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Everything posted by JE47

  1. @Tanked I have had similar experience with val it refuses to grow and remains small similarly my dwarf sag sends out runners for new plants but doesn't look good. I cannot for the life of me figure out the problem which is frustrating sometimes when they are touted to be beginner friendly. I have had good success with Rotala Rotundifolia green, and java fern though.
  2. @Supermassive I am so sorry this is happening to you I bought this plant too under the impression it does well under low light but that is far from true. I did my best to keep it alive but it all melted or succumbed to that dreaded BBA!
  3. @JillianGarcia05 Okay I agree with Kaiju keep doing daily 50% water changes to keep those ammonia levels down. Keep treating your water with the stuff you are treating with and that should definitely help. Replaceable cartridges are not the best because even though beneficial bacteria live on all the surfaces in the aquarium most live in the filter media which if you replace every month you are restarting the cycle all over again. PLEASE do not be to upset about this though you are learning and this is part of the process plus I have had replaceable cartridges before to and did not realize what I was doing either. For pop-eye I would wait until you get the ammonia more under control to fully diagnose that as the problem if you could send some more pictures that would be helpful. Live Plants help keep nitrate in check they are nice but can be a little more of an investment and you could easily pick up some silk plants from Petsmart or Petco which don't require maintenance. Sorry for the length of this response but I hopefully tackled all of your questions. Please do not hesitate to tag me and ask any further questions. I am on the forum fairly often so I should be able to see and respond quickly.
  4. Sounds good, I hope we are able to help. I will tag @Colu in case he has any input. Also for next time I would post this kind of topic in the diseases section.
  5. If you could give us your water parameters next time you test that would be great. The nitrogen cycle takes longer than 24 hrs. but considering you have had the tank setup since September it should be cycled I can't say that for sure unless you share the water parameters.
  6. I see a possible white spot on the upper portion of the tail I not sure its ick. I don't see any white spots on the gills but that doesn't mean they are not there. Other than that you fish looks pretty healthy with the usual blend of koi patterns. I will tag @Colu in case he has any input.
  7. @Guppysnail Has completely sold me on the idea of getting honey gourami. Now I have got to run and find a new tank 🏃‍♂️😂
  8. @LaurieC Fair enough shrimp are a very interesting creature to keep in a colony. Currently I am in love with my golden white cloud minnows they are so vibrant and I have managed to breed them so that is definitely part of the charm. I look forward to seeing photos of your shrimp.😀
  9. Hi that's wonderful to hear you are returning to the hobby after a break. 😁 Ghost shrimp are a fun way to start they definitely have a certain beauty to them I haven't kept them in a few years but maybe I have just received the inspiration to. If you would be willing I would love to see photos of your setup. What else are you planning to stock the tank with?
  10. I would try crypt wendetii, dwarf water lettuce could be fun I have had success growing that, I have heard around the forum and Girl Talks Fish has a video that mentions Java fern needing a lot of potassium which might have been your issue. I will link the video here with the time stamp 4:16 is the place where she talks about the java fern. I will say the some plants do grow better in some environments then others. Some of my plants have melted away for know apparent reason and I have reordered the same plant over and over and done various things to ensure it survival but it dies.
  11. Congrats on your babies they are so cute when their small and hatch 😍
  12. It's great your put your wondering into a list. But I have so many questions about the last two wonderings in the world section of your post.🤔
  13. Cory eggs tend to turn an solid white color if they are infertile and grow like a white fuzz if left long enough. Cory eggs do go from yellow to a darker color as the embryo grows and develops. I think you are seeing the eggs develop. A picture would be helpful if you have one?
  14. I honestly prefer the stickers aquarium co-op sends with their packages to any other company. The other companies send just their logo and after ordering from them a couple times you begin to have more logo stickers than you know what to do with! 😅
  15. The most annoying is when my betta gets close to the gravel vac and then gets sucked up. All the other fish run away from the vac but he run right into to it. 🙄
  16. I am so sorry that happened to you 😢 Its one of my greatest fears to wake up and my tank has leaked. Did you at least save all you fish?
  17. Yup they are simply endlers that have not been bred with guppies so their genes are pure
  18. I wonder if I will every be able to make @tolstoy21 comment a reality. There a plenty of squirrels around me. Now all I have to do is find a saddle and a willing chihuahua...
  19. That comment generated the funniest mental image in my head 🤣
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