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  1. What’s your favorite fancy goldfish food to use? Looking for something under a good budget for some pretty good size fishies! Thanks 😄
  2. Pretty much 🤷🏼‍♀️
  3. Thank you so so so much! I’ll probably bother you with more questions eventually 😂 thank you
  4. With my activated carbon filters being practically the only filtration and holding good bacteria. Won’t the tank affected by romping all of them while medicating the fish? Thanks.
  5. The plecos and the moors were introduced to the tank about a month later Nov 16th so I’m assuming that’s where it could have come from.
  6. I have been fighting nitrate/nitrite levels that were off the charts high for the last few weeks. This morning with a 75% water change I FINALLY got 0’s on Ammonia, Nitrate, & Nitrate. I was advised to get the levels down before medicating my tank. And I was waiting for the medications to come in the mail hopefully tonight and tomorrow. Anyways, since my levels are down I’m seeing less symptoms. Maybe you can help me confirm that I’m seeing what I’m seeing. My Ryukin had a LOT of white spots this last week until today. Now she’s got less but still looks like ich to me. Also my pleco and my common goldfish have some on their fins. The common goldfish also has had red inflamed gills the last few days assuming it’s from nitrate poisoning. And the oranda goldfish has signs of fin rot on all fins but his left fin has split into two. I just want to make sure that I medicate them in the right order and take the correct steps if anyone has suggestions. pH= 7 Nitrates = 0ppm Hardness = 25-75ppm? Test strips are hard to read Nitrite= 0ppm Ammonia= 0ppm KH/Buffer = 80-120ppm Water Temperature= 70*F
  7. Unfortunately one of our plecos passed away overnight. I noticed him not moving too much last night and this morning he was gone for sure. My thoughts are between the stress of the tank and the ich he just wasn’t going to make it. Also, the tank temp dropped overnight to about 68 degrees. 😕 (it was about 70*F before) And I know plecos like a little warmer I really hope it was just the temperature and the other pleco can stay alive, he’s doing well this morning. Still going to do another large water change today to hopefully get the last of the nitrate/nitrites down and be able to medicate when the shipment comes in the mail tomorrow. (Hopefully it comes on time). Is there any suggestion what to do with the poor little guy after he’s died? 🫣 Any suggestions to do anything with the tank since he’s been in there?
  8. That’s too good! Lol They’re yummy and easy I like them for breakfast! just in case here’s the recipe and instructions I used but you can top it with anything! https://www.persnicketyplates.com/chocolate-chip-cream-cheese-danish-puff-pastry/?fbclid=IwAR26Bnt9eDuApb7slbf59VYt4OU6stfkNrbGfI-oDBZeoVdjUGMeLRKjVTo_aem_Af23uSg9sM2QBAq_hA0MugrQ5mLGkl5OkLV0BRLIYl8ikO_ZP-QjiqFus-VsO0M0TOA
  9. Tonight I did another 25% water change to continue slowing Nitrate and Nitrite levels. I feel like 25% does nothing. However, like I previously said it’s me and a 5 gallon bucket doing all the work until I can get something like a python. But good news, Nitrate readings <25ppm Nitrites <1ppm according to the test trips. It’s been 36 hours since I last fed the fish though? Should I wait longer or give some?
  10. No kidding! That’s awesome. Thank you for the information!! I’m about 60 miles from Denver, North Eastern Colorado (where it’s boring). For my boyfriend and I’s anniversary this year we went to Fish Den in Westminster to get our black moor and panda moor. I LOVE that store. Unfortunately, nothing much out my way so Denver area is the go to.
  11. Thank you! I have noticed both of those things from the industry and ACO. That’s why I was so excited to find this and join! 😂 finally some people that are honest.
  12. @nabokovfan87 I love it! How many gallons is it?
  13. Honestly, I just want to see photos of your tanks and fish friends! 😁
  14. @Guppysnail unfortunately I’ve only made plain baked cheesecakes. The rest are non bake! BUT, if you do get a recipe like that feel free to share! That sounds amazingggg 😃
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