of the eggs, because otherwise they will fungul up with arteficial flow. You also you have to pool them just before they hatch otherwise they will get eaten by the others. Last time i failed on both aspects were i was too late and just found one half eaten fry 86th day) and the second time i pulled them too early and they fungused (4th day). This time i will try to remove them a the 5th day and be mor carefull, because i think last time i also exposed them to the air while removing them. Wish me luck!!!😁 Also i found one of them trapping a female today so maybe third time is the charm??
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