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Dancing Matt

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Posts posted by Dancing Matt

  1. Keeping and eye on them is good advice. Any mix of betta + (fish or shrimp) hasn't worked for me but watching helped avoid issues. I put 3 corydoras in with a betta in a 10gal and he immediately chased them continuously, I quickly separated them. I had one female in a 45gal and added some ghost shrimp, over night she murdered them all and caused a spike that killed some tetras I had in a breeder box, didn't watch and paid for the mistake.

  2. @Jeff I am curious about this also. A multicolored tank seems pretty neat. I am vaguely remembering a video where Cory visited... LR Bretz(?)'s fish room and he had a "cull" tank where he put different morphs that didn't make the cut for quality but he would keep an eye on the tank and found some of his favorite(?) morphs or he would find interesting ones that came out of that tank. If my memory is correct, it makes me think that mixing morphs doesn't necessarily cause the shrimp to "revert" into wild coloration. I am guessing, my understanding, is that takes time and "neglecting" to cull for coloration.

    Here are some comments from the forum about this topic:


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  3. Are the water parameters different? What other differences may there be (temperature/ temp fluctuations)? Is there an age difference (the orb more mature?) or predators? Try and list the differences then you can work towards a probable answer. Is there something in your tap?

  4. I would say it is not a corydora either. The body style looks like it is some kind of top or mid level swimmer (guppy, tetra, minnow). Do you have any other fish in other tanks? Did anything come from other tanks (plants, sponge, decoration)?

    You will likely need to wait till it grows more to know exactly what it is but I am sure you could narrow it down.

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  5. I am fairly certain you would dose aquarium salt once and let that sit. If you add more salt (without changing water) you will drive up the salinity which would be detrimental. If you change some water out but still dose at the same ratio you would likely also drive it up.

  6. I would try another strip and/or a different test as the first thing to do.

    If those come back the same than some questions would be, what is coating the tub? Are sprinklers over spraying into the tub (though it seems high for a little over spray)? Is someone topping it off? It seems rather full or no water "change" (if it is being topped off, is the water being treated?).

    It has a nice green-water tint to it which makes me question if it has chlorine...

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