Can somone tell me what kind of algae this is? It is the little green spots? They are stuck to the glass and very hard if not impossible to remove by force or chemicle. If you also notice the BBA, I know about that one and the same applies but I'm working on it. Each time I get a little plant growth the BBA takes over. The vallisneria was covered with it so I cut it all back and it hasn't grown back yet.
I have tried peroxide dosing (didn't work, try again?), and daily flourish excel but only for a week. On the pic with the wood I see at the top the BBA has turned grey after brushing some on the wood only outside the tank. But I can't see all the BBA spots to brush on because it is hard to see outside the tank. Also, I figure if I don't get it out of the water it will just grow back and the little spot treatments will not matter. I don't want to even try spot treating the plants.
I am amateur, really, I know but my fish live on almost no problems.