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Everything posted by Whitecloud09

  1. Yea I have looked into this! Btw, y’all have one of the BEST websites for fish tank of all time!!! Thanks so much for the GREAT customer service and everything else! Got some live plants for y’all and ordering more soon! @Cory! Yeah me too…. Yes that is awesome idea Agreed.
  2. @Manringjk,hello! I am new to this forum too! Kinda new anyways..been here for almost a month! Welcome and yes I agree that people are super nice and helpful. Love your tanks! So cool!
  3. Thanks. I will prob get this now! Oh. It is from AC! Wow I had NO CLUE they sold one! Buying it right now!!!!
  4. It did thanks so much! I will check it out for sure!
  5. Oh yeah, didn’t think about that… 😄 thanks though.
  6. I have had the opposite issue with my gh @Fenrir, so wanted to see what was going on here.
  7. Can you gimme a pic of the tank + what are the plants in the tank?
  8. @Tony s, any reccomended online plant sellers besides AC?
  9. What are the best ones out there? Specifically, which are compatible for topfinn aquarium kits? I was trying to find some and got one but didn’t fit. I saw that most fit lights that are sold separately that people get for the tank. Advice? Idk if we are able to say the brand but could you gimme a link possibly?
  10. Yes I have looked at micro sword before,never heard of crypt Parva…thanks I will look in to these! I just gotta Anubias nana for my 10 so yeah def an option! Could anyone tell me wher u could buy these? Online?
  11. Hey,I wanted to ask, as somebody on the forum told me I should get some live plants for my betta 5 gallon, what are the best live plants for this size tank? They say Java fern gets kinda big even though a slow grower. I just got Anubius nana plant and Windelov Java fern in a 10 gallon but any others? Windelov gets big too sadly. Any advice, I will take.
  12. I was just about to mention WCMMs but ummmm….ghost shrimp, pea puffer, the pea puffer would have to be by itself though…kinda rude to others. Green neon tetras, mystery snails.
  13. Thanks man. 👍 u got great info! I am such a beginner for plants as u prob know!😅
  14. This betta…has come through,fin rot,swim bladder, clamped fins,constipation,fin tear,and more! He is STILL living and is swimming a ton now! I thank @Odd Duck for helping me out! His belly is big but not too big. His name is Sonic!
  15. Yeah it is, ok thank again! I will get a timer and return the dimmer. I run the lights around 8 hours a day but not all the time so do you recommend any aquarium led timers or what do I get.
  16. Wow. That’s good to have!! Wish all petcos and petsmarts were like that!😂
  17. Ok thanks so much! Yes I was thinking on getting some fake wood from petsmart…btw, do you think the lights are to bright for these plants? @Tony s, got a light dimmer, just came but one size fits and the other doesn’t!😩 do u know of any led light adapters?
  18. Nice! That’s awesome 😎! Never new pet o had something like that!
  19. So, I just got today a Anubius nana from aquarium coop. Got Java fern yesterday from them too (Wendelov) and got 2 of those! My question here is, do I add easy green fertilizer right now? I am cycling a 10 gallon aquarium. It is at the final stage and I added these 3 plants in the past 2 days. My nitrates are 40 ppm. Do I add? Light might look super bright in pic and it is but I have a light dimmer coming tomorrow from Bruce plant. Advice? Very new too this. Thanks! 🙂
  20. @Easy V. Rider, nice! Those look so cool!! Where did you buy them? Online or at a local fish store?
  21. Oh I was reading some thing on google and it said it with mg/kg so I think I miss read it.😅thanks Yes I did my homework!😀 Do Java fern smelt back @Galabar? Melt back. Not smelt
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