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  1. Hi! Great news - power is restored. Woohoo. Finley and crew look good. No signs of stress. The plants are ok. Luckily I have my Easy Green and so they’ll get plenty of that. The tanks cloudy and nitrates and nitrites off but I’ll watch it today. Hopefully now the water is circulating and running through a filter it will cycle it through. thanks for yalls responses 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻♥️
  2. Thanks all 🙏🏻 I did a water change. Everyone seemed happy and no stress. I’m hoping in 2 days the power will be back on and we will be in business. But I will def check into a battery powered something or a small power source to avoid this in the future. 👍🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
  3. Thanks for the responses @nabokovfan87 he is a young bristlenose. As of yesterday he was fine and acting as normal. I didn’t see signs of stress. I am about to go over and do a water change and check on them. I might stop by PetSmart and check on a battery powered stone. As it is in my office I did open the door to the office but the office in a whole is warm. I am also worried about the plants. Vallisneria and a Java fern and balbitis They were doing so good newly added and now I am worried about melting and dying. Thank you 🙏🏻
  4. Hi there. When I checked yesterday the temp was 72/71 which is about what my heater is set at anyway. I was just thinking of going to do a water change and helping it out. I didn’t think to test the water at work but I would assume we have water and would have hot water. I’d hope.
  5. Hello all. Hopefully someone is on to help. Thanks!!! So we had this hurricane come through. Power is still off at my office where my tank is located. 5 gal Fluval been running since Jan. Betta. Pleco. Snail. And plants. The power has been off assuming since Thursday night/ Friday am. I did go check on them yesterday and all seems well and good but power is expected to be restored Tuesday night. I did notice my nitrates up. In your opinion should I move the tank to my home or will Finley and gang be ok for a few more days? help. Thanks 🙏🏻
  6. Oh no no. I appreciate it. Thank you. She’s so cute and pretty and I didn’t think it possible but I’ve seen some try it and blah blah. I trust this forum and expertise. And yes. Haha. This is the same with the Pleco. Who is growing by the way. He’s a mess. Literally. He’s not too big yet but I hate to think of rehoming him. I’m attached. Lol. 😂 Thank you so much 🙏🏻🙏🏻 @clownbaby
  7. Hi. I have a question. 🙋🏻‍♀️ I have a male plakat betta. He’s docile. So much so he shies from his “fighting” mirror friend. He’s approx 7 months old. In a 5 gallon tank. He’s made bubble nests and I take them out. Buuuut I was at Petsmart and saw this little plakat female with the prettiest colors and gold and she’s young. Tiny. I’ve always know. You can’t have them together but I’ve seen some blogs where people have successfully had males and females together with cooler temps and right water parameters. I’d love to have her as a girlfriend. Not breeding purposes but a playmate. She’s so pretty. Has anyone here, since I trust this forum most, had success in having them cohabitate? And most of what I have seen success stories on are in larger 20+ gallons 😒. Thanks.
  8. Well. That test was taken with no water change. Saturday my tests were better than the week. Sunday I went to work and tested and that was the results and since they looked good I didn’t do a water change. I do have quite a bit of plants - Anubias and Java Fern. I just ordered some potassium today and have been dosing with my Easy Green every water change and this am, without a water change. To increase the nitrates, I keep adding EG and is there anything else I can do or just wait in time?
  9. Ok. Well I’m still working on it. But those nitrite levels had me super worried. But we are getting there. I think this is a great step towards being a smooth future 👍🏻 I am so grateful and thankful for all of your opinions and suggestions. I will keep everyone posted and asking questions I am sure 😂😂🙏🏻
  10. 🙏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 UPDATE I think it’s cycled. It sure appears that way. Am I correct? Lol. I did go yesterday and changed water…….and this am I went and tested the water and my nitrites were perfect. I didn’t do a water change. I didn’t add any chemicals so I will retest in the am. But I am so relieved. Do we agree I should be good now? Lol. 👍🏻🙏🏻☺️
  11. Ok 🙏🏻👍🏻 yes. My ammonia is right where it should be. Ok well I feel a little relieved. I’ll do a water change in a bit and check again before I leave work. Aaaaaaah @JettsPapa I found it. Thank you so much!! 🙏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 yay. It’s the little things……… 😂
  12. @Pepere I do have plants so I’ll stick with my water changes and power through this. I hope. 🙏🏻 thank you
  13. @Tony s ok. Thank you. I have already prepared more water and was contemplating doing another water change this afternoon. So. Ok. Thank you for confirming. My poor little guy. Ok so it does seem like we are cycling? So it’s not necessarily (hopefully) something I am doing. 😥
  14. Hi there. It’s me again. Worried betta fish mama. I need to just get my specs on my name signature like yall do but I can’t figure out how to. 😂 Fluval 5 gal Spec betta and a snail and baby pleco been running since Jan, fish added now 3 weeks planted tank Easy green fertilizer Been using API stress coat +, this week I got Seachem Prime and I have API bacteria starter and I have added small tiny bits of baking soda this week as my alkalinity is low. ok. My nitrites have me in panic mode. This week I have been testing and my nitrites are in the mid to dark pink mode. I’ve been doing daily water changes and adding the additives back in. The nitrates seem to be coming up. The alkaline is somewhat creeping up. I test twice a day. Or more. Lol. Have I been doing too many water changes? Do I need to continue them? Is it cycling now? My tank is at work. Will it be ok over the weekend or do I need to come water change? I wanna make sure my little groupies are ok. 😬😬😬🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
  15. Haha. You’re probably right. And I am overthinking it I know. Lol. My husband keeps asking me if all fish tanks were this hard to keep 😂🤷🏻‍♀️🙈 but it’s just so much info to learn and I wanna do it right. Lol. thanks. Ok. I’ll let it sit tight and see if everything mediates out. 🙏🏻🙏🏻☺️
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