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  1. ok, Thank you. I do have them with other fish. I have some duckweed and some other plants i forget the name of XD
  2. they are capable of eating them, but in my experience, they usually don't if you keep them fed 🙂
  3. Its probably harmeless, or almost harmless. Just treat with a antifungal. If your talking about the clear string, its poop. sometimes signs of a blocked intestine, you can deshell a pea and put it in there to help with constipation
  4. First one is a female guppy that is pregnant FYI. the second one is a male
  5. Try endlers or guppies! they are really fun for color and are small so you can have quite a bit
  6. OMG an ENDLER GUY!! tell me everything i need to know to raise them and keep them forever!
  7. DISCLAIMER : I AM NOT MASS BREEDING! I have a 25 gallon tank that I want to use as a birthing/nursery tank. My main tank is an 85 gallon aquarium and holds some fish (the current guppies). First set of questions: How do I cover the filter intake without buying a sponge filter? should I remove the gravel from the tank to get a bare bottom and just fill in with plants? Is this more efficent than a bunch of breeding nets? I also have some basic questions about breeding next set of questions: How do I create pairs? If I just let them free-breed, will they pick better colors? If I let them free-breed, is inbreeding a large issue? How do I pair them up (but not with the same type of guppy) to create a more colorful and valuable guppy? How do I create my own strain of guppy, and how do I know if its a new strain? Am I allowed to name the guppies type despite the name everyone else calls them if I sell them? Am I allowed to name my own strain of guppies? If I name my strain, will other people obay the strain name or not? where do i find the best low price BULK fry food? I have one more unrelated question. I have a 45 gallon tank that I found. could I put the filter from my 25 gallon (its a HOB) onto the 45? I would do this so the space was larger for the fry and so i could divide and have a birthing spot for females and not risk some being eaten. My plan for the birthing and fry tank is, basically a collection box. The first female gives birth, I remove and place her back in main tank, I raise fry. Next female goes into labor, I place her in there with the growing fry so she gives birth, then remove her into the main tank. So on and so forth. I was thinking with the 45, I would divide female into one section so other fry are on the other side, have her give birth, then remove divider. I could also just have the female give birth in the net, then release babies and put her back in main. any better ideas?
  8. I want to move them out of the breeder net into the 25 gallon tank I have. It has no fish in it. How do i cover the filter intake to keep them from getting sucked up? Is it a better idea to just keep them int he breeder net?
  9. I stopped at the LFS yesterday to pick up some 5/$1 fry. I got like 13 for $2 and all have survived so far. I'm feeding haraki nano pellets. Any other fast growing food ideas? I want them to fatten up quickly so they can go into my main tank. (they are in a breeding net right now with 2 male grown endlers, I couldn't get them out of the breeding net and they aren't doing any harm.)
  10. Any idea on what kind of fish this is? do i need to get more, is it a shoaling fish? I got it in the LFS's breeding 5/$1 feeder tank 🙂 along with some endlers and endler fry 🤣 sorry for the rotated pic .
  11. My friend's dad was going to Euthanize, I took him because she wants him to live. I want an alternative, not euthanize. I can't post a pic rn
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