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  1. Hi thanks for getting sorry for the really late reply but yea he has always have an issue with his fins but this is the first time it happen. I just posted a new forum u can see how his fin is now there. Thank you! Hi thanks for getting back, really sorry for the super late reply. But yes i did do kanaplex and aquarium salt treatment but his fin isn’t healing but it’s not getting better too. I just posted a new forum you can see how he looks like now there! Thank you!
  2. thanks everyone! i ended up getting neon tetras and see if it would help. the bugs have decreased! as for the snails and slugs (it doesn’t look like planaria as it does not have a arrow shape head) I just manually pick it out and toss them away during water changes. (when I picked it up with the tweezers and squashed the slugs there’s a shell on top of it and u can feel it break?) the hydra looking thing i just toss it and it never came back just thought to give yall an update! thanks for all the advises! ☺️
  3. Hi all, I’m coming on here to get advise on how I can help my betta. I have him for just slightly over a year and throughout the entire year I’ve tried all that I can to fix his fin rot (weekly water changes 25-50% using distilled water, kanaplex, aquarium salt) but it’s not working not sure what I’m doing wrong. Below are the water parameters and information on my tank: pH: 7.6 Nitrates: 0 Hardness: 107.4ppm/6dGH Nitrite: 0 Ammonia: 0 KH/Buffer: 107.4ppm/6dKH Water Temperature: 26-27degree celcius Tank size: 5.8gallon/22L Planted: yes (x4 plants) Substrate: gravel Filter: Aquaclear hob Stock: x1 betta x2 otocinclus When I got him his colour was also alot richer and alot more shiny but it dulled alot. The fin rot did not get worse but it’s not healing. I’ve check for sharp edges that could potentially rip his fins - i doubt the driftwood would injure him as i sand the wood before boiling it and putting it into the tank. Other than the discolouration ans ripped fins he is swimming and eating normally. I’m at a loss, is there a way to help him heal? Thanks!
  4. oh thanks, how do i get rid of the snails and the bugs?
  5. hello hope some is able to id this thing circled in blue i have no idea what it is just saw it today. also my shrimp tank seem to have alot of bugs(circled in red) slugs and snails(circled in yellow). how to i get rid of them? please help thanks!
  6. i found this worm in my tank on a driftwood. what is this? isit harmful to betta?
  7. i doubt so, there’s only plants and drift wood in the tank
  8. Pls help my betta’s fin seems to be ripping from the inside? seems like the fins are getting thin around that area. not sure if it’s an external or internal issue? some info for reference Ph: 7.3, Ammonia: 0, Nitrate: 2 Nitrite: 0, Temp: 27 degree celsius (with auto heater), Filter: Aqua clear filter (with sponge & bio rings + pre filter and baffle sponge), Food: Vibra bites 4 pellets/day please help, thanks
  9. thanks for the advise but i can’t really tell if they are detritus or planaria.. they both look alike.. but yea thosw worms so glide on glass surfaces - substrate can’t really tell. if its planaria, how should i go abt treating the tank?
  10. Hi, i’m cycling my new 5gallon tank.( been a mth at least.) the levels look ok however the seem to be worms all around! they are everywhere - on glass, gravel, plant, or just swimming. can yall help id the worms? (see image; may need to zoom in abit) are they safe for betta? i’m thinking of moving him in this weekend. he’s currently in a 2gallon tank but he has fin rot and is under kanaplex medication. would it be okay for him to move in now or should i get rid of the worms first?
  11. Yes i’m using both aquarium salt tgt with kanaplax since the start of treatment Okay, will continue with the treatment, so this will be the 2nd round of treatment back to back after this round ends should i remove the medication via carbon? there also seem to be ammonia in the water.. abt 0.25ppm. should i do a 25% water change and add in the removed amt of salt & dosing the meds? oh i didnt know that’s new fin growth.. cos it seem to look like its receding back.. if its new fin growth thats great news! thanks loads!
  12. its been few days since i started kanaplex treatment, dosing every 48hr, however he seem to be getting worse.. his fins near his body started to tear and the tear seem to have gotten bigger.. tmr will be the end of the 3rd dose.. do i continue a second round of treatment? pls helppp😢
  13. i do not have airstone.. instead i’ve used a fan to blow directly at the tank agitating the water surface hopfully it would help? also do i need to dose stability during the course of treatment? lastly, during treatment using kanaplex do i need to keep the tank totally dark? or would sunlight/led room light/aquarium light still be okay? side note: the plant that has fungus growing on it seems to be due to rot.. i picked it apart and it smells so bad. i threw out those rotten parts and only a small portion if the plant is left which i’ve placed it back into the tank. i noticed before when thr was fungus growth on the plant my betta seem to always go there and seem to be eating it.. is that normal? even now when there’s some debris in the water (not sure what those are can be from plants/mulum etc) he will try to eat them - some he spits out some he actually eats. (is this normal betta behavior?) 😟 he seem to be pretty hungry hence i started to feed him alittle tho he gets rlly bloated quite quickly. even without feeding he’s alr abit bloated. not sure why… (maybe from the random things he’s been munching on in the tank?) previously tried fasting him for 5-7days his bloating did went down abit but it came back i did a check on him today and his tail seem to have gotten worse.. there’s a hole in the tail (would this be expected during treatment? kinda like getting rid of the problem stuff before healing?)
  14. okay thanks for helping! i finally got my hands on kanaplex - i have not started the maracyn treatment as i only have 1 sachet on hand. (i wanted to get at least 4more before starting as i’m afraid i am unable to get them & the treatment will be halted.. which lucky i didnt start as it was sold out in all the fish shops around my area 🥲). i’m gna start treatment today using kanaplex, is there anyt i need to take note when using it? Thank you!
  15. i wanted to start treatment but i found that there are fungus in the tank on my plant (see attached) should i throw out my whole anubis or isit smth wrounh w the water, i do have another tank cycling there are some worms in the tank.. would i be better for me to transfer my fish to the other tank or do water changes for my current tank? pls help thanks!
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