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Elodie Rose

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Everything posted by Elodie Rose

  1. Went to the Aquarium Club of Lancaster County meeting and auction on Saturday, which was tons of fun. Came home with two pairs of Tiger Endlers, and a trio of Tequila Sunrise guppies. I had taken a couple dozen more of the mutt guppies from the last outside tub, a few of my blue-golds, and some misc. Reminder to self - don’t take green water, seed shrimp, or scuds, lol, but they do love plants. There’s just too much orange in the blue gold tank coming out. Earlier I had removed quite a few of them, and there were almost as many that were orange and blue as there were gold and blue. So I’m not going to cull those anymore, I want to let those males grow out and see if they look like the actual blue red swordtails, or the tropical sunrise variant. They’re beautiful, both of them, and I’ve thinned the tank out enough to let them overwinter. The combination of the window and the tannins make it so hard to take pictures of them, did some extra big water changes this weekend to try and lighten up the tanks. The distilled water from Aldi is not making a difference in the ram tank. Going to source some new water. The Green Dragon younglings are starting to get a little green in their tails, and I’m just in love with them. Emeric is dancing for all he’s worth, and Esmerelda must have just dropped fry, she’s just large, rather than enormous. The pandas are doing better, they like the extra cover (thank you GuppySnail!), and the shrimp are out more too. I struggle with the pottery in that tank. But why would I buy plastic replicas of broken pottery, when I have an enormous collection of pottery from craft shops and art fairs over the years. Grindal worms are coming along, I’m not very good at transferring cultures, I guess, but I’m working with them. Tiger Teddies are looking fantastic, I can see the markings on them, and the four of them seem quite busy in their little tank. I stuffed it full of rocks, hornwort and salvinia, and several types of shrimp-like critters. Did a water change yesterday, along with all the others, but they had some pink nitrites. They’ve been getting flakes, along with all the others. I alternate the krill and the spirulina’. Bug bites are a new addition to the tanks, they’ve only had it once so far. Least Killis are doing well, they got a big clump of moss and have ben getting flakes too, and a teeny bit of the bug bites. I just added fish to that tank, so light feeds. Measurements ok so far, but watching. Concerned about the teddies. Also concerned about the piano snails. I see an empty shell, and I don’t see more than one or two at a time. They’re getting a little tank of their own, so I can check on them and feed them directly. I tried so hard to keep the ramshorn and pond snails out of that tank, and lost. Starting a new one for them. Ghost shrimp are surviving in the Cube at the moment, with the Tequila Sunrise guppies. I’ve only removed a couple. So there should still be a dozen in there, I had purchased 16 from the LFS in PA. It’s a much more promising start than the ones from HoT. The blackworm experiment has failed, again, and I’m giving up on that one. The leeches win, I guess. Really I thought I got them out that last time. So I am in the process of getting rid of that tub, and set up a new one for white cloud breeding. I altered the false bottom to fit it, and took half a dozen of them out of the WC 20. Which is ridiculously overstocked atm, but it is really hard to catch Cories out of that tank. The WC were pretty easy. The ACLC meeting was awesome. I was a LOT later than I wanted to be, and still got a nice lunch, and was in time for the presentation. Met some really nice people, sat with friends from CCY, and really enjoyed seeing the variety and assortment. Alba has passed, as well as Cyan and Albion. That’s the end of the Blue-Ivories from Dansfish, though there are some fry in that tank that are growing. That group is gone, and so is the Leopard group, though Leo is still hanging out, living his best life in the Yellow Mosaic tank with a dozen or so of the fry that are growing out. Neither type is doing very well, really, but I am loving them each, and seeing how they grow out. They might get a little extra TLC, but then, all the tanks have been getting a lot of individual attention recently. I’d hoped to have enough fry to offer some guppies at November and December meetings, but that might not happen. Which is okay, I’m learning the timeframe of how long it takes them to grow out. Esmerelda and Emeric are fantastic, and seem very healthy. The Panda Lady and Domino are doing well, and the third panda boy is in the Mutt Guppy tank to strut his stuff. There are good groups of fry, and starting to color up a teeny bit. It’s lovely to see. The Violet Mosaics, too, are gorgeous. Just, wow. Every time I see Jen at Small World Aquatics, I buy another pair, I just can’t