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JS Fish

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  1. Hey, sorry it's been so long since I updated. Btw, Buzz is doing great! His tank had been getting messy and hard to clean so I decided to give the tank a makeover.
  2. Oh, ok. Thanks! I always wondered about that.
  3. Most of my water wisteria in my other tanks has the lacy leaves. Sometimes though, the leafs will grow more round.
  4. @MWilk, Can it grow out of the water?
  5. I've had it in there for about two years now. When it gets to big, I cut the top off, throw away the bottom, and replant the top.
  6. Thanks @Whitecloud09and @CoryWithAKatana. I think I'm going to stick with just betta and I hope to find another wild or near wild type betta. Those are my favorite. This is where he jumped out of. I just added the screen after he jumped to make sure it never happens again.
  7. Its 10 gallons. Unfortunately, my new betta jumped out of the tank and is dead. I had a lid but I guess that wasn't enough.
  8. Thanks, I like both of those names. I'm gonna give him another day or two of learning about his personality to decide. I'm glad you like the tank. I redid the tank a couple days before getting him in hope of making it look nice. Yea, Domino was a great betta, but he had cancer on his side for almost a year before he passed.
  9. Hey guys. So this is a tank I've had for around 7 or 8 years now. Recently, my betta fish Domino passed away. This left my tank open for the betta fish I just got! I'm unsure of what to name him. Supposedly, hes a blue alien betta and he is absolutely stunning even at his young age and small size. He has much growing to do both physically and emotionally with me.
  10. Hey @Jack1235, beautiful betta and cool tank! I like the skull. Do you have any name ideas?
  11. For chilli rasboras, I would personally go with atleast 5 gallons. 10 or 20 would be better. I have two rasboras of very similar species to chilli rasboras in a 20 gal and they use all the space. For 2.5, bumble bee goby would be nice or mexican dwarf crayfish
  12. It looks like a sponge filter to me
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