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Tony s

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Everything posted by Tony s

  1. That's the area we need colu for. but a lot of internal pressure could be visible in the eyes.
  2. He also had something, so checking parameters wasn't going to do much. feel better
  3. I should also paste the thread I was quoting. Thank you @Chick-In-Of-TheSea
  4. looks very constipated. start fasting him. for a week if needed. You may need to get him in a quarantine tank, so he stops eating. Then follow this thread. @Chick-In-Of-TheSea was having the same problem. And let's ask @Colu I should look closer. the box he's in will work
  5. I got my wife a subscription box. It always has something different to do each month. from string art to painting, woodcraft to a bit of glass art. just something a bit different every month
  6. sorry, but the pictures didn't come through. And just for reference, what are your current parameters?
  7. Did you add a filter or change flow patterns? If not, it's not a flow issue. Is it possible your ammonia spiked? I've seen fish hide from that before
  8. What kinds of fish do you have? Different kinds swim at different levels
  9. You're probably right. But I'm paranoid
  10. Personally, I almost always regret getting the smaller tank. Our 75g is great, but a 125 would have gone in that spot. and the fish selection would have been larger. Ultimately it depends on what you really want to keep. Schooling fish can go in every size tank. But severum (i want some) and orandas (I also want some) can't. So, If you want the big fish, you'll always regret not going bigger
  11. I think I used the flexzilla green hose. But that should work great. I also got 50 feet. I have to go all over my house 😁
  12. I didn't trust a regular one from the local box store. Instead, I went to amazon and ordered a food safe garden hose. It's held up really well and wasn't that much more expensive. Plus, the material was softer and easier to work with. I did buy a regular garden hose valve for the tank end, just so I wasn't draining water all over the place while moving the hose. But that was a brass fitting covered in plastic for feel.
  13. Tops will still work. But you’re going to be doing a lot of water changes anyway. Got to keep the nitrates down to less than 5 and the water crystal clear
  14. Top offs are not a big deal. Assuming that eventually you actually do a regular water change. But I can see a problem if all you do is top off for 6 months without a water change.
  15. If it is graphite disease (hopefully not) there's not a lot you can do for it. So, absolutely give him the meds and hopefully It was actually a bacterial infection. At this point you don't have anything to lose. You might want to contact the seller as well. Not to get a refund or anything. But I'm sure they would want to know if they have a mycoplasma contamination in their stock. If they're a reputable supplier anyway.
  16. I think it would work fine. You might pack some filter floss around it to help push water through it. With the smaller size it will probably be used up quicker. I use it in my big tank. It does a good job of keeping organics down. I know that’s what you’re worried about with the discus.
  17. I was thinking about them. Not as colorful but very cool looking. Or red neon blue eyes would be a cool choice as well
  18. They can be. They function the same as any calcium source. like a wondershell basically or crushed coral. as long as it's been prepared properly. My biggest mistakes. Complete impulse purchases. I can be financially responsible for a very long time. Then I can't. And usually, I buy things that look good, function well. but completely the wrong size for what I want. I bought a 45g back in august with stand. 1/2 off. but It's too small for the goldfish we were looking at getting. I can get incredibly annoyed with myself this way.
  19. My praecox stay in the upper half usually. If that helps. Rams usually in the lower half
  20. haven't had those, but kind of like a big skirt tetra. Slightly slimmer and a touch longer
  21. mine are about 3 yrs old. They have stayed under 3 inches.
  22. I am at the moment. I wasn't always. Most of my angels are either juvenile or males in there right now. I had a couple of breeding pairs. But lost one female. and the other pair went to a breeding tank because the boy was mean. So, everything in there currently can handle a bit of extra flow. Yeah, the fx2 is enough. And for the tubes, you could try a black background. It shows of the fish well, and hides the equipment
  23. yes. you can partially close the output flow valve. the motor is designed to handle that. acts like a clogged filter. or you could get a spray bar to go down the back side. I haven't used one. but have been thinking about it
  24. I have an fx2 on my 75g angel tank. Works great. almost too much flow.
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