help myself. She has been very kind, and omg, the guppies are just lovely. Victor and Victoria are doing great. They’re so beautiful, and so is Violetta. I’m starting to see some purple on the first generation of their fry, and it’s a thrill. The Tequila Sunrise trios are named Louie, Jo, and Nana. They’re very pretty, even more than I thought at the auction. I watched them eat krill flakes tonight, so I know they’re definitely eating. The Endlers are not nearly as shy, I see them dancing all the time. But the trio have been very shy and skittish, and lingering in the corner. So I put a towel over the tank and just let them be today, no light until this evening. It’s good to see them eating, and to see him preening for his ladies. The Limia Vittata aren’t happy, they’re excessively skittish, and I’m not sure why. I might need to add some dither fish, now that I think about it, I removed the tetras along with the orange fancies. Darn, I should have left a few who were familiar with the routine to help them out. I’ll have to think on that. Endlers are a great dither fish, but I don’t think any kind of guppy can be kept with Limia, so I’ll have to research. A tetra or a minnow would be safer, and the WC 20 is overstocked, so. That’s a possibility. I wondered if a group of the White Clouds would do well with the Butterfly Splitfins, actually. I’m unsure, and the Butterflies aren’t at all shy, so they don’t seem to show the need for it, tbh. I wish they were in a 20. Maybe if I don’t have room for 20s, I could check out a couple 15s. I’d love to get River and Booker into an upgrade, too. The GBR tank is happier, for sure. The plants are doing better, except that the Frogbit at the top is infested with mites/spiders and I need to find that seltzer. Regardless, the rams love their new caves. The smoky blue swordtail guppies ended up in there, I only had a few left. The trumpet snails are finally getting the sand under control, with the help of some cherry shrimp and an Amano shrimp (or 2?). Every time I go to my LFS, which I love, I come home with a few. Any tank that doesn’t have cories will have some Amanos instead.
  2. All of the least killis are upstairs now, in the James River tank. I’ll have to restock it with scuds and make the vegetation a little denser, so they can still hunt, which they seem to love to do. The bottom detritus of the 3 pond tubs I emptied last week has finally settled into a 5 gallon that is now full of teeny red shrimp and a bunch of scuds, along with an army of snails. There might still be an endler fry or two. But now I can put a trio or a couple pairs of fish into it, who will probably enjoy that environment. The group of Redtail goodeids might be perfect for that, there’s only a few of them, and they’re growing. And the tank they’re in is just unsuitable. I’ll have to lower the heat in the 5 gallon, and leave it on 70. There is still one tub outside, with a heater, but it’s going to get below 50 this week. I’d really like to bring it in. I’m curious if a tub can overwinter inside, and what that might be like. It’s the exact tub that Dean from Aquarium Co-op used as an indoor pond-tub, so it can be done. That might be my only hope of breeding more Longfin white-clouds, which I adore. So now the Cube is broken down, and needs a new purpose. I could try breeding white clouds in it. The Redtails are perfect for the 5 gal, while they’re still young. Although I took a lot more than 8 fish out of that tank, sooooo. I guess Mama Redtail is dropping fry. She will be so, so much happier in the new digs. River’s fins are red enough, and her tail too, that I can see the blue spangles on them. What a glorious little fish she is. Setting up a series of 1 gallon jars to isolate male guppies in for 2 months, and see how they grow out, and make sure that it is safe for the mamas having fry. I tried to set up just empty environments, with maybe some duckweed and an almond leaf. But then I remembered that I keep extra little 3” squares of filter media in many of my tanks, and started adding them (and replacing with new squares)… They all got some pond salvinia with a 99% possibility of scuds, and a turkey baster of seed shrimp. These bottles are supposed to be temporary and easy to break down. Clearly I misunderstood the assignment. I continued adding little improvements today, and tested the water, adding some bottle-bac to help them along. Six new pint-jars are on the windowsill, each with a couple tablespoons of sand, a type of plant, a bit of leaf litter, the inevitable duckweed, a snail or two, and some seed shrimp. I’m trying to add scuds, but less sure I managed that. If I don’t start to see them in the jars in the next week or two, I’ll try again. The blue dreams are doing well in the 2.5 tank, Gallifrey, as it shall now be known. I saw one rather large berried female tonight, as I was adding a bit of white sand to the tank. I was going to put the Tiger Teddies there, and still might, but I’m concerned about the predation on the blue dreams.
