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Everything posted by JoefishGofish

  1. .....as you can imagine a photo does not do it justice. They are everywhere. not taking powder as of this morning but I’ll try again this evening. Just a dusting at a time.....
  2. This morning the fry are now up off the bottoms and swimming! This is Day #12 since the spawn. Easily 80-100. They look so good! Hanging out in a patch of light where there is a gap in the surface plants. not sure if they’ll eat powder yet but I’ll let you know Thanks for everyone’s help and support.
  3. Tough to count right now. There are a few groups of 20+ So I’m guessing close to 75 - 100? There’s quite a bit of plant matter detritus on the bottom so some are hidden. So far so great!!
  4. And my adults are spawning again. This time only 8 days apart. Awesome. Unexpected.
  5. Woke up this morning excited to see what the activity would be in the fry tank......no fry anywhere. Got a light out and searched. The floor of the tank was bare. I have a mat sponge filter in this tank and it must not be seated tightly at the bottom. All the fry had scooted under it and were hiding on the filter side which is only 1” wide gap. They congregated in the absolute darkest place. So I raised the sponge mat up to have a better look. There’s still a lot. Many pairs of Black eyes against the silicone is neat to see. So far so great! I placed some subwassertang to provide some hiding places.
  6. Definitely trying not to stress them. I haven’t bothered them other than aging a light briefly a couple of times. They look good this morning too. There is a bit of detritus on the bottom of the tank from the water lettuce up top. The fry are hidden somewhat among it. I’m thinking tomorrow (day 8 or Saturday (day 9) there should be some swimming activity. Thanks for the tips.
  7. What I need to do is go away for a week. All I want to do is shine a light, disturb the water, poke and bother these fry to check their progress. There’s a lot. I’m excited. Nicely spread out across the bottom of the tank. Incredibly evenly spaced. Likely from wiggling and creating space between. Still no eyes (I think). Hard to say without a bright light. Im trying to be patient......
  8. Another night of growth behind. Another day of growth ahead. Activity levels are up. And there’s still a lot. Looking good.
  9. Still lots. Pretty dark in there. But lots of movement when I move a flashlight across the bottom of the tank.
  10. So they’re in the grow out tank. Lights are dimmed. Flow of sponge filter is reduced. A bunch hatched while dumping them in. There’s a lot. And there are no predators. Just a couple of small snails. Time will tell.
  11. Rain water has some tannins in it. Good rough water changes. No clumping so far. Eggs look good. Some of the unfertilized ones have dissolved and the good ones have some wiggly fry inside. Either by end of day today or morning tomorrow I’ll add them to the grow out tank.
  12. Water change #1. Bye bye blue. my guess is about 20% are not fertilized and went cloudy. The rest (approx 150) look good.
  13. They are now in a 2.5 gallon. 1 drop Methylene Blue and an airstone. I’ll change out the water every 6 hours or so until the blue is gone. .......and I’m not going to be gentle about it!!
  14. A few hundred for sure. Unfortunately a small female got chased and pinned in amongst some stones and couldn’t get out. She is in rough shape. Might lose her along with an old female that’s pretty beat up now too.
  15. Just recorded what was going on in the tank. Sorry for the background noise. Basement dehumidifier.
  16. so here we go again. May 6. The spawn. Watching the female drop the eggs is wild. And then for every 10 she drops 9 get eaten immediately. But this is going on for hours so there should still be a good collection. If there’s a better egg collecting contraption out there let me know please.
  17. Well, the final tally 15 days after egg collection.....5. Its not nothing! Better luck this week.
  18. All of them? All the time? Amazing. I can only keep trying. I might keep my Shiners indoors this summer so I can collect eggs and play around with them!
  19. I think there has to be a dozen or so. It’s day 10 and they rest in the plants or on the bottom then dart up to the top for a few seconds. Then fall back to where they started. Maybe I’ll be lucky and there are more hiding amongst the plants. I quickly lost track of them in that tank. I’ve got a different tank prepared bare bottom for the next round of fry. I’m eager to see that play out.
  20. I’ve put in Hikari Fry Food and freshly hatched BBS but I think they’re still to small. I think at 2 weeks roughly they may eat? There’s 6 or so bouncing at the tops of the plants to the surface and back down. Not nothing!!
  21. The shrimp may get a hold of them. they cleaned up the dead ones which was helpful. It might not work out this round. I think I blew it with this batch. But that was my best hatch rate yet. The Methylene Blue was a win. The fry just seem incredibly fragile. I’ll clean out a different tank that had just shrimp in it. move the shrimp to the planted tank and start again with the next batch. So close, yet very disappointing.
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