  3. Wow… that single Green Cobra (he’s yellow??) endler has produced several others. I never liked the rocket tail, but somehow, they… lol. It’s much prettier in person, and when they dance, than it is in pictures or videos. Maybe there’s an Endler Mosh Pit tank too. But next year I’m going to do much, MUCH better at labeling and keeping the tubs separate. At least I know, with absolute certainty, that the green dragons, the koi, and the panda guppies are breeding true. They’ve each had several drops of fry. I bought a little yearly planner to keep a better log of fry. I’ll need to add a few more pairs in the spring to each of the guppy colonies. That’s going to be a Spring 2024 plan. All the temps (except the GBR) have been lowered a few degrees. Some of the heaters have been removed entirely. Room temp is about 70F. Winter isn’t the time for high production. But they’re not on a rack or in a room, they are a couple dozen individual tanks. Some are still at 73 or 74, and some might be higher… need to do a survey. Start some record keeping. Organizing information, but instead of a cookbook or a case history, a log of livebearers and their cycles. A little project for today, a rainy day, is mixing together the ends of a bunch of types of flakes and pellets, and portioning them out into various small condiment cups, in the various areas of the house. I need to make sure that EVERY tank gets variety, and it seems like I feed the upstairs and downstairs tanks separately during the week, simply because the office is downstairs. I’m worried that the Glitter limias are getting a diet of mostly vibra bites… because that’s what is always in the Red room. Redrum tank. Which is my first experience with that painted red gravel from the pet store, and I am VERY sorry that I left it in. I’ll be covering that up shortly with real gravel, or switching it out, not sure which. It’s flaking and/or fading, and ugly. I can’t get good pictures of that tank, but then, the light has been broken and they’ve had a makeshift replacement for a few weeks… they just got a real light again. That might make it easier to get some photos. The Habrosus Cories in that tank are doing fantastic, but I haven’t been able to add any more to their number no matter where I go, or what site/seller/LFS I check. River is very orange, these days. She comes out when I sit in the chair beside her and Booker’s tank, and I can feed them from the top. She’s still skittish, but less and less. The light attached to the tank hood is doing well for the plants, but the Frogbit all has those little mites/spiders on it. Biscuits. I wish I’d saved some of it out. I’ve started to do that with moss. But I still need to label the jars/windowsill tubs. That’s another good little project for a rainy day. Greg Sage from Select Aquatics emailed me back!! Holy moly. A fish legend. 🤩 I had some questions, the X milleri don’t have a lot of info out there. Nobody even seems to agree on what to call them, swordless swordtails? Catemaco livebearers? Marigold platies? 😂Anyway, Xiphophorus milleri needs to be kept at 75-78F. I checked their tank, and bumped it from 74 to 75. What a kind, helpful person he is, to answer so quickly and with such detail. He doesn’t keep characadon Lateralis anymore. Or Limia perugiae. Boy I hope I’m able to source one or more of his fish lines someday. 💜
  4. There is unquestionably a Queen of the X. Milleri tank, and her name is Marigold. And boy is she testy. And lovely. Her Highness has some weight to throw around, too. Marigold’s babies from the Violet Mosaic tank came home to mama, to reallocate resources properly. Visited the LFS yesterday, and came home with the most gorgeous guppy boy, omg. Just couldn’t resist, it looks like a Bulgarian Green, maybe? She and I were talking, I had brought her a dozen or so of the Panda guppy fry, and was buying some Amanos. Anyway he was the last one, and they’d been her favorites, and needless to say that gorgeous boy is now in the Mosh Pit guppy tank, with all the prettiest girls. There are lots of other boys too, it’s a very fun tank to watch. There is yet 1 more 5 gallon to empty of endlers and endler hybrids. Whyyyyyyy. I need that tank for Tiger Teddies. I’m not even sure what to do with them. Panda Cories in Marigold’s tank have very long whiskers, but the ones downstairs in Jacaranda don’t, I don’t think. I specifically covered the eco-complete with a rounded pebble substrate just so that didn’t happen. There *might* be a few patches of it available. Those pandas are always a darker colors, too, sooty, almost. The ones in Marigold seem… huge, and kind of a pink-tan-white. (Tannins contribute.) The cherry shrimp in Marigold’s tank have been doing GREAT. I see small shrimp everywhere, they’re super cute. I’ve removed a few handfuls now and then to put into the Violet Mosaic tank (they seem to be doing well in it), into the GBR kiddos tank (there are still some in there), and the White Cloud 20… and I do still see them swimming around while I’m working, so they are hanging on, at least. Finally started distributing the mosses from the Keystone Clash. Riccia’, Subwassertang, something feathery or spiky… now I see why @GuppySnail took pictures of the labels! Butterfly Splitfins are doing well in the Panda Lady’s tank, and she was returned to it, because those boys just never left her alone. Reverse trios are a disastrous idea, why do people sell those. She’s just too big for a 5 gallon anyway. It’s pretty easy to catch the panda babies out of the Butterfly tank, so I’m probably going to keep doing it that way. They never bothered her, even though they nipped at the boys’ tails. Redtail splitfins are doing well in the Cube, which has been getting more plants, and more furniture, and a couple Amano shrimp, as I try to turn it from a tetra breeding setup to a real tank. I need to get that false bottom out of there, and get a real substrate into it. And probably should have done that before the shrimp were added. Two, I think. Amanos… Two or three in the Butterfly Splitfin tank, at least one in the Toadstool Tank. Trying to get them into each of the tanks that are too small for cories. Sure wish the habrosus Cories downstairs would breed like the Paleatus did. The grumpy ol’ granmpa at the LFS spoke to me yesterday, showed me a bag of fish, told me that they have a lot of trouble getting in any female guppies at all except the koi guppies and these others that are basically white/gray with red tails, not albinos, but that’s all they keep getting. Interesting. Dansfish… Dan just called the Japan Blue-Red Doubleswordtail guppies… Blue-Gold. And now I guess I know where the orange is coming from in the Blue-gold tank. I keep removing them, every time I see one, and they have been going into the QT tank, to keep it going… all of them have been given away or ‘sold’ for a few bucks at auction, now. That’s probably where the new ones will go. Speaking of the QT tub/tank… did I see a female endler in there? I might have to actually break that down, bag up W.A. Bob and donate him to the LFS, so that the QT tank can be used for fish arriving next week. That probably is what I need to do today. I guess I could combine it with the critters from the green water pickle jar that I just broke down, so that I can use it to isolate one of the Gambusia females, so that 5 gal can be used for… maybe the Tiger Teddies, I guess. Neoheterandria elegans… I think. The green neons need to come out of the QT tank, and finally go into the Limia Perugiae tank with the others in there. They’ll all be happier. I’d really like a row of white containers, maybe pitchers? For the maternity ward. I keep looking at various tanks, jars, and tubs.
  5. Gambusia holbrooki: 3 females, isolated 10/1/23, from AdrianHD, melanistic males, all 6 were together for the first week or two. Poecilia wingei: 2 females, were in pond tubs with males over the summer, isolated 10/10/23, black bar/ red chest males Xiphophorus Milleri: tbd Poecilia reticulata: tbd Heterandria Formosa: tbd Xenotoca doadrioi: tbd Ameca splendens: tbd Limia perugiae: tbd
  6. I do watch them every day, and they’re so goofy and adorable. 🥹 These are some of the cherry shrimp that are probably also from your tanks, they are doing pretty well too. I’ve gotten good colonies going in each of the panda Cory tanks. The Endlers are N-class black bar, from Adrian Hernandez, who is one of my heroes. Teeny bit starstruck to have some of his fish. 🤩😂
  7. Yesterday was my first CCY club meeting and auction, and it was so much fun! And I only spent a *little* more than I made, which is INCREDIBLE considering I bought a LOT of stuff. It was really amazing, the variety of things people had. No wonder we all have MTS, there are some gorgeous fish out there. Pictures and videos just don’t do them justice. I managed not to buy any more guppies, though it was an intense inner struggle a couple times, but I did come home with a few more of the least killis. This little group I put in the James River nano tank. I’ve had a very tough time trying to decide what to do with that precious little bit of my home and my family, and they’re perfect for it, I think. I can start giving all the tanks more attention now! And I already have. The female guppies came out of the 6 gallon today, because the 8 goodeids have started nipping their tails. Biscuits. So now they’re in the mutt guppy tank, which is a good place for them. And now the doadrioi own the 6 gallon. They’ll have to move into a 10 when the 6 juveniles start getting big. I’m actually delighted that they turned out to be doadrioi. Since the ghost shrimp tank is empty, I put the separator into it and the smoky blue boys are on the one side, and the Gambusia holbrooki females are on the other. I want to isolate the Gambusia females separately, at some point soon, when I get the Maternity Ward tanks set up. I’ve started prepping for them, and bought some great plants for them yesterday! Gorgeous hornwort. And a couple others that should be fun too. All the CPDs have gone to GuppySnail! She said they might all be males, but when they settle in, it will be easier to be sure. The 3 Kuhli loaches in the blue-gold 10 were SO upset when I was fishing out the CPDs, I’m going to have to make a point of rescaling that tank with a lot more hiding places. Which granted, I had removed to get the CPDs, but. Those lil guys are growing, and probably need some friends. They’re from my LFS. Speaking of the LFS, the 3 koi guppies that I bought from them went to a new good friend! Chili, Cayenne, and Obie are now at a new home, with a couple dozen of their babies. A bunch more of their babies sold at auction for a few bucks per dozen or so. I wanted that tank empty, but there are still fry, so I’m still working on it. They’re such pretty fish, but I desperately want them in a pond-tub, and not in a tank. Maybe I’ll grow out the remaining fry for the spring pond tub season? They’d be 7-8 months old, maybe, and then next year I could start with a tub of them. The panda guppy babies are finally getting to a good enough size to be sexed, and I’d love to take some of them to the LFS. The owner loves them, and I have to admit, I partly got them because they were so cute in their shop, and she lamented not being able to find any females. Also because they’re incredibly gorgeous and adorable and *small*, all qualities which I appreciate. I wonder if their midnight blue color makes them more or less desirable to others. I’d never pick black over midnight blue, so, my preference is 100% for these bois. The panda lady deserves a spot in the Maternity Ward though, for putting up with them. The panda babies need to come out of the 10 gal Ameca splendens tank. Somehow. Gotta get that on the to-do list. Note to self - Goodeids do NOT pair with Guppies. At all. No matter what size or how short their tale or even what gender they are. Future self, don’t do it. Esmerelda and Emeric are doing well, and the panda Cories in their tank are doing fine. I want to lessen the tannins in their water. The Blue-gold 10 and the Green Dragon 10 both got pieces of wood that have turned that water as dark as sweet tea. I hate it, and need to lessen it. A kiss of tannins is wonderful in the water, but a brown soup, not so much. Going to have to do some research on those, and look at the records to see where I got them. That had started happening to the GBR kiddos tank too, but I took that big piece of wood out to remove the rest of my Simon. I’m still missing him. It’s so stupid, but I never got to “say goodbye”. Or try to save him. He was splendid and glorious one minute, then gone the next. Booker and River are doing great! River has some red on her fins, orange in her face, and I can see her black spots from across the room! She’s still camera shy, which is hilariously infuriating, but since I can sit and watch her when I’m still, I’m okay with it. She just doesn’t like the big black box I guess, maybe she thinks its an eye that took her mate away. She missed him too, terribly. But now I see her chasing Booker all around the tank, lol. Good thing he’s a spry lil guy. From here I can see her blue and gold colors while she’s picking at the sand - their tank now has a black sand bottom. I used tank water and wet the sand, then lowered the cup of wet sand to the top of the gravel and veeeery gently poured it out. I did it slowly enough so that no shrimp or guppy babies would get buried, or so I hoped. I was as gentle and slow as I could be. It was 10 lbs of black sand. I don’t know why I like black sand so much, it probably isn’t practical, but c’est la vie, it’s the one I favor at the moment. It’s in the ameca splendens tank, the panda guppy tank, the blue dream tank, and I feel like I’m missing one. There were orange shrimp at the club auction!!!! I wanted them soooo much. But I resisted. Instead I bought more live food, so that I can start working with white worms, grindal worms, banana worms, and Walter worms again. Great to have the time and energy to start them back up. At the Clash, I asked a couple of the shrimp keepers if they minded having scuds in their shrimp tanks, and I particularly remember Grant from the Garden of Eder saying he’d never had a problem with it. I wonder if it’s the same kind of thing as with other type of tank inhabitants - if they have enough room to get away from each other, and enough food not to prey on each other, maybe they won’t. I wonder if the “scuds eating shrimp eggs” thing is an urban legend. I’m pretty sure Grandaddy RainbowShiner is still in the bottom of that tub. I had mostly emptied it and could see to the bottom, and I think I caught a glimpse. All the smaller tubs and tanks are inside now, but the 4 tubs are still outside, though mostly emptied. Two are heated at the moment - the one the Gambusia were in, and… one of the others. Every single time I tried to get clean water out of the Gambusia tub, there were tiny tiny tiny fry. I HOPE they were Gambusia fry. Didn’t I put them in a new tub? I can’t recall, but it seemed important, I think I even bought a new tub just so I could be sure. I was so miffed about the mixing of the endler and blue-gold lines in the tubs this summer. Regardless, I need to get those babies out and into something inside, so I can watch them grow up and see what they are. I *really* want to get some of the spotted females in that line to start coming out, if possible. And I guess the smoky blues are a pretty cool side effect of that mixing, even if I’m not quite sure what to do with them or where to put them. There was a particularly pretty one that I meant to keep yesterday, but ran out of energy to separate. Some of the Limia Perugiae that were on a Dansfish Fishroom tour are coming up on that site soon!!!!!! OMG. The 5 that I have in the Redrum 10 are *gorgeous.* OMG. Glitter limia. HOW is this fish not *everywhere* seriously. I have to get some pictures of them. There’s a very heavily pregnant female that I really want to start getting some live food to. Totally forgot to pick up the Pickle Jars yesterday. Cheese and crackers. Those were for the Maternity Ward. Gonna have to come up with another plan. In my perfect Fishroom, all the 10 gallons would hold breeding guppy colonies, and all the 5 gallons would hold single female livebearers, to see how long and how many babies they have after being separated. River seems to be enjoying the sand, and picking through it for the food. Their tank has some of the Frogbit that I bought yesterday, I hope it does well in there.
  8. 6 juvenile Red-tail Splitfin, Xenotoca doadrioi San Marcos, from Eds Aquatic Exotics on Get Gills, joined the 2 Red-tails doadrioi from Dansfish. At the Keystone Clash, I mentioned the redtails to Dan, and he told me that Gary Lang had identified them as doadrioi, rather than eiseni. So now there’s a good group of 8, and they’re all doadrioi. Beautiful youngsters! Lovely adult pair.
  9. Booker has been introduced to River’s tank, and they seem to be getting along fairly well, and she has some color back already. She’s back up front, with an orange nose and the beginnings of some real color again. I’ve missed her. Booker is adorable, lol. I’ve emptied one of the 3 pond tubs, the one with most of the endlers. There are some hybrid blue-golds, which are actually a rather lovely smoky-blue. Guess I’m taking those endlers, and possibly some of the blue-gold doubleswords to the CCY auction this weekend. It will be the first time I’ve let any of my babies out of my hands, and I’m strangely nervous about it. I’ve never bred fish, or raised them before, so. I’ve meant to do this for months now, but keep dragging my feet. There are half-grown WhiteClouds! They went into the WC 20, along with the handful of full-grown ones. They look thin, I’m not sure if that’s because I’ve never seen young White Clouds before, or if they really are. The blue-gold tub and the mutt guppy tub both need to be emptied, too. But every time I step outside I get mobbed by mosquitos. I had to bring them inside to start sorting. All 3 mosquito mamas are in a 5 together. But I haven’t seen any fry. However, I did see small golden fry in the Violet Mosaic tank! I thought I moved the Catemaco platies early enough, but I guess not! Sweet little babies! The guppy in the 2.5 does seem to be showing the least killis that there’s nothing to worry about, to come out and eat, so that’s good. She’s a pretty little thing, I’m calling her Kaylee.
  10. The fish and snails that I brought home from the Keystone Clash are doing well. The baby GBR’s name is Booker, a tip of the hat to Shepherd Book, of course. Fiesty little guy! I barely see River, but I do have a couple pictures of her, finally, she seems pale and skittish. Least Killis! They are the perfect occupants for the Blue Dream 2.5! It’s perfect. That tank is finished now. Gorgeous. I’ll have to get some pictures. They’re very shy, but I’m able to catch glimpses, and make sure they are eating. What cuties! Wizard snails joined the others from @Guppysnail in Jacaranda, and seem to be doing well. I see them often while I’m working, they’re fascinating. Victor and Victoria are doing great! And Violetta is the prettiest little duchess ever. Alba is still going strong! Still doing her thing, vertical in the bubbles in her spare time. Cyan and Albion are still doing well too. Lovely boys. Pond tubs got heaters. I removed 2 of the males, and they are in Jar C, whose previous occupant went into the Mutt Guppy tub. All 3 females are in the 5 gallon outside, which has a heater, and needs to be brought inside very badly. As does the other one, and the tubs. Lots to do, and of course I have the Con Crud. Every convention ever has been followed with the crud, which I remember now, from all the years I went to DragonCon in Atlanta. Next meetings and next year I’ll do better. I had NO idea how cool that was going to be, and I was just like a wide-eyed kid in a candy shop. Next year I want to help the club, but I’ll have to remember that 6 hours is probably a couple hours beyond my max in that heat. And next year I want to go to the auction!! I have still never been to a fish auction. Would love to see one. Would love to get rid of some guppies. I’ll probably be catching them out of the tubs next week. The CPDs in the Blue-Gold Doublesword tank are going to go to GuppySnail this weekend. AquaShella is the other convention I would like to go to someday.
  11. Between my tanks being extremely tannin heavy and me not being very good at taking fish photos, I haven’t been taking many lately. Every now, and then I try, but they’re not very good. that’s some thing I definitely want to learn about. But I have a lot on my plate today. Soon. 😀 I love the almond leaves, but I need some other kinds of leaf litter to use as well, so that the tanks don’t get so dark. The small weekly water changes aren’t doing much to decrease the color, so I’m trying some poly filter. The water and all of my tanks is pretty hard, although I do use distilled water for River’s tank, and now Booker’s tank as well. River is still skittish. And pale. Ngl, kinda breaks my heart. I made a fish trap and am going to use it today to remove some of the guppies from that tank. Netting them is way too stressful. The bottle seems a lot easier on them. I have a larger minnow trap for the tubs. Soon.
  12. Booker (formerly Simon the Second) is doing ok in the little tank. I can still only find 1 ghost shrimp in it. But I raised the temp a little and he’s doing fine so far. He’s eating and getting a little color. 💜
  13. The Keystone Clash with @Guppysnail was tons of fun! Really had a fantastic time. I’d been nervous about it, but all the vendors, guests, and really just everyone, was super kind, friendly, and approachable. @GuppySnail found me a lovely little baby GBR, Simon the Second, so that River doesn’t get lonely. He’s in a 5 gal QT tank for a bit, but to say that I am thrilled (and also somewhat terrified) to have him is an understatement! Least Killis! That was one of the fish I was specifically looking for, they’re the smallest livebearer, AND they’re native, AND I found out that @Guppysnail had had a colony and that Jen of Small Aquatics had the remainder! Six teeeeeny little least killis came home with me! Jen is such a sweetheart, and wow, did she work the heck out of that booth. I was able to help a tiny bit, and actually got to wait on Father Fish and sold him some grindal worms! Along with micro worms and banana worms. What a sweet guy! He’s lovely in person, and it was great to buy some of his supplement without paying the shipping for it. I joined the Maryland Aquatic Club!!! Suuuper happy about that! And I got some peanut beetles from them, to try out and see what I think. The neighboring booth had an aquarist from Tennessee who’d caught some critters, which of course came home with me, to get a pickle jar of their own to see just what they are and how they grow. Dan from Dansfish, who I am a huuuge fan of, was super nice and fun to talk to! I mentioned the goodeids I had, and it turns out the redtails aren’t eiseni, they’re doadroi! (Sp - I’ll check on that) So I need to correct my logs with that name, they were identified by Gary Lang. Dan is just the sweetest guy! His commitment to shipping healthy fish is fantastic, and while some heroes don’t hold up when meeting them, Dan from Dansfish really did. Delighted to have met him! (Thank you @Guppysnail, lol, I was too star-struck to approach him on my own!) Jason from Prime Time Aquatics was one of the judges for the fish show, and he was super nice as well! Didn’t see him until we were on the way out, but it was cool to meet him just the same! (But by that point it had been many hours, and I was pretty tired/overheated.) Okay the heat. Was nearly unbearable. Since it was chilly and rainy outside, I wore jeans. BIG MISTAKE. Don’t do it. Wear shorts. And sandals. So hot, omg. But that’s what the fish needed, so the people just got to sweat! Heh. It was tough to handle, but I wouldn’t have changed it. Those fish in bags needed all the help they could get! Jen from Small World Aquatics sold me a 2nd pair of the gorgeous violet mosaics she has. Violetta is growing, and becoming one of the most beautiful guppies I’ve ever seen. Victor and Victoria joined them yesterday! Ten or so blue dream shrimp joined the growing colony that I am attempting to build, from two different vendors. I didn’t know that I was joining one of the clubs that hosts the Keystone Clash!! Next year I really want to be more involved and help out more. Jen was very kind and let me keep all my stuff at her booth, and I retreated to the chair beside her booth a LOT when I was tired and overheated. She works HARD, I was glad to help out a tiny bit. Hopefully I can learn enough by next year to be a bit more useful while I enjoy the Clash! Because that was incredible, and I’m DEFINITELY going next year. Also came home with tons of plants and mosses, which I’ll have to take pictures of later. Fantastic experience. The fish community is so welcoming and wonderful! ❤️
  14. They Keystone Clash with @Guppysnail was tons of fun! Really had a fantastic time. I’d been nervous about it, but all the vendors, guests, and really just everyone, was super kind, friendly, and approachable. @GuppySnail found me a lovely little baby GBR, Simon the Second, so that River doesn’t get lonely. He’s in a 5 gal QT tank for a bit, but to say that I am thrilled (and also somewhat terrified) to have him is an understatement! Least Killis! That was one of the fish I was specifically looking for, they’re the smallest livebearer, AND they’re native, AND I found out that @Guppysnail had had a colony and that Jen of Small Aquatics had the remainder! Six teeeeeny little least killis came home with me! Jen is such a sweetheart, and wow, did I she work the heck out of that booth. I was able to help a tiny bit, and actually got to wait on Father Fish and sold him some grindal worms! Along with micro worms and banana worms. What a sweet guy! He’s lovely in person, and it was great to buy some of his supplement without paying the shipping for it. I joined the Maryland Aquatic Club!!! Suuuper happy about that! And I got some peanut beetles from them, to try out and see what I think. The neighboring booth had an aquarist from Tennessee who’d caught some critters, which of course came home with me, to get a pickle jar of their own to see just what they are and how they grow. Dan from Dansfish, who I am a huuuge fan of, was super nice and fun to talk to! I mentioned the goodeids I had, and it turns out the redtails aren’t eiseni, they’re doadroi! (Sp - I’ll check on that) So I need to correct my logs with that name, they were identified by Gary Lang. Dan is just the sweetest guy! His commitment to shipping healthy fish is fantastic, and while some heroes don’t up when meeting them, Dan from Dansfish really did. Delighted to have met him! (Thank you @Guppysnail, lol, I was too star-struck to approach him on my own!) Jason from Prime Time Aquatics was one of the judges for the fish show, and he was super nice as well! Didn’t see him until we were on the way out, but it was cool to meet him just the same! (But by that point it had been many hours, and I was pretty tired/overheated.) Okay the heat. Was nearly unbearable. Since it was chilly and rainy outside, I wore jeans. BIG MISTAKE. Don’t do it. Wear shorts. And sandals. So hot, omg. But that’s what the fish needed, so the people just got to sweat! Heh. It was tough to handle, but I wouldn’t have changed it. (Though lacking a thyroid is definitely a -4 penalty to heat tolerance.) Still, those fish in bags needed all the help they could get! Jen from Small World Aquatics sold me a 2nd pair of the gorgeous violet mosaics she has. Violetta is growing, and becoming one of the most beautiful guppies I’ve ever seen. Victor and Victoria joined them yesterday! Ten or so blue dream shrimp joined the growing colony that I am attempting to build, from two different vendors. I didn’t know that I was joining one of the clubs that hosts the Keystone Clash!! The Cichlid Club of York. Next year I really want to be more involved and help out more. Jen was very kind and let me keep all my stuff at her booth, and I retreated to the chair beside her booth a LOT when I was tired and overheated. She works HARD, I was glad to help out a tiny bit. Hopefully I can learn enough by next year to be a bit more useful while I enjoy the Clash! Because that was incredible, and I’m DEFINITELY going next year. Also came home with tons of plants and mosses, which I’ll have to take pictures of later. Fantastic experience. The fish community is so welcoming and wonderful! ❤️
  15. Mostly maintenance, with a few improvements lately. The goodeids, limia, and catemaco platies are in their own tanks. There may be 1 ghost shrimp left that I have seen. Trying a little cherry shrimp protectorate in the White Cloud 20, using a tall deli container layered with sand, java moss, anacharis, and some plastic vine. Those cheap air pumps from Amazon are all breaking now. Two of them have stopped, and at least two of them had just stopped mysteriously before. I guess those aren’t the good deal I hoped for. Time to lower the temps in the tanks for fall. Working on the jars. I’m going to be isolating a female of each species to see how many times they can drop fry after mating. After learning about the mosquito fish gonopodium, you better believe I isolated those females. So they’re first, I guess! I wish I’d done it -before- I put them in the tub-pond. Slowly trying to get things back into shape. I did bring home a few snails and a couple mussels from the river, some water and gravel, moss (?) and hair algae/pond scum. The snails look like Malaysian trumpet snails, but they’re striped. Not sure what they are yet, but I’m delighted to have something from the river that I can hopefully keep alive and breed (the snails, but I’ll be researching musssels too). I wonder how I can get some healthy ghost shrimp. HoT obviously is NOT the place.
  16. I’ve returned from being out of state for a week. I’ve lost Darling and Leonora. River is very active, but I haven’t seen Simon at all. Alba seems fine, sorta? Need to watch her. Leo seems ok. Esmerelda and Emeric are ok. The redtails, butterfly split fins, and catemaco platies are good. still need to check on some.
  17. I am still trying to figure green water out, to be honest. It does seem to take 2-3 days to see any differences, but maybe it depends on how much fertilizer you use, and how much light there is? Some people use air stones, but I haven’t tried that yet. I don’t really know if the green water has benefitted any tank I’ve tried to use it in. Mosquito fish? I just received a few pairs of Gambusia holbrooki, that’s very cool. Hope to hear more about them.
  18. The first one was an accident, so I’m not sure, but after that one, they took about 2-3 days outside in full summer sun, or 3-4 days with a 24 hour light. The new ones were ‘seeded’ with some of the green water from the first jar. I do use Easy Green in pretty much everything, these included. I’m still trying things to figure out what works, and I don’t really know why any of it works at all, to be honest, so I don’t know if this is good advice or not. Two of the jars have lost their green, probably because I put them in windows without direct sunlight. One I brought back, the other I’m still trying to bring back to green. Good luck!
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